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Everything posted by nibbler

  1. The info sheet shipped with the vaccine discusses such side effects: ...Nervous system disorders: Headache; dizziness; neuralgia; paraesthesia; confusion; febrile convulsions; Guillain-Barré Syndrome; myelitis (including encephalomyelitis and transverse myelitis); neuropathy (including neuritis); paralysis (including Bell’s Palsy)... ...Neurological disorders temporally associated with influenza vaccination such as encephalopathy, optic neuritis/neuropathy, partial facial paralysis, and brachial plexus neuropathy have been reported...
  2. Shitty buzz. Guessing cases like this is why the US government has felt the need to immunize itself against future liability claims related to pandemic vaccinations.
  3. 100+ cm in a 24 hour period, nearly 200 cm total over 3 days from Wednesday to Friday. Not even close to being dug out yet
  4. Sweet. The Real Frank Zappa Book details how the record companies USED to fuck the artists in the old days- it went something like this: The record company would agree with a band to say cut 1,000 records and distribute them- and they would- to record shops around the artists stomping grounds. But Frank realized the labels were actually pressing thousands more than the contracts specified, and without informing the bands, they would distribute them far outside areas they expected the artists to visit. Thus to distance himself from the theives, weasels and chumps who ran the music biz- Frank became the first musician to own his own label and press his own records.
  5. $44 billion is a lot of cheddar! The experiment of privatizing America's jails has clearly been very profitable; for some Americans...
  6. Well the truth has come out- the emails were stolen and not leaked, and it turns out that Glenn Beck's take on the story was also a load of bullshit!. "Climategate" exposed: Conservative media distort stolen emails in latest attack on global warming consensus Since the reported theft of emails from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, conservative media figures have aggressively claimed that those emails undermine the overwhelming scientific consensus that human activities are causing climate change, dubbing the supposed scandal "Climategate." But these critics have largely rested their claims on outlandish distortions and misrepresentations of the contents of the stolen emails, greatly undermining their dubious smears. More about the deliberate smear and distort campaign here.
  7. Things don't add up there for me. For one thing, hackers by nature are usually about thwarting the man, not helping him out- unless they happen to be on the payroll. One could argue that when given the opportunity to exploit the entire database, hackers instead chose 3,000 specific emails to help cover their tracks- thus making it seem like an inside job Another thing that doesn't add up about the whistle-blower inside job theory is that nobody has come forward as the whistle blower. There was no one single person involved with every one of the 3,000 "leaked" emails. Multiple accounts of different scientists were compromised, thus either the hackers had access to the entire database, or, the longshot theory: a collusion of a team of professional IPCC climate scientists to deliberately cast doubt on their own work- despite the negative effect on reaching some- any kind of consensus at Copenhagen-? These scientists who care about the climate have still refused to come out and take responsibility for the leak? Call me a skeptic if you like, but I find this story is working out for team oil a little too well.
  8. Maybe the think tanks are all busy planning the future around dirty energy? Naked Gun 2 1/2 (1991)
  9. Quote from this article "Cloud seeding sounds like an invention from science fiction in the 1950s and, indeed, the technology behind it was developed in the 1940s. One of the earliest pioneers of cloud seeding was the atmospheric scientist Bernard Vonnegut, brother of the novelist Kurt. King Bhumipol Adulyadej of Thailand, a trained scientist, also has a patent for a method of cloud seeding."
  10. I did not infer that page would give you answers about amplification, rather I suggested that its a good starting point for someone interested in researching the radiation issues with cel phones. Next time I find myself at a library computer with access to scientific journals Ill try and look into it. Dr. Ross Adey has been studying cel phones from the beginning. He's worth looking into, no guarantee you will find anything on amplification/attenuation, lots of his work has been classified. Dr Nick Begich has done a lot of research into EMF and ELF concerns, again, not sure if he covers the amplification/attenuation angles- but youll find him easily on the web wether you have access to scientific journals or not-
  11. Saudi Arabia said: "the e-mail leaks provide sufficient proof that climate change is not man-made that there should be no policy resulting from the Dec. 7-18 Copenhagen summit" What could the worlds largest oil exporter possibly have to lose over CO2 caps hmmmmm.... ROTFL
  12. I got a kick out of reading one of Michael Crichton's last novels- "State of Fear". Very foretelling of today in an ass backwards kind of way. In a nutshell the premise of the story is that Global Warming is a hoax devised by left leaning scientists and greens, who are on the one hand manipulating science by doctoring IPCC reports, and on the other hand, secretly using covert weather modification (geoengineeering) to convince the world that the earth is warming. Anyone who gets in their way like FBI and Homeland security agents are simply put down using that old eco-activist trick- injecting the victim with Australian Blue Ringed Octopus Venom. In the book, rag tag groups of eco activists armed with this octopus venom and well funded by left leaning hollywood actors are spending enormous amounts of money: triggering tsunamis in the Pacific to sink islands, triggering lightening strikes and deluges to drown boy-scout jamborees in heartland America, even setting off explosives to crack off huge chunks of Antarctica's ice sheets to raise the ocean levels. Any and all things to convince the world that the threat of climate change is real. After reading the book- I couldnt help but feel that there was some sort of mixed up truth woven into the pages, so I started researching this weather control stuff- and it turns out that the technologies to control and make weather do exist- and who else but the petro-chemical industry- and the Military Industrial complex thought these technologies up and today own the patents. Here's the punchline. Not long after reading the book, I heard Crichton won a journalism award for writing it. Not just any award- but he won the American Association of Petroleum Geologists award for Journalism Here's what the director of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Larry Nation, had to say about State of Fear: "It is fiction, but it has the absolute ring of truth." Truthiness as Colbert would put it. Follow the money!
  13. Couldnt help but notice that the worlds largest exporter of oil and the largest consumer nation of the stuff are the ones making a big deal here- by their logic, the hacked emails exonerate the oil industry from the science that increasing CO2 levels has been linked with Climate Change. For example, in their own words: United States Republican Congressman James Sensenbrenner: (the hacked emails) “...call into question the whole science of climate changeâ€... Saudi Arabia: (the hacked emails) "...has nullified any evidence of human-caused atmospheric temperature increase"..."the e-mail leaks provide sufficient proof that climate change is not man-made that there should be no policy resulting from the Dec. 7-18 Copenhagen summit" I doubt Bangladesh, India, The Phillipines, Tuvalu, The Marshall Islands, and The Cook Islands and other nations losing large tracts of land to the oceans in coming years will also be in Copenhagen shouting CLIMATEGATE exonerates the guilty parties. Betcha lots of people go for it hook line and sinker. By the time the truth about it comes out- the damage will be done- Copenhagen will be old news, and so will Climategate. Dirty oil money wags the dog.
  14. There's all sorts of studies on both sides of the issue- far from a consensus. FYI The most common type of cancer directly linked to cel phone use affects the saliva glands.
  15. nibbler


    Lacto-fermenters here- did over 50 liters this fall- mostly kraut, and a few jars of cukes, julienned kohlrabi, and my personal favorite, combo jars with julienned beets and carrots! Finally bought a basic dehydrator this year-Used it for our heirloom tomatoes and for making kale/hubbard squash chips. Never had such flavorful dried tomatoes in my life! You don't have to be a raw food foodie to appreciate a food dehydrator- must have for backyard gardeners!
  16. I would love to find the paper which caused me to shut down the cel for good- but I cant. I researched this years ago with access to scientific journals. I do not have access to those journals from this computer. However this Wikipedia page is a good start for someone interested in the cel phone radiation subject.
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