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Everything posted by TheAlphaNerd

  1. I can vouch for Afro Popa... we spent a summer sleeping but a foot from each other. Total gentleman.
  2. Disco Biscuits are playing a new years show at the Nokia... and for like 4 nights before...
  3. truth be told I just wanted a fanny pack to go talk over on PT instead of Skankin' over hear. But in retrospect I can see how my comment could have been taken out of context. Golly, I feel like Tobias Fünke over here...
  4. Bouche, toss me the bag and I'll switch sides
  5. Harumph! Where do I sign up for this war we speaks of? I hear we are fighting people to the death for 3 day passes!
  6. WSP with Yonder in Denver... I was highly considering that show. Unfortunately I'm young and all my friends will be in New York for Biscuits. .... And Stoned phillips, I can only hope to one day be 1/4 as endearing as basher is. Him and his crazy minions, with their inflatable hammers. Long story short I like the cut of his jib
  7. Is it sad that I am still periodically checking? Or is it endearing?
  8. Well I guess it's a really good thing that all the people who wanted to charge that much for their extra set got all their tickets right?
  9. I think 3 day hooker and smack binges are pretty standard long weekend Basher activities. I think you need to kick it up a notch for this one.
  10. Just Thought some of you might need em right about now.. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM (the sound of my hug)
  11. MoMack... I'll definitely steal your identity if you would like!
  12. Anyone know of any heady ticketmaster bots? Or a kvm switch so I can control 10 desktops at once?
  13. Happy belated birthday ya whippersnapper...
  14. Bah... Dead Heads for Fake Bobbie!
  15. Schwa, I thought you liked some of the kids these days... le sigh
  16. But Afropoppa told me there would be candy in the van... candy for a +1
  17. Ouch... Swing and a miss... Working out the finger for friday morning clicking.
  18. I always associated Ringo with Bobbie...
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