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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. I think it's more about options for different policies. The Liberals and NDP are very different and have a very different voter base. If they merged to form a coalition and compromised parts of their platform all in an effort to 'get along', there goes the representation in Ottawa for those voters who wouldn't necessarily agree with such compromises. The beauty of party politics is choice for Canadians, if all parties merged into one big happy family, i'd venture to say that's more of a dictatorship than anything else.
  2. gotta get the lingo down! Good news!
  3. oops! I read trogdor's post in response to me... but maybe it was you! who knows! i'm tired too. oh wait - trogdor, in hindsight i think you were talking about Stephen harper blaming the previous government... but i guess in his defence, he is campaigning and that's what you do when you campaign. On the other side, he's getting blamed for things that are nothing but pure speculation (which i think is a little bit worse).
  4. I think it was prior to the 2006 election in the debates that Stephen Harper announced the Conservative party would not support privatization of our health care system. When he spoke of 'cultural funding going up' after his budget cuts, he was talking about subsidies, which did. Participaction was 'scrapped' in 2001 due to Liberal budget cuts, it was re-introduced in 2007 by Harper's government. I don't blame the last government for anything, like I said, I liked Paul Martin. I can't find any good in the word 'blame'... moving on is always better... imo.
  5. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    what does WWSD mean? The event is a charity-auction, fundraising dinner for the Antique Car club of America... thing is it coincides at the same time three other major events that draw in about 500,000 people, so moving it wasn't an option. It's been going on for 50 years. I'm still reeling a little at that last line. AGH..
  6. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    This email just came in to me seconds ago: Please! The world doesn't stop for the Jewish calendar!! Obviously, this wasn't my response, but c'mon.... 'offensive'?? grrr.
  7. I think most voters would find some of their political agendas compromised because of a want to save Canada from what? Oh yes, hidden agendas! Seems like this is for the most part a power grab on behalf of Jack Layton. I don't know if most card-carrying Liberals would be happy about it. Jack is much more left than the average Lib. It would require abandonning policy on both hands. I'd be a little upset if I supported either of the two.
  8. HELL NO! Neil Diamond was one of the best shows I've ever seen in my life.
  9. I think the most important thing kids need available to them (moreso than sports, arts and recreation) are their parents. Extra-curriculars have become so important for kids because their parents aren't playing that strong of a role - whether it's because of single-parent families, the need for dual income, just plain lack of caring, whatever, it's a sad reality. Social programs have taken over parenting, teachers are the new parent. Provincial governments have most of the power here. I agree with you on the YOA. I think it pretty much sucks. I just don't agree a 14 or 15 year old kid in the same frame of mind an adult is when they commit crimes. The whole "badness/don't fug with me" thing is kinda proof. But harsher sentences, big time. Life in prison, not so much.
  10. What are you talking about? The Liberals, if anyone, HAVE been letting Harper do as he pleases since elected. Like i said before, Stephane Dion surely wasn't acting like the leader of the Opposition when he repeatedly voted in favour of the countless confidence motions Harper put before him. He voted so much in favour of this government that I was even starting to wish he wouldn't. Our economy has *maybe a little to do with Jean Chretien and Brian Mulroney* but moreso to do with the USA, free-market collapse, legislation which drives business away to open up in developing countries cuz it's way cheaper, rising Chinese, Russian, Middle-Eastern economies, the war on terror, job loss because of the afore mentioned, the list goes on. I don't understand how anyone can blame THIS government for the state of our economy when you elected them as a MINORITY government only TWO YEARS AGO! Is Canada in it's own little bubble, completely free and void of the global market? Hell no. Since Harper's been in government not really much has changed in my life, aside from the raise I got back in January... oh and rising gas prices which, YES, i don't like. (But that surely isn't Harper's fault, and if you claim it is, sorry, but i seriously would have to calculate your intelligence.) He has done absolutely NOTHING that I would consider has "ruined Canada". And frankly, all these talks of *hidden agendas* only further detracts from my like of the left. And please, for the love of god, stop quoting from 7-8-9-10 years ago. Not only is there absolutely nothing wrong with those quotes considering Harper is an Albertan and was involved with the Reform party, people are ALLOWED to grow their political philosophy. Contrary to what the left thinks (ONLY when it concerns the right i might add), the political philosophy of a 30 year old, doesn't necessarily apply to that of a 40 year old, and so on down the line.
  11. Er, i still think the YOA needs to be re-hauled, big time, bigger than big time. I don't really see any correlation between the cost of punitive measures for a kid who kills someone, and sending him to school (the costs of which are primarily controlled by provincial governments). I wish people around here would ease up on the whole yee-haw alberta, Harper is the Reform party thing. Most of the party who ARE old-school reformers are pissed at him for the new centist route he's taking. Only thing is, they have nowhere to go but to disunite the right. And that there is a touchy subject.
  12. Oh god. Please, no. Full article here
  13. It's hard for me to believe as for years I've been saying that the "Young Offenders Act" is a fugging joke and youth violence punishment has to be overhauled and it turns out to be Harper who's finally addressing this topic. I've NEVER been a fan of the Conservatives but KUDOS for them for at least having the balls to say enough is enough...12 & 13 year old kids kicking a student repeatedly so that student could not attend classes for days; kids with guns killing kids; innocent kids being caught in the crossfire... There is no easy fix or solution to this rapidly growing epidemic but it can no longer be ignored in our "True North Strong & Free"... I'm a little uneasy about this. Something about the possibility of sentencing a 14 year old to life in prison doesn't sit right with me.
  14. Yes, he's a champion federalist, I'm well aware. I just don't think he could stand up past the first punch by Danny.
  15. Guys, you two were all about advocating Heather Mallick blatantly and abusively attacking republicans calling them 'sexual inadequates' and then going on to outright insult Sarah Palin with blatant generalizations and outright dirty insults. And i'm not even a Sarah Palin fan. And now, in a different thread you're attacking the 'private' blog of someone who feels different than you on other issues. What's up with that? At least we're not funding it.
  16. That's cool. To each their own.
  17. no probs on the rant, Rex Murphy wrote the article. I agreed with him. I totally understand that all is not equal by ANY means, Saskatchewan's just coming over the other side of equalization themselves. I never thought that equalization was actually supposed to totally equal. Obviously Quebec, Ontario and Alberta are going to be more prosperous considering resources and the jobs and economies that prosper because of it. I just don't like Danny's approach, I find the ABC totally offensive and childlike. And should the Liberals have remained in power and Harper weren't elected, I'm sure it would have been ABL instead (considering the road they were headed down during Paul Martin's last days). I'm happy for NL'ers that they have someone who sticks up for them and isn't afraid to fight for what's right. Like I said, I just don't like how he fights and think he could probably make way more ground with Ottawa if he'd be a little more diplomatic. I've never been in a situation yet in my life where talking something out rationally doesn't help. I can't see how launching the ABC and then having a Conservative government elected is going to help the good people out east.
  18. I think the Liberal party is comprised of the hardcore Liberals who come thick or thin, would never break from the party, the left ideologues who the NDP could stand to sway over through compromise and a more centrist group who could swing the CPC way and who apparently are, the more Harper packs away the populist/Reform end of his party. Kudos to the Liberal campaign as they're getting it on both ends and that's gotta suck. I think they'd (and all parties) would fair better if they'd drop the whole "Harper is evil" edge of their campaigns and get down to actually talking, explaining and debating their policies. I think the continued attack of a Harper with horns on his head could actually stand to the detriment of both the NDP and the Liberals, especially the latter. Harper (aside from his ridiculous ministers who can't seem to keep their mouths shut) has been running a pretty tight campaign so far and is capitilizing on his opponents who just can't seem to get it together. Perhaps because they thought Canadians would listen to them by playing the CPC=evil card? I don't know. But I don't think that angle is working wonders for them. Edit to add: Outside of Toronto and jambands.ca of course.
  19. No plans to Ollie! This election will be interesting in the least. I suppose that's a good strategy, I never thought of it that way. And by all means they need to legitimize themselves. Just seems that at this particular time they have more chance to secure lefty-liberal votes by calling attention to the lack of leadership of the Liberals... these kinds of opportunities don't come along often with the Libs. I'd want to pick some of those up if I were Jack Layton. But maybe he will without even trying... hmmm.
  20. I think the Dion attacks are pretty much true, and what most Canadians who've been staunchly liberal (and those sitting inside the party) are thinking themselves (the whole he's no leader thing). I don't like them, think they show poor taste in being an attack ad, but that's ringing true for all parties right now, aside from the Greens. None of them really 'upset' me, I just think they're ridiculous. Maybe since I see more anti-Harper ones as there's three party's to one, I get a little biased. I don't understand why the NDP don't target the Liberals more in their ads. Seems to me they stand to pick up more votes from them than a teetering Conservative-Liberal who will undoubtedly vote Conservative in response to whatever it is the Liberals are sorting through. I am happy though the Libs are up in the polls.
  21. I was thinking moreso the one produced by the NDP against Harper in which he's claimed to be pro-war, pro-Bush, pro-oil, the list goes on... someone said it could stand to win an oscar in the short film category. I forget who.
  22. Actually now that you say that an Australian co-worker of mine living in Canada was freaking out about trying to send in her vote from overseas a few months back. Hmm... i'll have to talk to her!
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