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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. I don't know nearly, remotely enough about the shipbuilding industry to make even kind of an educated guess as to how things are done. I know that Peter Mackay was shopping around for ships back in the spring (maybe??). I couldn't tell you what the outcome of that was though. I think i could get behind government commissioned projects in the private sector though... in which we took a truly innovative approach to build something and said 'this is what we want, build it'. I don't know the variables though, and if we have the kind of parliamentarians who would be *that* innovative. So in other words, i don't know...
  2. er... i had two independents too! here's mine... reconfig'ed: Cons: 141 Libs: 79 Bloc: 48 NDP: 40
  3. haha miners of the world unite!
  4. Where's your one green seat prediction? Conservative Minority CPC: 139 LPC: 79 Bloc: 48 NDP: 40 Green: 0
  5. Really? According to www.ecologycenter.org:
  6. You mean ban the chemicals inside of them, right? Kinda like lead? I'm all for it. But I want more... does this really do anything to decrease consumer dependency, gotta have that lemony fresh scent, on these products? I don't think so. Why can't people just use vinegar and water? lemon oil? It's way cheaper. And has the potential to change most people's thinking. And doesn't fill up our landfills with countless product bottles and plastic. I want to see a return to glass milk bottles too... and pop bottles.
  7. More to say later, but: How do we get people to stop purchasing things like Windex, Pine-sol, Mr. Clean, Vim, Comet, BAM!, and all generic named products of the same sort? How do we get them on to vinegar and water as the cheap and environmentally friendly version of their daily cleaning supply? Do we put labels on the bottles like they do cigarettes of the carcinogenic effects of these products? Their detriments to the environment? Hmm... this could have some power... it's all about educating the public as to the negative side of these things. Do we adopt the same stop-smoking campaign when it comes to all of these substandard products? What do we do with all the people who work at the local windex bottling plant, or whatever it is? Where do they go to work? What about mandatory skill training for these people if faced with losing their jobs? I fear for the 50 year old man who is 25 years away from retirement and in his mind, already defeated when it comes to training for a new job. What about back to school plans being a part of buy-out packages? What about lobbying the provinces with money to rework their apprenticeships? According to my friend, electricians in Ontario have a 1:1 ratio of apprentice to electrician. In Alberta, it's 5:1. I could be a little off on that Alberta number, but I know it's more favourable to those looking for an apprenticeship. Are your ideas for big truck manufacturers and shipbuilders to be considered a national program? A crown corporation? Or do we leave this in the private sector? I'd want to leave it in the private sector, so where does the start up capital come from?
  8. She's droppin' pretty much every 'g'.
  9. oh god, i so, so, so disagree with Sarah Palin. There's nothing wrong with sitting down to talk to your enemies. Sanctions should be in place first? She's evil.
  10. Here's a good article posted on the New York Times website back in March, but relevant to us come election time. I'm becoming increasingly fascinated with the Europeans... they've been on to a lot, for a long time. I don't think this would be by any means easy for Canada/ians, but i want it for us.
  11. Ok, I see what you're getting at. The NDP would be projecting a larger take home due to their cuts on business and industry. I think maybe it's best to withdraw my defense altogether. I don't particulary feel good about defending either one of these things. Thanks for putting me into perspective!
  12. Sorry, i'm not arguing the cap and trade program, mostly their entire platform of spending that focuses around the 'kitchen table' and cuts that focus on the 'evil boardroom'. I really do think their platform would be further damaging to an already pretty damaged industrial sector, and as much as I get that boardrooms are evil, they are a vital part of the way we operate our economy and have way too much potential to do good and not do good for a public party to publicly campaign how evil they are. I'll give points to the NDP for healthcare and skilled labour training, but everytime Jack Layton opens his mouth about big business I cringe. Personally, i prefer nothing over both the tax and the cap and trade. I think we're taking the entirely wrong approach to environmental solutions. The tax for reasons i've already outlined, the cap and trade, while I like that it promotes non-polluting industries and gives incentive to them, we do have a very broad base of industry who do pollute and it's still money out of their pocket, potentials for MORE job loss, etc. Half of Chatham is unemployed and my buddies are moving away. I don't want more of them to have to. I think a cap and trade program allows those who can afford to pollute to just keep chugging along. Like i said elsewhere, why can't we help these companies first??? In the interim, my vote will stay with the CP's on this one... while i don't think it's nearly enough money, they're on the right track with grants to businesses to invest in pollution reduction, giving consumers initative to purchase energy-efficient cars, and support for research & development. If the CPs would take what they've budgeted here and times that by 3 or 4 over the next three years, i'd say it's the best environmental policy on the table. And then after those 3 or 4 years, with a little bit of foresight given, bring on a carbon tax. Just make sure that people/business are in the right frame of mind and pocketbook to deal with it first.
  13. This is the best. Obviously they were pulling names off of the guest list. hahaha.
  14. But, I do think Jack Layton would make an excellent neighbour.
  15. I try and I can't. Something about universal health care doesn't really matter when people are unemployed.
  16. Yep. I'm a little afraid of the carbon tax. We're so dependent on oil in soo many respects... i'm afraid for not only industry, but the average joe shmoe. You know, the family that lives pay cheque to pay cheque, never really getting ahead. Wait until the cost of gas goes way up, and the costs of heating houses goes way up... things like these are necessities for people. Income tax cuts aren't going to help them out. If they get a return come tax time, most of these people already owe that money out in the first place - mortgage payments they are struggling with, utility bills they are behind with, etc., etc., etc. I'm sure for the most part, this money will be spent in the first month of receipt. How is that supposed to help them come June, July, August, September and so on down the calendar when they start seeing prices for basic things climb? We need to do something now for people and business alike to change green. I view it almost like a fighting chance.
  17. These are only those promises made during the election campaign. Not those already in place. In defense of the Liberals, they are projecting a larger take home due to the carbon tax and have most likely beafed up their spending to offset. Which I suppose they'll have to, if the carbon tax lives up to what critics say it's going to do, and forces businesses to leave Canada and people to lose their jobs. The NDP, i rarely can find any excuse for, and totally agree with Stephane Dion when he said their policy would be damaging for the economy. Out of all of them, and considering circumstance, I think the Greens have things about right. Just expect more blue collar stay at home dads benefitting from the tax split.
  18. Meggo - check out this site pissedconsumer.com. You can check out all the bad things in one locale!
  19. I'll be watching three guys and one lady shout at another guy, and that guy try to keep it cool as best he can without losing it. And then come a commercial i'll flip over to see the airhead and the moron.
  20. The Globe and Mail has a section on their website that tracks the spending promises made by all of the major parties during this election campaign. It can be found here. Conservatives - $6.5 billion over 5 years Liberals - $54.5 billion over 4 years NDP - $51.6 billion over 4 years Greens - $22.5 billion over 4 years Pretty substantial stuff here.
  21. Yes, but if undervalued labour can be found elsewhere at the same under-valued price while still producing large scale buying power to create terrible products at rock bottom prices, don't you think shareholders would continue to find it in their interests as profiteers to continue down this road?
  22. I'm not overly sure about the Criminal Code being the be all and end all... i'm inclined to think so, but?? I'll find out about that one.
  23. What do you mean by murder, rape, assault? Like... not being able to repeal the Criminal Code?
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