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Everything posted by NewRider

  1. haha sorry Sarabelle, I couldn't resist. Hope you find your way there.
  2. Hmm.. I ran the AVG program and it found no viruses. Any clue as to why my computer would just restart itself whenever it feels like it? I've ran spybot twice too and it still happens.
  3. Take it over to this site people!
  4. Anyone know of a good online virus/spyware detection program to run? My computer keeps restarting on it's own and performing other funny business.
  5. Shit! I totally forgot about Bright Eyes and Ryan Adams. Both those two should be on my list!
  6. Well the only other records that I know are coming out by the end of the year that I want to hear is Cat Power - Covers II and the new Wu-Tang. I don't think either will make my list so I'm posting mine now. 1. Okkervil River - The Stage Names 2. Jason Isbell - Sirens of The Ditch 3. White Stripes - Icky Thump 4. Mother Mother - Touch Up 5. Magnolia Electric Co. - Sojourner 6. Joel Plaskett Emergency - Ashtray Rock 7. Dinosaur Jr. - Beyond 8. The Sadies - New Seasons 9. Wilco - Sky Blue Sky 10. Band of Horses - Cease To Begin
  7. NewRider

    Tax Cuts!

    We should have a politics forum, no?
  8. These cities blur before me, a swirl of colors leaned against the sky Gone so far away and I never really told you good bye I know it's kind of lame but sometimes things just turn out that way We were the best of friends and I'll always remember you that way We started out with nothing, but wild plans and big ideas and dreams You were quick to swing the hammer and always fast with some ingenious scheme Sometimes we argued violently but forged it out of bedrock into steel Our foundations were so solid and our instincts based on something very real I feel so damned nostalgic every time I think about those times I forget how it became that I wouldn't recognize you on the line I start to feel so guilty but goddamn it I swear to you I tried To bridge between the distances before I left without saying good-bye I have friends I met last weekend and friends I've had since I was eight Friends I've said goodbye to and friends who unexpectedly passed away And nothing is disposable; at least it's never been that way for me Its not like you were an acquaintance that I could say never really meant anything to me No we were really great friends and I always thought that it would be that way Yet I wonder if I'd know you if the guy that I saw last walked in here today And I swear until I die, I never would have expected you and I To grow so far apart and leave without ever saying good bye
  9. hahaha.. "many customers are buying one for EACH side of the bed". That's insanity!
  10. I had fun trick or treating with Nellie and her 2 year old daughter Aizlin. I also learned that you shouldn't chug a beer before going trick or treating. I had to pee for blocks!
  11. They headlined Saturday night at The Ford Plant and rocked. Their recorded stuff is very poppy but they play things rougher and faster live. I had a great time seeing them and hope to see them again. Also, I've never seen a band before that has underwear for sale at their merch table!
  12. R.I.P. Mr. Goulet. Hit up a duet with Wagoner at the gates.
  13. Nobody tells Chart Magazine anything.
  14. That's good advice from LXQ42... if that IS his real name!
  15. Didn't you take those on advice from a naturopaths significant other? I did and I have no regrets!
  16. Have you tried Cold FX pills? They worked for me the other week.
  17. 316 Songs about bad ex-boyfriends/girlfriends /spouses 1. Stupidity - I need you... like a hole in my head 2. The Beautiful South - Ciao 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  18. BWAA HAAAHAAAHAAAHAAA.... That's hilarious and so true!!!
  19. Yeah! That's like kicking Mr. Snuffalopogus out for doing lines off the tables!
  20. Anyone heading to this show please let me know how Raccoon Wedding is. It features Tim Ford from The Vermicious Knid. Wish I could make this show and the Brantford show B.A. rocks.
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