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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    dude, trust me, I've considered it in the past. But then not everything a person writes is something I don't want to read. Religious 'nuttdom' is TOTALLY subjective and you equate that with what your perception of religion is. Tell me how your continual posting of videos and photos and articles is any better than the continual attempt at conversion by these 'nuts'? You're doing the SAME thing, from the other side Kev. They spout their propaganda, you spout yours. Who's better? Sorry, i don't mean to sound like a complete beeyotch, just the way I see it. I understand from your previous posts that you've had some not-so-comfortable experiences with fundamentalists, and I respect that. I just think there's a much better way to sort it all out than with these derogatory photos, et al. I know I don't have to open the thread and I exercise that right quite frequently. Only occasionally will I come in to see if something is new or different and I find i'm often wrong. Thanks for the comment about my photo... that place was the best!
  2. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    Here, in an effort to be more positive, i post this photo I took a few days ago... i just came back from London and this little Norman chapel was in the white tower at the Tower of London site. If anyone is in London, i highly suggest visiting the Tower... it was my most favourite thing I did while over there and was absolutely amazing in every regard.
  3. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    Thing is, I don't even self-identify as a Christian. I just don't find a lot of humour in poking fun at a person's religious beliefs. I equate it to laughing as the school bully picks on the less fortunate kid in the classroom. It gets very old (for me at least), very fast. And considering the size of this thread, that 'very fast' came ages ago.
  4. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    Just wondering if it's possible to have anything positive shown in this thread? Having it continually resurface at the top of my little forum screen drives me crazy.
  5. I'm a little excited there's so many young people in cabinet positions. Hopefully policy will reflect that.
  6. Therein lies the brilliancy of Godwin's law.
  7. We've been godwinning threads around here for awhile now, i think.
  8. Don't drink out of the milk carton, for the love of god. Or at least do it when she's not home. Pour a glass. Hit the toilet bowl too! If you have to, turn the light on during the middle of the night!
  9. hey now Ollie, to be fair, I didn't say anyone around here was a hypocrite. Just saying that I imagine the outcry would be just as fierce if it were coming from the different side. And rightly so, politics get people all fired up inside!
  10. I'm with you guys on this train too. But would like to tack on the whole of information technology... computers, internet, satellites, gps, cell phones, the whole lot.
  11. Thank god. That piece was utter tripe and pretty damn embarassing posted on the cbc, opinion piece or not. I can only imagine the outcry from those who outcried 'opinion piece' if say it were some whacked out evangelist going off the deep end instead.
  12. Er, maybe I have extraordinary vision, but i'm pretty sure the neo-nazi is wearing tinted glasses.
  13. Day 57 of Steve Harper Slam Watch: D_jango - really now? Are we going by 'tinge'? If that's the case, I could pick out half the people I walk by on the street to be Harper look alikes. If there is an underlying association of nazis and assassination plots -- it's absolutely fucking insulting on all counts. Not to go on a crusade or anything, but it is. I don't really think, considering the sensitivity of the subject, anyone should find it even in the slightest bit appropriate as ribbing material. Disgusting is an understatement.
  14. Since when did long eyelashes equate as makeup? Nothing in that pic reminds me of Stephen Harper. Brilliant imagery? Not really. Slam? Probably. Actually, most definitely. If this neo-nazi were sitting around a fireplace in a sweatervest, I could see the correlation. Otherwise, I'm with SS.
  15. Totally. I have a hunch (and time will tell) that not everything is going to be a confidence motion this time around. Just seems to me to be so much better an answer than having a strong, united left party that is guaranteed majority governments because there's less option out there. I'd much rather have a house with seats for everyone and a government that tries it's very best to get along and do what's right. Unfortunately for Canadians everywhere, both the conservatives and the liberals had their own internal party struggles to deal with over the last two years, and they milked the system to help them get through it. Hopefully those days are over.
  16. or why not work together in minority governments and make our political parties shape us and not themselves? the system doesn't have to be about who sits in the PM's chair. all have a voice that's rarely used. if those in opposition feel strongly about the crime bill, force the Conservatives back to the drawing board. Hold government's accountable, for the love of god.
  17. haha... i always wished i could do the morning announcements at school.
  18. Birdy


    Good idea! haha..
  19. Birdy


    oh wait.. haha.. i see what you're saying! backwards... er. 1 dollar CAD got me 49 pence!
  20. Birdy


    Really? $800 Canadian got me just under 400GBP. Doesn't feel so bargainy...
  21. Birdy

    New LPC Leader?

    Bold statement sir! haha
  22. Birdy


    The euro is dropping as there's speculation the European central bank is going to cut interest rates again. If I were converting to euros I'd do it now... it's the lowest it's been in four years... or so I seem to recall reading somewhere. I'd speculate it's not going to gain *much* ground, if any before you have to cash in your dollars. I just converted some money into pounds for a trip over to England on Saturday... 49cents = 1 pound... OUCH.
  23. Birdy

    New LPC Leader?

    John Manley has the best name for a PM.
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