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Posts posted by Esau.

  1. Sorry to hear, 66 is too young.

    I saw him open (solo) for The Spoons at Hamilton Place. 1982 if I remember correctly. I mainly recall the insane bass from his violin. We were sitting in the first couple rows or so and I felt almost nauseous during parts of the show due to the vibration being so intense. Crazy shit. I'd never heard a violin do those things before, and still haven't since.

    Rest well Jeff.

  2. So after last year bbq'n vicariously at a friends place I decided to invest in a 22.5 inch weber kettle. I've had a couple okay cooks so far as I get the hang of it (side ribs, bacon wrapped grillers, homemade burgers, whole chicken etc), but todays was by far the best yet. I imagine this thread will see many more pic by summers end.

    I use a modified version of the minion method (banked briquettes on two vent side) for cooking with a few chunks of hickory thrown in for a nice smoky taste (pic below from different cook has applewood). I also foil over half the lower grill to force vents to only feed air to charcoal side, and lid vent on the opposite side of coals to draw smoke. The small cast iron frying pan with water is for extra thermal mass and bread pan to catch any grease (makes clean up a bit easier).



    I picked up two big chicken breasts at the market, bone in and skin on. I brined them on saturday for 7 hours, then washed em off and pat dried. I applied a homemade rub on and under the skin (every crevice I could find actually) and threw them back in the fridge for about 12 hours. Fired up the weber this afternoon and once it hit 225 F I closed the bottom vents entirely (for whole cook). I threw the breasts on at 1:30 and let em go until the internal temp of each breast reached 160 F (about 4:15pm).

    Then I wrapped each one singly in foil and let sit for about 15 mins until the internal temp bumped up to 165 F - I grilled some asparagus while I waited and chugged some tankhouse.

    They were juicy with a great smoky taste not too overbearing and the rub was awesome.

    A handful of tankhouse ales were enjoyed throughout the day.

    Homemade brine

    8 cups water (3 cups boiled with ingredients below, 5 cups cold to cool brine)
    1 cup kosher salt
    3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
    2 tbsp minced garlic (with juice)
    2 tbsp rosemary
    2 tbsp parsley
    2 tbsp black pepper
    2 tbsp sage

    The rub

    3 1/2 tbsp lemon pepper
    2 tbsp mustard powder
    2 tbsp onion powder
    2 tbsp granulated garlic powder
    2 tbsp brown sugar
    1 tsp cumin (wildcard spice - I like to throw a random in for experimental sake)


    [color:red]Before being put on grill:



    [color:red]About 5 minutes before being foiled:




  3. Legend who will be missed.

    I vaguely remember him being banned from the US for threatening to fire a shotgun at test missiles or something along those lines

    Not sure if the true reasons were ever fully disclosed to be honest. I remember in his book My Discovery Of America he talks about a couple different things - his book 'Sea of Slaughter' which was published the year before he was denied entry for the book tour and obviously his quote about shooting down US military aircraft in Canadian airspace with a 22-cal rifle. When I asked about it he mentioned the book and rumors of his being a member of the communist party in the late sixties. He said he was never a member but mentioned that at the time he was a member of the NDP which was less than a decade old then (as NDP that is) and was considered a socialist party so that could have been it too. Either way, I believe the controversy regarding his denial was big enough that Reagan lifted the ban.

  4. That's awesome Mike!

    I was fortunate enough to meet him once at Vancouver airport in 1997. I was truly taken back how engaging he was. I asked him about a couple of my favourite books (People Of The Deer & Walking on the Land) and the controversy People Of The Deer caused in the House of Commons at the time, as well him being 'blacklisted' by the US. I didn't get his autograph, but he did have a couple words about my tattoos. Kinda disappointed father type stuff but with a non-offensive comedic tone.

  5. Sad news. My all time favourite author & Canadian. Rest well Mr. Mowat.



    Acclaimed Canadian author Farley Mowat, 92, has died. His brother John confirmed the death in a phone call to Mowat’s home in Port Hope, Ont., and requested privacy for the family.

    The author, whose books on nature, such as Never Cry Wolf, delighted Canadians for decades, was still active in campaigns to protect his beloved country, recently quoted on CBC’s The Current complaining about a plan to increase wifi service in Canada’s national parks.

    “My thoughts can be expressed quite simply. I think it is a disastrous, quite stupid, idiotic concept, and should be eliminated immediately,†he said. “I have very strong feelings that national parks, provincial parks, any kind of parks, that are theoretically set up to provide for the protection of nature, in some form or another, should be respected absolutely and ultimately, and human beings should be kept out of them as much as possible.â€

    Mowat has never been one to back away from controversy. A 2012 Toronto Star profile of the author of dozens of books — starting with People of the Deer, published in 1952, to his memoirs Otherwise, published in 2008, and Eastern Passagein 2010 — described him as still rising at 6:30 to walk his dog, and begin his writing after breakfasting with his wife of 55 years, Claire.

    “By 8 he’s writing, driven by the passion, the hot blood, the rage, and the awe of the wonders of the natural world that have always enlivened Mowat’s adventure yarns,†the late Star journalist Greg Quill wrote.

    “Mowat’s books have sold more than 14 million copies in 52 languages and defined the Canadian wilderness for readers all over the world — the landscape, the isolation, the weather, animal and native life — with a heightened sense of reality no other writer has achieved over the past six decades,†Quill wrote after visiting with Mowat at his Port Hope home, only a short distance from where he was born in Belleville.

    His wife Claire is also a novelist and memoirist and author of illustrated children’s books. Mowat had two children, David and Sandy.

  6. themindunleashed.org

    This is an excerpt from the record Years, created by Bartholomäus Traubeck, which features seven recordings from different Austrian trees including Oak, Maple, Walnut, and Beech. What you are hearing is an Ash tree’s year ring data. Every tree sounds vastly unique due to varying characteristics of the rings, such as strength, thickness and rate of growth.

    Keep in mind that the tree rings are being translated into the language of music, rather than sounding musical in and of themselves. Traubeck’s one-of-a-kind record player uses a PlayStation Eye Camera and a stepper motor attached to its control arm. It relays the data to a computer with a program called Ableton Live. What you end up with is an incredible piano track, and in the case of the Ash, a very eerie one.

    Hats off to Traubeck for coming up with the ingenious method to turn a simple slice of wood into a beautiful unique arraignment. It makes you wonder what types of music other parts of nature would play. (see video below)

    YEARS from Bartholom�us Traubeck on Vimeo.

  7. Baseball history unearthed: Rare footage of infamous 1919 ‘Black Sox’ World Series found in Yukon permafrost.

    Nearly 40 years after excavators stumbled upon a treasure trove of long-lost films buried in the Yukon permafrost, the collection has just yielded its latest secret: Extremely rare footage of the infamous 1919 World Series.

    Known to baseball historians as the sport’s “darkest hour†— and immortalized in such movies as Field of Dreams and Eight Men Out — the series saw eight Chicago White Sox players, including the the legendary “Shoeless†Joe Jackson, accused of conspiring with gamblers to intentionally lose to the Cincinnati Reds in the so-called Black Sox scandal.

    “I knew nobody had really looked at these prints before,†said Bill Morrison, the New York City-based filmmaker who came across the footage at Library and Archives Canada. “When I got to it, I was relatively certain I had a historical find.â€

    Although the film depicts one of the most signature moments in American sports, it has nevertheless spent the last four decades hiding in plain sight at a Gatineau, Que.-based preservation centre operated by Library and Archives Canada.

    Full article: http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/05/04/baseball-history-unearthed-rare-footage-of-infamous-1919-black-sox-world-series-found-in-yukon-permafrost/

  8. From their FB page a half hour ago.

    After forty years of life dedicated to AC/DC, guitarist and founding member Malcolm Young is taking a break from the band due to ill health. Malcolm would like to thank the group’s diehard legions of fans worldwide for their never-ending love and support.

    In light of this news, AC/DC asks that Malcolm and his family’s privacy be respected during this time. The band will continue to make music.

  9. Ahh, my mistake. Although I was kinda just kiddin around. Of course, 8-tracks weren't completely phased out until the mid eighties, in Canada anyway. I was born in 70, so I wasn't buying or collecting them during their heyday, but I do remember shopping for LPs in my mid-teens and flipping through the 8-track section quite often. I did buy some Dylan 8-tracks back then, but simply for my collection.


    [edit to add]

    Agreed about the liveliness of these threads, good to see.

  10. boom, I would like to add to this thread but I am far too young to be dealing with 8 tracks. I will let you old farts relive the glory days of 8 track. My parents had a huge collection of Glen Campbell 8 tracks I do remember that much. :)

    My niece was born in the nineties too.

  11. :bonghit:


    CBS has just declared war on the heartland of America," Limbaugh fumed. "No longer is comedy going to be a covert assault on traditional American values, conservatism. Now it's just wide out in the open. What this hire means is a redefinition of what is funny, and a redefinition of what is comedy. They're blowing up the 11:30 format... they hired a partisan, so-called comedian, to run a comedy show."
  12. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/stephen-colbert-to-replace-david-letterman-on-late-show/

    CBS didn't waste too much time finding a new host for the "Late Show." Exactly a week after David Letterman announced his plans to retire, his replacement has been named.

    Stephen Colbert, the host, writer and executive producer of "The Colbert Report," will succeed Letterman.

    "Stephen Colbert is one of the most inventive and respected forces on television," CBS Chairman and CEO Les Moonves said in a statement Thursday. "David Letterman's legacy and accomplishments are an incredible source of pride for all of us here, and today's announcement speaks to our commitment of upholding what he established for CBS in late night."

  13. Oh, fuck this shit. I've been trying to embed this video for 20 minutes, and I'm obviously doing something wrong.

    Probably doesn't matter too much, but in case your curious, what you do is copy the embed code from youtube and paste into reply box. Make sure you change the option to "Use HTML" before hitting add post. The button option to simply use the video url is gone I believe (I don't see it anymore).

    If you plan to add some text like a description or comment, you'll also need to use the HTML break code:

    This adds a space between your text and the embedded video. Outside of that, you kinda need to know a little bit about HTML coding to add other things like URLs, or pictures if you plan to add those to a video post as well. Otherwise the video's embed code & 'Use HTML' option is all thats really needed to simply post a video. This applies to almost all videos that offer embedding option, not just youtube.

  14. It just worked out, myself and a few friends stopped going to GD shows in 93 (Buffalo last show) and to fill the void we dedicated our time to a lot blues music, mainly in SoOn, especially Toronto - but a friend I toured with had a brother living in Hull during the 90s. Free place to stay + bluesfest seemed like a no brainer.

    [edit to add]

    It's been over a decade since I've attended though.

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