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Everything posted by NewRider

  1. Fuck, first George Jones now this. Get well my country heros!!!
  2. elemeno said "yes"?!??!!
  3. If anyone is interested I've got 2 tickets for sale (under cost). Newport Folk Fest's lineup got to me and I'm heading there instead. Pair of tickets for $500 for Bonnaroo. Message me if you're interested.
  4. I saw them in Toronto last November so I don't think they have problems anymore.
  5. Can't wait. I've got front row seats. Still lots of great seats left.
  6. Who the fuck is getting married? Why wasn't I invited?
  7. Wish I could be there! Bring Death Cake to SoOn.
  8. Great project from Yim Yames (My Morning Jacket), Jay Farrar (Son Volt, Uncle Tupelo), Will Johnson (Centro-Matic) and Anders Parker (Space Needle). The words of Woody Guthrie put to the band's music. I've been listening non-stop all week. Check it out. Disc 1 Disc 2
  9. Great recommendation. Awesome band to see live.
  10. I've heard nothing but great things. That's a great price too.
  11. Plants and Animals - The End of That
  12. That was a pricey purchase but I'm sure it'll be worth it. Anyone else grab tickets?
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