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Posts posted by Esau.

  1. You could log in to the fake sites too though. The entire site, including user accounts and passwords had been compromised (stolen and copied). Personally, there isn't anything on there I can't find on reliable trackers, so I'll keep to those.

  2. I'm still skeptical if this is a legit demonoid to be honest. Since it's been well know that their database was compromised (along with user accounts) and that a few fake sites had been created using it. One rumored to have been created by law enforcement (a reaching rumor I know), the site disappeared quickly after that rumor went viral.


    Back in january I posted this about demonoid's return: http://jambands.ca/f/index.php/topic/67029-demonoid/?hl=demonoid


    Torrentfreak reported this in that article I posted. I underlined the info I find most relevant. Since it's not the .com I have suspicions. 


    From: Jan. 9 2014


    While the above is good news for those who hold Demonoid dear, there are still plenty of uncertainties regarding the comeback. For example, it is still unknown whether Demonoid users can still use their old accounts, as the database may have been compromised.


    Last year a mysterious replacement surfaced, using a copy of the Demonoid user and torrent database. The operator of the spin-off claimed not to be related to the Demonoid owners, but he did have a copy of the site’s database.


    The tracker that was revived today uses Demonoid’s original .com domain, so it’s presumably backed by part of the old crew.

  3. The kettle can be removed. It's hard to see in the pics above, but to either side of the grill there are two removable inserts. When you unscrew those you can simply lift the kettle out and re-attach the legs (if you're taking your weber camping for example). The handles help support it, but there are two other supports that the kettle edge rest on for added stability.


    You would have to re-attach the handle casings as well of course , as they need to be removed for a correct fit. But that's just a couple screws. The lid can also be hung on the side of the workstation.


    I forget the exact measurement, but there is a gap around the entire kettle and the cedar, John's done several long cooks (8-12 hr etc) and hasn't seen even the slightest bit of discolouration on the cedar - I checked last time I was at John's and we were cooking and the heat wasn't an issue for the wood. It probably isn't necessary but I like being extra safe, so I'll be adding a small heat shield around the kettle, between it and the cedar. It'll simply rest on the supports.

  4. Oh yeah, for anyone interested, my friend John, who's a cabinet maker is making these custom work stations for weber or green egg owners. 100% untreated red cedar, with clear finish. I'll be getting mine by labour day.




    If you're interested in a workstation (or need some custom cabinets), let me know. If you're on facebook check out John's page and drop him a message that you heard about his stuff.


    Website: http://www.craigcustomcabinets.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Craig-Custom-Cabinets/164789613607684

  5. I've had my Weber for about a year now. It's the best. I am going to try a pizza on it this week. I have a Pampered Chef stoneware thing for pizza that should do just fine on the kettle. If anybody has tried such a thing before I'd love some tips.



    Pizza looks great Chris, I haven't done one myself since I haven't picked up a stone yet so no tips to offer, but I plan on doing one soon and I'll be referencing your post above. Thanks for sharin'.


    I'll be doing a smoked apple pie soon, so I'll be sure to get some pics and write up a small review/walkthrough etc.



    A couple weekends ago friends and I had a couple webers going smoking different kinds of meats: wild turkey breast, venison roasts, side ribs, back ribs etc and a sh!t ton of ales. Good times.


    I really need to remember to get some pics when I do these cooks, which was sorta my reason for this thread..lol. I always get too excited about the food and cook then forget to take some pics.

  6. looks great Esau.  I've had a weber for a number of years and one year I kicked it up a notch with cast iron grates.   I got them from http://www.mangrate.com/  when they had a sponsored deal for Adam Carolla's podcast.   steaks are simply perfect when cooked on cast iron.





    I've been thinking about picking up the cast grill for exactly that, and I agree nothing beats bbq on cast when doin steaks. I've been smoking a fair amount of ribs lately (pork back & side and beef sides) so I picked up one of these > http://www.broilkingbbq.com/accessories/lifestyle/rib-rack-roast-support.html < It's sturdy and has more than one use, ribs obviously but I'm looking forward to smoking a roast next.

  7. Is there a jump to newest post feature?



    Yep. Click on the circle that gives you the preview (small circle with downward pointing arrow) and next to the comments you'll see "made the last post" or "made the first unread post".

    You can also see every topic you've posted in by clicking your name on the top right, then clicking "my content". You'll get a summary of every thread you've commented on or subscribed to, and the options I noted above.

  8. }:|





    The latest Reddit “hate map” is here, and Boston Bruins fans might want to look away from this one. The same Reddit user who created the NFL and MLB hate maps moved on to the NHL, and the B’s proved to be reviled by most places in the world. Four continents, 11 states and, naturally, all of Canada had it out for the Black and Gold. Four of the Original Six teams — Boston, the Detroit Red Wings, Chicago Blackhawks and Montreal Canadiens — dominated most of the U.S. map.

    Read more at: http://nesn.com/2014/08/boston-bruins-most-hated-nhl-team-in-world-according-to-reddit-map-photo/







  9. Does anyone frequent IPB on another site? Are there any problems with it?

    I frequent gathering of the vibes forums which are IPB - can't really say I've seen many issues that are directly related to software, at least from a standard member's perspective. I seem to recall some hiccups when they first migrated from the old board (think it was same as this one) to IPB but I believe it was more user (admin) errors or tweaks.

    Its just as easy to navigate as these forums and I believe folks here won't have much issue getting the hang of it.

  10. Well that sucks for the end user for certain.

    Thankfully there are alternatives to YouTube that will certainly benefit from this such as Daily Motion and Vimeo.

    Yeah I can see that. A downside to vimeo (aside from also being US Based) is if someone is a rather active uploader (+5GBs a week) they'll need subscription which costs $60 a year. Especially if they prefer HD videos.

    Some indie labels I would consider to be business or commercial level users according to vimeo, so I assume they would be required to get PRO accounts but an artist who have their own small scale label wouldn't. I'm not sure I understand vimeo's policy entirely on that.

    From wiki:

    On October 16, 2008, Vimeo unveiled its $60-per-year Vimeo Plus package, which allows users additional weekly uploads (up to 5 GB), unlimited HD videos, unlimited creation of channels, groups and albums, no ads, HD embeds, 2-pass video re-encoding that results in higher quality, priority encoding, and more. The arrival of Vimeo Plus also meant the downgrade of the free version, which up to that point also enjoyed unlimited HD re-encodings per week and unlimited creation of groups/albums/channels. Since February 2010, Plus users can choose to re-encode their 1080p upload as either 1080p or 720p. As of July 22, 2010, the site offers unlimited HD embeds.[22] As of January 4, 2011, Vimeo Plus users can upload videos that are up to five gigabytes of footage, roughly equivalent to 2.5 hours of HD video.[23] This makes it possible for full length, high-definition feature films to be uploaded to Vimeo by Vimeo Plus users.

    On August 1, 2011, Vimeo introduced the PRO account type for business and commercial use, which allows 50GB of storage, 250k plays, advanced analytics, third party video player support and more. Everyone except "small scale independent production companies, non-profits, and artists who want to use the Vimeo Service to showcase or promote their own creative works"[24] must become Vimeo PRO subscribers in order to upload commercial videos or use Vimeo for their business's video hosting needs.

    Regardless, its looking more and more like the days of free viewing or uploading are drawing to an end. Which could be good or bad I suppose. Might spawn a new hosting site, or at the least filter a lot of the crap. Either way, I imagine it's going be frustrating and an adjustment for some time, especially for the end user who is a viewer only (like me).

  11. Someone has poor judgement. Bad move in my opinion.

    YouTube to block indie labels as subscription service launches

    YouTube will remove music videos by artists such as Adele, Arctic Monkeys and Radiohead, because the independent labels to which they belong have refused to agree terms with the site.

    Google, which owns YouTube, has been renegotiating contracts as it prepares to launch a music subscription service.

    A spokesperson for the indie labels said YouTube was making a "grave error of commercial judgment".

    YouTube said it was bringing "new revenue streams" to the music industry.

    Speaking to the Financial Times, Robert Kyncl, YouTube's head of content and business operations, said videos from independents could be blocked "in a matter of days," if new licenses are not negotiated.

    The three major record labels - Universal, Sony and Warner - have all agreed terms with the site, but smaller independents are holding out.

    'Lack of respect'

    Some independents say they are being offered "highly unfavourable terms". Radiohead guitarist Ed O'Brien accused Google of trying to "strong-arm" labels into accepting low fees.

    Read More: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-27891883

    YouTube To Remove Some Really Great Music In 'A Matter Of Days'

    YouTube just hit the big red button in its fight with musicians over streaming music.

    Any artist who doesn't want to join YouTube's new ad-free music service will be scrubbed from the site entirely, the company said on Tuesday. The service, which will show you ad-free songs for a small fee, has been in the works for a while, but some artists are not happy with the financial arrangements YouTube is proposing.

    YouTube's head of content and business operations told the Financial Times that artists who aren't happy with the new rules, including Adele, the Arctic Monkeys and Jack White, will be blacklisted from YouTube in "a matter of days."

    Read More: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/17/youtube-block-adele-arctic-monkeys_n_5503143.html

  12. I'm partial to brining pork and chicken (I have two 10 oz chops brining now for dinner), I usually only marinade steaks. Lately I've tried my hand at dry brining (weird to call it that, but not really curing) - which simply amounts to seasoning the steak and then covering it with kosher salt and letting it rest overnight in the fridge up and then pulling it about one to one and half hours before grilling, wash it off, pat dry and rest until room temp.

    Some good stuff here though, I appreciate the shares and will no doubt try some of these out when I get to making a marinade. Cheers.

  13. Already forgot I made this thread..lol, so posted this in burger thread first - figured I'd throw it here as well. I've done a pork loin but I forgot to document it. Nothing too fancy this time..


    Got bored sitting around the yard drinking beers, so decided to grind up some beef and make up a few stuffed burgers.

    Ground up a couple rib eyes I got from a friend, added a nice mix of seasoning (smoked paprika, mustard powder, granulated onion and garlic powder, fine ground peppercorns and a some organic kosher sea salt and a half pack of dried onion & mushroom soup mix for binding)

    Inside I threw some left over (hickory) smoked chicken I had from the other day and some 17 year old grated cheddar I picked up at a family farm shop a couple weeks back.

    Decided on lump charcoal for this one, got the grill up to about 375 F and seared each side for about 60 seconds, then closed the bottom vents to drop temp to 275 F removed from direct heat and threw some butternut wood chunks in for smoke after about 10 mins or so, I opened the vents all the way again to raise the temp and threw them back over the coals for a finishing sear. Topped of with homemade wild turkey BBQ sauce, sliced jalapeno and some keen's mustard. Gonna be a good sleep tonight I think..


    Before and after.



  14. Got bored sitting around the yard drinking beers, so decided to grind up some beef and make up a few stuffed burgers.

    Ground up a couple rib eyes I got from a friend, added a nice mix of seasoning (smoked paprika, mustard powder, granulated onion and garlic powder, fine ground peppercorns and a some organic kosher sea salt and a half pack of dried onion & mushroom soup mix for binding)

    Inside I threw some left over (hickory) smoked chicken I had from the other day and some 17 year old grated cheddar I picked up at a family farm shop a couple weeks back.

    Decided on lump charcoal for this one, got the grill up to about 375 F and seared each side for about 60 seconds, then closed the bottom vents to drop temp to 275 F removed from direct heat and threw some butternut wood chunks in for smoke after about 10 mins or so, I opened the vents all the way again to raise the temp and threw them back over the coals for a finishing sear. Topped of with homemade wild turkey BBQ sauce, sliced jalapeno and some keen's mustard. Gonna be a good sleep tonight I think..


    Before and after.



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