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Everything posted by canadianphan

  1. I need an invite Help a brother out!?
  2. Sounds like an Onion headline [color:purple] "Cooperate America rips off America with overpriced merchandise from underpaid third world factories!†Come on, none of us are surprised; in fact I lead my life expecting that corporations will try to take advantage of me. Just like I believe that mainstream news agencies are rife with untruths. Our society is based on one individual ripping off another to get ahead. Bait and switch is the mantra for our capitalist society. Mislead the masses for profit, come on everyone is dooin' it... Those of us who don't buy into this doctrine are labeled anarchists & socialists. Society wonders why the youth are withdrawing into a Pod culture; it's because they need to protect themselves from information overload. This wouldn't be so difficult if the information they were receiving was useful & honest; but they've got to filter out all the adds, disinformation and lies. Where the social morality? We should be outraged that a multi-million dollar company is founded on the deliberate misleading and ripping off of the public. Instead we accept as par for the course. And that's the real outrage...
  3. I've been using clickhost.net for several years. MP3 hosting and whatnot is fine. $5 per month
  4. I've been using clickhost.net for several years. MP# hosting and whatnot is fine. $5 per month
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