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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. I only recorded the video, not audio. Sadly, I had no idea how (or if it could be) to set the input levels on the camera so my patch from Andrew is too loud, I'm going to have to sync everything up once the recording hits the web. There was a board patch but I didn't have my 1/4" cable with me, so it went to one of the tapers, should be a great matrix to use for the sync. It was my first video recording & I am sorta happy with it, but it probally won't be ready for a few weeks I'm guessing.
  2. Friday OCTOBER 27 Right on - Looking forward to it.
  3. Great show in my opinion, damn, I love that band. I got my 'Zip City' & 'Outfit', so I was more then happy just with that. Another highlight for me was meeting them after the sound check & then later stinkin up the bus with some fine Canadian herb & leaving em red eyed & smilin'. I seriously hope that Hamilton gets a return visit from DBT next time around. Its looking like my ankle is alot worse off then I originally thought, once the beer & whiskey wore off I realized it was really messed. I've been putting off going to emergency for a couple hours now but its looking like I have no choice now. By the looks of it its either broken or seriously sprained as my foot won't even fit in my shoe now & the pain is reeling. Thanks god for perks. So I may have a ticket to part with, I doubt I could do cutches at the Phoenix & taking a GO bus just doesn't appeal to me in this state. See what happens later I guess, I could sure stand to catch them again tonight while I'm not babysitting a video recorder.
  4. Alright, on to day 3 of the week long DVD give-aways (Until Oct.20th). Just post in this thread, as many times as you want & between 5&6pm tonight, I'll draw a number outta a hat and match it up with a post in this thread Neil Young - At The Bridge Collection Vol 1* (1 DVD) Neil Young - At The Bridge Collection Vol 2* (1 DVD) Neil Young - At The Bridge Collection Vol 3* (1 DVD) *Various dates from the Bridge School Benefit Concerts (1986-2004) Setlists can be viewed here My posts do not count.
  5. I know I'm late on announcing tnis, but hey, thats rock & fuckin roll right? Birdy wins. PM me a mailing address, I'll PM you in the AM, right now I have to nurse my sprained ankle... Cheers
  6. Right on Aaron, see ya at the show tonight. I'm going be at Geordies this afternoon until then, so I won't be around to answer the phone. I will have access to this site, so PM me if anything changes.
  7. Guess I shoulda read this thread first. That would be perfect Andrew, I'd seriously appreciate it. Saves me running around chasing the guy for mics. See ya at the show. Greg (aka; Esau)
  8. If a board patch is available, I'd love to plug my video recording equipment in. Either direct to SBD or patched through someone, I also have a MD I could bring, but not mics currently. Still working on those. Unless of course anyone out there is good at sync'n music & video then I won't worry about it.
  9. I just looked at my ticket for tomorrow night & it says doors at 8pm. Opening band: The Drams. I guess they'll go on around 9pm maybe. Not sure what time DBT is set to take the stage. Probally not much help, but thats all I know at the moment.
  10. Marc0, if your are coming, try to let me know before too late & I'll bring The Stones CS Blues DVDs with me for ya. I have it all burned & ready to go. [color:red][edit to add] And I got the video equipment all ready to go for recording tonight also, hoping Brodie checks in today & gets my PM though, I need a tad more info on where to set-up. Brodie, please check your PMs.
  11. Alright, day 2 of the all week long DVD give-away (Until Oct.20th). So, in case you missed yesterday's 3 DVD Grateful Dead give-away in honor of Bob Weir's b-day, here's how it works. Just post in this thread, as many times as you want & between 5&6pm tonight, I'll draw a number outta a hat and match it up with a post in this thread. (eg:yesterday, it was #13 so the 13th post won) Congrats Funky Beats. So, with Drive-By Truckers in Hamilton today I figured I'd put together another DVD package for this, this time its 5 DVDs all Drive-By Truckers. Drive-By Truckers 2005-03-30 (2 DVD) Drive-By Truckers 2005-04-17 (1 DVD) Drive-By Truckers 2006-06-22 (2 DVD) Setlists can be viewed here>> Drive-By Truckers My Post(s) do not count. Good luck....
  12. In. Hamilton & Toronto
  13. Esau.

    North Korea

    I a bit confused here & excuse me if I'm wrong, but are you saying N.Korea didn't test a long-range ballistic missile that was launched over Japan?
  14. Thanks Brad, like I mentioned, I wasn't a 100% on that point, I know one of Doug's concerns was/is that his recordings hit the web & next thing he knows someone else is using one of his songs without permission or as their own. He's already went through this issue of someone in northern Ontario (I forget the city right now) claiming one of his songs as their own. Which, according to him is a problem seeing as in all these years (20+ years playing) he's never recorded an album.
  15. Esau.

    North Korea

    Yep. The right to keep and bear arms for the purpose of a militia to defend the country in the absence of an effective standing military.
  16. Or even better, something not lossy with overly compressed audio, like a DVD. Which is actually easier to do then all the conversion & compression required from DV to be able make it uploadable (100MB) to youtube.
  17. Well, after some thought, I opted for writing down the numbers (omitting my post of course) 1-19 and threw em all in a hat. Dice just wouldn't have worked. Lucky number 13 was selected. Funky Beats, the DVDs are yours. I've PM'd you for a mailing address. Stay tuned tomorrow morning and each morning afterwards until friday (Oct.20th) for more DVD give-aways to celebrate my new collecting obsession reaching 100.... :cool:
  18. This is one (not all) of the reasons Doug Feaver will not allow his recordings to be shared anymore, that and I think he needs to copy-write alot of his own songs (I'm not 100% on that point though). and he's got a shitload. He still inquires about what I do/did with his recordings just about everytime I speak to him.
  19. Esau.

    North Korea

    You'd probally feel different if you lived in S. Korea or Japan where in 1998 N.Korea tested missles by lauching them over Japan into the Pacific Ocean. Not to mention, the new Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says it's time for his country's era of pacifism to end. Which has been in place since Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Also they are considering getting into the nuke race, which they considered back in 1995 to counter the threat of a nuclear-armed North Korea, but now almost seems for certian they will, which won't take them long with the nation's huge stockpile of plutonium from the spent fuel of its nuclear power plants. Just what the world needs, another arms race...
  20. Or the second time... http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/234741/
  21. Thats probally because Jack Daniels is a ladies drink.
  22. Esau.

    DVD Rip to AVI

    winavi v.7.7 (not free though) http://www.winavi.com/en/video-converter/video-converter.htm
  23. Sounds really good to me Brad, even on my cpu speakers - now I just got to remedy the issue why my cpu isn't showing up on my stereo so I can give this a proper (and loud) listen. Strange things happening today, it took 6 minutes this time to d/l all the SHNs, I think my connection speeds are bogged or archive is really busy, usually takes me less time to d/l shows. Mindless observation due to my clock tricking me into thinking its 420.... Regardless, thanks for recording & getting this up in the usual quick fashion. Cheers
  24. Happy Birthday Jay. Glad you got a Fatties show for it. Hope you had a great one.
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