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Posts posted by can-o-phish

  1. Yup, cover went up a loonie since they played there last. But I think it's still worth every cent.

    TimmyB, you heard a tease of G. Lightfoot. You should hear it when the play the whole tune. Makes you grin from ear to ear...

    Hopefully there'll be someone taping at PJC. If there is, someone hook me up with a copy as I have many amazing Sister shows that I'll trade...


  2. Yah, I feel like an arsehole...

    Great to meet you Willy...I knew I forgot to mention someone in my last post...

    Still coming down off of the sweet sweet candy I took in tonight.

    That's my excuse and I'm stickin' to it, though it may not stick to me...


  3. Well, what can I say...the Ottawa crew showed up in fine form. Ms. Hux, Bouche, Velvet & StuDog were there "givn'er".

    Definitely one of the finest first sets I've ever witnessed. The Sisters were happy to be home and we were happy to have them back!!!

    See you on the road...


  4. He's up to about 6'2" or so....yah, I know, pretty fuggin' lame....

    He was out in Vangroovy for some Jazz & Folk fests and working on the new Sisters album which has some sweet treats in store...heh heh heh...

    That's alls I knows and I knows no more...well, maybe a bit more....



  5. See you there. I'll be the one with the mics and pints. Should be a good night as The Sisters have been away for a month. Velvet, I've got a show for you that the regualars claim to be the best Sisters night ever. Personally, I think it was the previous week.



  6. Last nights free show of Los Lobos at The Harbourfront was a nice treat. With tunes from their new CD, past ones and some nice covers with Bertha, Cinnamon Girl, Good Lovin', and a tease of "Turn on Your Love Light" it was a good time. Hope some others were out there enjoying the music and weather.



  7. Hey Kids,

    Kevin & The Sisters Euclid's new site is up with downloads that will be changing every few weeks. Downloads are mp3 live room records and quality is improving. This is just the first batch.

    Two of the selections "Rust A Bout" & "Too Damn Big" feature the wizard of percussion Cyro Baptista. That was a fine night. For those of you who can identify voices in the crowd, you may hear Giggles enjoying himself....

    See you on Mondays....




  8. Hey,

    Shain & I have passed the pipe and made our peace.

    All is well again and my apologies for this Tuesday bitch post.

    In my defense, it's been raining and grey for a week and half in Toronto and I'm gonna go fuggin' postal if I don't get a bit of sun soon!!!



  9. My two cents, for what they're worth...

    It definitely sucks that the Shaker was cancelled. Pat tried to downsize it to please the local thorns, but to no avail.

    As far as I'm concerned, there is never a guarantee with regards to shows. I've had tickets for The Grateful Dead (with Jerry) and some other shows that were cancelled.

    I've known Pat for years and he is one of the most gracious, entertaining and hostpitable people I've had the pleasure of calling a friend. No question that Farley will be shouldering some personal financial loss but that is just one of the risks of being a promoter.

    I do believe that there will be some amazing events put on by Farley and the East Coast Connection that we will all have the pleasure to attend.

    "I Will Shake Again!"


  10. Yes, I actually read the posts.

    Secondtube - There is no board to matrix off of at TOR. The stage is so tiny that if one were to put mics up there, well, the musicians would have mics in their nostrils or in their anal cavities.

    Shainhouse, I apologize for this string. I tried to catch your attention many times but, like Secondtube posted, there are other ways around this.

    I take the recording maybe a bit too seriously as it will be on Kevin and The Sister's site.

    My apologies to all for the Tuesday bitchin'.


  11. Actually, shainhouse was sitting directly next to us with mics in front of his face. Like I said previously, I'm a very polite person and didn't want to be a "dick" and rain on his night. Everyone has a right to enjoy their night, but it baffled me that someone who "is part of the scene" was so ignorant to what was directly in front of themselves.

    Next time I guess I'll lean over and tell whoever to "shut the fuck up".

    Enough said...


  12. What can I say about last night....The Sisters were in overload mode to say the least. And room enough for everyone being that the end of the long weekend kept many regulars somewhere else.

    The first set was smokin' and just a builder to what was going to happen for the second and, unfortunately, this is where I have to "vent".

    I've been recording the Sisters for quite awhile now. Kevin and I have just finished picking and prepping 57 tunes to start going up on his website for download and streaming. Most regulars at The Orbit know me and are respectful with regards to the recording and not being to "vocal" around the recording gear.

    Start of the second set, Giggles and I were primed with beer and ears and two people sit down next to us and one starts and continues to talk all the way through the second set. When the music was louder, well, so was this guy sitting next to us. Just wouldn't shut up. It was a little in to the second set that he passes Giggles some promo flyers for something he's promoting, and continues to babble and babble through some of the most amazing stuff I've heard the Sisters play. Those of you who know me know that I'm a polite and soft spoken person. I looked over MANY times at this guy to try to give him the subtle hint that he was bleeding into the mics, but he didn't catch on. I, and all the people around him, tolerated his yappy trap for the entire second set.

    At the end of the second set I was informed that he's a member on this and other boards, Shainhouse. I was in shock. What was looking to be like some amazing material for the website is now not usable because of the constant spewing of verbal diarrhea that's in the mix.

    We're all out to have fun, but if you're there to talk, please be respectful of the folks around you. Head to the back of the room or go somewhere where you won't be so intrusive. I know for a fact that were several people in our section who were a little pissed.



  13. Happy Sunday All

    Just got off the horn with Farley and there may still be some breath left in this baby known as The Shaker. So, if possible, hold your breath, think warm fuzzy thoughts and hopefully there'll be an event to attend at The Farm.



  14. Thanks to Pat for his amazing efforts and establishing what was turning into the one of Canada's best festivals. I'm sure with the creative team back east that this turn of events will lead to something even better.

    I am the Toronto Contact, Dave Drage, for the Shaker and for those of you who sent your orders to me, please email or phone so that refunds can be processed.

    There were so many of you who attached a great note to your orders that makes this so enjoyable. We'll Shake somewhere soon!!!


  15. How many commercials are actually filmed underwater, though?

    Nice one Brad. I'll whip you up some Choco-chip pancakes next time we "moe" together.

    Time for some shameless promotion.

    We have just launched our own audio/video editing company in Toronto for Animation, Film & TV, calling ourselves "Renegade Audio". Any animators out there who need post services, check us out. We've done everything from "Medabots" to "Franklin The Turtle".



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