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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. er... folks, let's not forget it was Prime Minister Paul Martin under the Liberals who formed the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
  2. Canadians don't like snowball fights? I do.
  3. Do you have reasoning or are you acting on a hunch?
  4. Me, with the Liberals? You sure about that?
  5. Perhaps you should consider campaigning with the Liberals?
  6. Solid platform Ollie and oh-so-thought provoking.
  7. I need to work. I think you're wrong! ::apologises, focuses on other things::
  8. Riiiggght, I suppose that's why he told Quebec voters yesterday that he'd promise francophone representation on Canadian airwaves.
  9. He has and is doing what he can to protect our jobs.
  10. I don't get the 'ooooooh, he broke a promise' thing. This government surely isn't the first or the last to break an election promise. Fack, so many have been broken over the years, I half-ass expect it. Did you watch the news last night and see what happened on Wall street yesterday? The Dow Jones fell 450 points. HUGE. Banks and big business were royally screwed over with a number falling into bankruptcy and the rest scrambling to put together last-minute mergers in order to stay alive for another day. This equates to job loss on a majorly major scale. Yet Harper's government is deemed evil and friends of the boardroom for granting and promoting corporate tax cuts. I'm all for the little guy, but the reality is, big business employs a shitload of Canadians. Do we really want to promote corporate flight to more business-friendly economies outside of Canada, or do we want to keep Canadians employed? Jack Layton seems to think banks and business don't need our help. Obviously he didn't watch the stocks yesterday, or perhaps spoke too soon.
  11. Thank you Schwa. That was precisely the same thing I wanted to highlight. Perfect!!! Way to go dudes! You guys, Jack Layton and Stephane Dion should register 'All we know is Harper's got a secret agenda' club as a third party and help out the already cash-strapped Liberal party promote the message on tax payer coin! Do ya not think the Cons have more divested interest in remaining electable for more than four years? There is no 'secret agenda'. Talk about a culture of fear!
  12. Yes, he's a multi-millionaire, after selling out Newfoundland's regional cable service to big time capitalist media giant, Rogers.
  13. Danny Williams is an egocentric maniac who uses tax payer money to streetfight Ottawa, propagandizing the interest of provincial-federal relations into it's either us or them. Those who share a different voice than him have no other choice but to quit his parliament and/or his province. [color:purple]YAY DANNY WILLIAMS!
  14. Yep, that was in response to what Peter felt was a poor effort on the part of the NDP to address professionaly trained immigrants who come to Canada and are under-employed. Peter said something to the effect that after researching and researching, all he could really find was a 1-800 number.
  15. For your viewing pleasure!: http://www.cbc.ca/national/blog/special_feature/archive/canada_votes/your_turn_elections/more_with_jack_layton.html
  16. I felt Peter was giving it to him a little bit last night too. Especially over his cap & trade program when Peter mentioned it didn't work in other countries and saw an increase in carbon emmissions. Jack: "Well, no it didn't Peter, blah blah blah blah" Peter: "Well, actually it did Jack, but let's move on" I also found it simultaneously ironic flipping back and forth between news programs listening to Prime Ministerial Candidate Jack Layton talk about cuts to big business and banking institutions "who don't need our help" and on another station watching the abismal near fatal results on Wall Street yesterday that had businesses and banks alike scrambling to last minute deal themselves away from bankruptcy. Good times!
  17. There's a lot to like on the green platform for the righties... especially libertarians... and even the social conservatives (income tax splitting). Should be interesting!
  18. HAHAHA... so i've been sitting here for the last hour watching Jack Layton answer questions from various Canadians over a variety of issues on the National. Not only is he scaring the hell out of me, but I've been sitting here thinking the entire time that Jack hasn't even really answered any of the questions head on whatsoever, but otherwise diverts them onto Stephen Harper this, Liberal government that. Funny thing is, two seconds ago, an email comes in from a viewer doing the same thing as me. Her question was "Mr. Layton, is it possible for you to answer a question?" HAHAH
  19. So in your terms, the carbon tax is a, punishing those who pollute with taxation and b, forcing them to spend more money in order to fix their problems in order to comply? I don't even really think it's "their" problem, moreso "ours". It seems much greener and a whole lot nicer considering to float money into research and development first, come up with green solutions to the problems together and then introduce a tax when industry is in a much better place to adhere/cope. Norway underwent the same thing and saw a 43% increase in carbon emmissions. How is that? Denmark, on the other hand, developed solutions first to make it easier for industry to adapt. Then introduced a carbon tax to give revenues back to industry to go even greener. That sounds way better to me. Sooooo eighteenth-century.
  20. Seems to me using revenues from a carbon tax to cut income tax imply that we're counting on polluters continuing to pollute. Doesn't seem so very green to me.
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