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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. Heres the London one I posted in another thread. http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=119815
  2. I'd like to thank John S. Labatt.
  3. Those were the days when you could buy 'dimes' of hash, and for under 10 bones.
  4. Hmm, I may have that 65 Toronto show somewhere, not really sure though, I did a 50 show trade a few months back for a whack of 62-66 shows and haven't gone through them all yet to see exactly what I have. If I do, I'll make sure to let you know. Once phishhook.com is back up & running I'll be able to check my list to see.
  5. Cheers, the recording is sorta echoey & airy, but until the tapers with the better rigs finish tour this is whats available. Still very much listenable, no compliants here. This isn't my friend recording though, he's waiting to hear a couple others before he does anything with his due to excessive chatter from where he was sitting.
  6. My buddy & I may show up, were meeting up at the bar in Union Station between 5 & 6pm (he's coming from work) then deciding what to do. I'm easy to spot, long hair & big tattoo on my neck.
  7. Heres a couple mp3s from the London show to tide some folks over until the entire show is ready & online. Most Likely You'll Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) http://www.sendspace.com/file/h2b87m Desolation Row http://www.sendspace.com/file/fp27k0 Nettie Moore http://www.sendspace.com/file/uxer94 Not Dark Yet http://www.sendspace.com/file/b3v0bc Cheers
  8. Bob Played with Santana in 1993 at the C.N.E. Santana opened. http://www.bjorner.com/DSN14290%20-%201993%20US%20Fall%20Tour%20with%20Santana.htm#DSN14370 96 was the Concert Hall shows.
  9. haha, I think you may have been smoking some strange shit that night bro At Kingswood in 89 (only show there in the 80's) he didn't play LRS, I have the AUD recordings if you ever want copies. Kingswood 89 Kingswood 91
  10. If you haven't been hooked up, I could help you out, although using DHT on dime doesn't work to my undertsanding. But, I'm not 100% on that. Either way let me know & I'm sure I can work somthing out for you, even if its PM'in you my dime log in.
  11. I was once told by a friend in AA, if I was a wrestler or super-hero (or villian to her I guess) I'd be "The Enabler"
  12. So far the Foo Fighters set has shown up online, seeing that its Marcel that is seeding it tells me that his recording of Dylan will be up soon. http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=119815 You can hear samples of the Dylan set from Marcel's recording of the London show over at Dylanpool
  13. I didn't record it actually, but a friend did. Heres the Foo Fighters set (not by my friend) http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=119815
  14. Listening to some of the London show right now, it should show up on dime within the next few days or so. I'm looking forward to hearing some of the new songs thats for sure. I'll be there..
  15. Tight Connection To My heart - Bob Dylan
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