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Everything posted by NewRider

  1. Looks like a Weezer album cover! Nice one Alabama Man. BTW.. there's still tickets for Son Volt and ex Drive-By Trucker Jason Isbell for Thursday. Come with us.. I hear he's covering "Jailbreak" on some shows!
  2. I saw Wayne Petti last Saturday at The Ford Plant in Brantford with nellie and we had a BLAST. His solo album is really good. HOOORAY FOR WAYNE!!!
  3. Not everyone. I completely understand Howler's position.
  4. Perhaps it is! Now we can start having foreplay on here like Baj and captainsunshine!
  5. Joni, are you the Joni I had a SUPER awesome time talking to at Willy's Wacky Wedding party at PJC a month ago?
  6. Of course! Though, I was high on cocaine.
  7. sorry I just changed my avatar!
  8. Couldn't have said it better myself. And I'm a [color:purple]journalist.
  9. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the walk is longer then 15 mins. Unless by Jaimoe suggesting it would take that time he already knew you'd be flying high on all kinds of crazy pills and powders. In the event that is the case, definitely 15 minutes if not 10.
  10. I'm moving to Brantford this time. Those of you that know and have known about my hate affair with Brantford are probably laughing your asses off right now. Well I found some pretty great things down there. One being the Ford Plant that supplies me with cheap, great live music every weekend. The second is a lovely lady named Nellie (Danielle to me) and her equally lovely (yet cranky) daughter Aizlin. I'm very excited to be making this move and start my new job in the customer service industry. Finally I will know the joy of getting PAID to sit in front of a computer all day. I also get to experience the joy of coming home to a beautiful woman and child every night. Life is good
  11. dang.. I wish I could afford this one but there's just too many shows in April this year. Have a great time Timmy.
  12. Oh man, now you've got me excited! When is this Canadian tour happening already?!?!
  13. hahahahaa.... funniest thread I've read today!
  14. Ditto... well, that and dumping their shit on people.
  15. http://www.masseyhall.com/membership/friendsFirst.cfm
  16. I also dig that cover! I HATE this cover... gross.. a young Eric Stoltz topless.
  17. geeza dat is for real disgustin plop.
  18. Posts in this thread are way more fun to read after you put them through the Ali G Translator am in da midst of devotin my new life to my life bitch and to da nation of ip op. i believe dat ip op is da new rome and dat if da nation of ip op fails da entire civilized world will fail. dis is not some random conjecture. dis comes from a detailed understandin of da istory of egypt, da greek polis (city state), plato's republic and da greek tragedians and social commentators, roman civil life and developments throughout da middle ages, renaissance (the resurgence of neo-platonism) and up into da modern age. rome collapsed afta da assassitanion of caesar. rome needed a tyrant dig caesar to try to brin equanimity betweun da nobles and da people of rome: da senate and da people. it is no surprise dat our canadian and american system bof emulate da roman senate although da congress is more significant. in da american congress evun john mccain will tell yous washington is run by soft mula. in canada we is so incredibly corrupt, media congloremates dig bellglomebedia literally suppress information dat does not suit their stockholders whims, dat we ave soft mula flowin vigorously through our economy. erbal remedy and erbal remedy is da spine of our economy not da large and it feeds into property, government kickbacks, constabulury kickbacks, and all levels of da economy. da constabulury catch %1-2 of da erbal redemies and dat is wot organized crime tips them to. there is far more powerful erbal remedy cartels wiv a much eavia presence than da representavites dat fa instance da ell's angels ave at main bitch's park and parliament though. these erbal remedy dealers can poison and pollute our nations youf, create birf defects, cause suicides, corrupt grub and distritubion chains, pull as much fresh wata out of da province as dey can bottle and poison da existin wata supply wiv chemical and agricultural runoffs. we can do nothin to stop these erbal remedy dealers and corporate polluta coz our govenment is but a figurehead. in any case da illicit erbal remedy economy is far more substantial than da agricultural, automotive or manufacturin bases. which is to say nothin of ow main mans of all those economies, particularly main bitch's park and bay street, pay substantial parts of their own incomes into da erbal remedy and riding the punanni trade. me is glad dey do dis coz i know many resourceful exotic dancers and ustlers who own several condos as a result and put their young main mun through montessori schools. don't feel wicked fa these wimin. a erbal remedy deala can only turn so many custies on and custies can only earn so much, steal so much, steal so much. a young ustla dig a danca can get a geeza to borrow a a auto or a ouse. now innit a ustle!
  19. WHOA Crystal_Tears haven't seen you on here in a while!
  20. Yes he did but he keeps coming back. He needs to feel accepted somewhere.
  21. I just saw him a few months ago in St. Kitts at a Rose Garland show. He's doing great, livin' the dream.
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