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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Well I guess hopefully the liquidation prices wont be too pricy
  2. Wow 75 bones for 4 eh thats pretty pricy Ill get mine off the baotr back home for a coupel dollars a pound and melt mars bars on them !
  3. Well I usually go to work as the idiot but the Grin will surprise everyone!
  4. On the website it says the line up will be announced tommorow !
  5. Not for another 2 hours after you leave work Im up at 4am to get ready to work Im a morning man but would mind waking up to Bokonon in my cup
  6. Weekends and everyday that ends with "Y" So your choice *Gigity Gigity!*
  7. I will so have a FLuff Head banner at the next sporting event I attend!
  8. Will deffinatly give yea a shout here in December/January when in back in good ol Charlottle county! Im sure Lefty will be having some wicked NewYears Eve something going on ! Whoo!
  9. I dunno I love fishing but im a diehard Morgan White rum man, and for staying warm we could have a eroctic game of Chess like the Russians do Bokonon = Ivana Humpalot (haha Sorry I just watched austin powers )
  10. And Bokonon always makes me smile with her filthy but comical posts me likey!
  11. I just love life its a good pastime!
  12. Ill be there all even took Wednsday off work so should be a wild night!! Cant wait!!Whoo!
  13. Ol'Hickster

    Pita Pizzas

    Im more of a 3 cheese and peperoni guy !
  14. Ol'Hickster

    Hot Rod

    Just finnished watchin this movie and though it was pretty good for a few laughs one of those movies where the jokes are soo Obvious and stupid that it makes it kinda funny But one part stood out and made me chuckle " I was goin to ask you...Who do you think would win in a fight, between a grilled cheese sandwinch and a taco?" So Skanks who do you think would win?
  15. Perverts like Cheese on there burger too
  16. I know its somewheres west of the opera house on queen but besides that It will take alot to try to remember where I was haha
  17. Wicked show last night these guys were right on I will deffinatly see them when ever there around and recomend them to all, Last night was fun by the end of it I was cut off, lost my phone and was stubbling down queen street, I wondered in to some bar dont remember the name and went to the back to get a last last call beer and in the back they had big projection screen and they were having open guitar hero battles to whoever wanted to play hahah it was right on I didnt have the dexterity at the time to partake but watching these drunk guys try to kick each others ass was fun
  18. Porn...............Right on ...............Gigidty gigidy!
  19. I miss eating those lovely ganong treats my favourite are Chicken Bones!
  20. Well boys the rum is done and I think my last song before bed is goin to be..............................................................ELECTRIC AVENUE!!
  21. Hey guys any of you Skanks goin down tommorow night to see these guys, I havent heard much of them but I will be down checking it out!
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