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Everything posted by Whitey

  1. Yes, I agree, because it is not going to get any better if they can't change the team. I can't believe Mats won't waive the no trade clause. I understand his loyalty and would hate to see him go, but the team is in shambles. We need help and this would help us out now and in the future. JFJ absolutely ruined this team. There was a big love in back a few weeks ago for JFJ, but that asshole screwed this team for a long time. Mats Sundin is the type of player that deserves a no trade clause. Kubina, McCabe, Kaberle, and Tucker do not deserve them. Brutal!!! BTW, Plomax, do you really believe what you are typing? Have you watched this team this year? Mats Sundin does not think he has a chance at the playoffs, he is just very comfortable where he is and does not want to leave.
  2. So, Bryan McCabe invites all the Leafs to his house for a party. He asks >Paul Maurice if he could bring the beer. The coach says no problem and >loads up the back of his SUV with cases of beer. > >En route to the party, the coach is at a traffic light and the guy in >the car next to him is blowing his horn and yelling GO LEAFS! Maurice >smiles and waves. > >The guy yells over to Maurice: "Hey coach! What's with all the beer?" > >The coach replies: "Oh. I got it for McCabe." > >The other guy punches the air and cheers. > >"Great trade coach! Great trade!"
  3. That would be a good trade, but then next year we would need to replace Kaberle and although he has not had a great year, he is a great d-man at a reasonable price.
  4. Raycroft is terrible and he is worst than a second rate goalie, but Toskala has done a great job this year. It is too late into a terrible season to be upset anymore. The 8-0 destruction by the Panthers destroyed my interest in the Leafs this year.
  5. Bye, bye Juan. Nothing like a marginal player complaining about playing time. I like how Colangelo stated that he wanted players in Toronto who wanted to be here.
  6. First it was Sundin for Koivu and now they are losing on purpose. Not so sure about both of those statements. They are losing because they are not a good team. But, bring on the first pick. And Kev, yes, I am sure that a few teams would give up some great young talent and picks if Sundin would just waive his no trade clause.
  7. Will you still be on tour with them when they head down to Cuba with FM96? That would be a good time.
  8. Whitey

    I love sports

    Nice way to start the morning.
  9. What a game, what an embarassment! Kev, you are absolutely right about Maurice, he should sit some of these assholes down and bring up a few more Marlies. The best line last night was the 4th line. They were hitting and actually had a little punch. I have never been to such a terrible game and been so disappointed. I have not seen a game in over 2 years, so I was excited to go, but that quickly faded.They had absolutely nothing. They can't control the puck or get anything set up, even on the powerplay. 8-0 in front of your home fans. Horrible. And then they bring f*ckin Raycroft in and he almost gives up a goal on his first shot. What a terrible team! What a terrible effort! And after last night's effort, I can not see why some of these f*cks would not waive their no trade clauses to get out of this situation.
  10. Ahhhh, I think we have enough over paid goalies.
  11. Wow, I only saw the highlights of this game, but Ovechkin was amazing. Those were some beauty goals. He is a one man show.
  12. Not sure if anyone is interested, but I have 2 tickets for Tuesday's game against the Panthers. They are in the reds. I would be willing to sell one or both if anyone is interested.
  13. Very true, but the NHL is not the NFL or the NBA.
  14. What Canadians Think About Everything- Quiz
  15. It'll Cost You To See The Bills
  16. I watched most of the skills competition and it was a disappointment. Kudos for trying but somethings need to be worked out. Definately liked the 3 on 3, but the shootout was boring.
  17. When push comes to shove the W is all the matters at the end of any game. Absolutely, you guys are slowly creeping up on those Sens.
  18. I must say the Habs are looking pretty good right now.
  19. Maybe he doesn't know everything?
  20. http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/news_story/?ID=227516&hubname=
  21. Solid effort and a nice win for the Leafs. Something positive in a very negative situation. Did anyone see JFJ during the 2nd intermission last night? Good on him for doing the interview, that definately takes some balls. I also really liked his answers, they were straight to the point and he was very honest and up front. I am visiting this website today: http://www.firerichardpeddie.ca/
  22. I am sure many of you have seen this, but it is very funny, so I thought I would post it.
  23. One of the many reasons the Leafs are where they are today.
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