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The D Funk

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Everything posted by The D Funk

  1. just checked in to holiday inn express beers on ice and ready to rock.. so fired up right now!!
  2. what time you all leaving!!! im thinkin of leaving by 8 am from the peterpatch..
  3. will be there staying at the holiday inn express downtown first shows since coventry as well. hope to see some of you down there
  4. what a setlist! can't wait to hear it!
  5. wish i could have been there!! saw them in feb, byron bay australia in a tent with bout only 25 ppl they still played like it was jammed pack. The truckers never disappoint... Glad you all had a blast!
  6. Steve Earle-Townes Definetly my fav thus far!!
  7. The D Funk


    Thanks for the review, well said!!
  8. The D Funk


    The exile Set @ http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LE04OF8T Enjoy Folks
  9. The D Funk


    listening from the sunshine coast in queensland australia and loving every minute of it!!! Can't wait for albany!!
  10. love the guy!! thats great ersh thanks for sharing the live adventures album with bloomfield is definetly one of my fav's..
  11. and the album is,............ exile on main street???
  12. Albany both nights !! finally luck is on my side, dont know about my seats tho!! sec 124 i beleive
  13. same with me!! hope their good seats!! I seem to always get crap seats from the ticket lottery!!
  14. Check out! great first listen some of the tracks I had before, Enjoy folks. http://rapidshare.com/files/262093554/Drive-By_Truckers_-_The_Fine_Print__2009__K.rar Peace
  15. Yah totally I knew you would appreciate it Newrider!!! I already ordered mine.
  16. Well folks we are fastly approaching the weekend, Been waiting for ever for this one and I finally found it, Already ordered the album but cant wait till tues! click here for Murdering Oscar and other Love SOngs http://rapidshare.com/files/245827929/Patterson_Hood-Murdering_Oscar__And_Other_Love_Songs_-2009-FNT.rar Grab a bottle and Crank it Up!!
  17. Love the Webers being from Peterborough I have seen them for the last 8 yeaRS grow into the musical powerhouses they are!! they can do it all from Indian Music, to blues jazz and rock and funk!! bluegrass to country, I love those boys and they are prolly the most down to earth lads I have ever shared a drink with 2!
  18. Ya it was wild everybody went to see Ben Harper's new band which i seen the friday nite and wasn't too impressed with. The played three times at the festival, once with booker T which was amazing. On the Saturday nite The truckers had a full ten which was on the main stage, then Last nite they Played the smallest tent and no-on really showed. It was the perfect way to finish off an amazing weekend.
  19. Hello All last night Last Nite in Byron Bay The Drive by Truckers played the most amazing show it felt like I had them playing for me in my living room.Seriously there was less than 50 ppl there but the band played as if there was 50,000. it was ridiculous and after I got to meet them and shoot the shit, this blues fest was some of the best shows I have ever seen. What a Ride, it pissed down raining all weekend but it just made the whole experience The whole festival was Excellent all the acts i caught were awesome, but Last nite was something else!! just thought i would share,
  20. Memories, what a great venue I personally loved the way you could watch the band from a birds eye view! pepperjacks you will be missed!
  21. Thanks alot yah i think i might just grab my party favors here on the sunshine coast!! one less stop i have to make before the bluesfest but i do wanna check it out at some point!.
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