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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. PT, if you can cross the border, i'd say venture on over to Detroit! Last year the Detroit scene seemed to take a bit of a hiatus, but it's back... big time! Shows almost every weekend and no annoying Toronto people. I just got myself a couple of Tom Petty tickets for $50 each! Wooo! I'm sure those would have cost $100+ in Toronto.
  2. I don't know you anymore.
  3. Birdy

    RC: loves Ron Paul

    Nothing like a few beers and some political chat to come to the conclusion that our end points are one in the same, just getting there is a little different. I think we're some good people d-rawk!
  4. Dude, you're telling a bunch of hippies there's no such thing as global warming. It's a losing battle.
  5. *shudder* I don't think i'd subject myself to that... i saw the Stars this past Saturday in Pontiac and the Detroit indie kids were enough for me! For what it's worth, i don't hate these people. I just don't understand their impersonal nature and frankly, don't like to surround myself with it. I can almost feel myself becoming cynical and I'm the furthest thing from cynical.
  6. Toronto hipster snob douchebags almost ruin Toronto shows for me. SUCH a buzz kill. Nothing is worse than taking the average Indie show full of Indie snobs and hosting it in Toronto. Take your geographical superiority complex and go fack off! I'm nice to people from Petawawa to St. John's to friggin' Red Deer. They should try it too. Say hello and excuse me. They go a long way.
  7. Birdy

    RC: loves Ron Paul

    I love the herpes then.
  8. That's what I said the first three or four times I subjected myself to that mess. Last time i was there i laid a few elbows here and there. That was best part about the whole thing.
  9. Experience confirmed! Bayfest blows! The drinking area is so jammed packed with complete and utter boneheads it makes me want to jump off a cliff. If Ryan Adams and Wilco were together at bayfest i'd still have to seriously consider whether I'd want to subject myself to that meatheadedry. Boo Bayfest!
  10. Jaimoe, I believe that message above is the generic message for all the shows. I think the MMJ show falls under the "unless otherwise noted" category.
  11. Depends on if you consider your tv a non-essential appliance!
  12. My neighbour's domestic dispute: Dad: Shut the fuck up, you stupid fucking c*nt! {door slams) Kid: Mommy, where's daddy going? ---- Sweet.
  13. Birdy


    Here's some photos i took in Maranello, Italy last May at the Ferrari factory... we sold these cars at auction. Sweet potato pies don't compare to these. My absolute favourite:
  14. Birdy


    easy now! i personally think enzo's are ugly and hardly the ferrari of ferraris.
  15. Hahhaa... that was awesome!!! A++!
  16. Birdy


    wrong wrong wrong! sweet potato pie = best pie out there. the ferrari of ferraris, straight outta italy. pumpkin pie is good too... but more in the once a year, it's thanksgiving, let's have pumpkin pie with whip cream way.
  17. It is! Google turned their lights off. They rock!
  18. me too! i deliberately typed the wrong word one time and it went through.
  19. Birdy


    I like my potatoes sweet. Especially in pie form, or with candied tops, or sweet potato fries.
  20. Birdy

    Official Opposition?

    Sometimes i think people vote liberal not because of policy, but because that's the thing to do. I've had too many conversations with people who asked how they'll vote respond with "I don't know... liberal." The Liberals are a bloody joke right now. How long does it take to get their shit together? I've said it before, but if i was in the slightest a liberal supporter, I'd be pissed at all this continued 'strategizing'.
  21. The room key thing was all over my travels in Europe... i think it's great!! Another great thing is hotel rooms without alarm clocks, instead the tv turns on when it's time for your wakeup call. One thing that drives me INSANE is packaging. Why have a box around a tube of toothpaste? Or a bag for a bag? Mind-boggling. A friend of mine works for a pharmaceutical company and has a basement full of 'useless' products that just get thrown away because of some kind of damage to the packaging. The box around the toothpaste has a tear in it, so the whole tube goes to waste. The deoderant label has a tiny scratch in the top corner, so the entire deoderant is useless and gets tossed. Can't there be some kind of discount store where these items are sold? Seriously!! And we think we're making progress. I won't be home for earth hour, so everything will be shut off. If I was though, it'd still be shut off. I liked Velvet's analogy of the seriously wounded guy with a hundred bullet holes in him. Even though a bandaid isn't going to do much, i still think buddy would like it if someone was *trying* to help him. That stuff always counts for something.
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