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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Pfffffft. He's using a two-headed coin.
  2. I think the only thing we can say for certain is that Markov denied he's been approached by management to be captain but it is possible he went to them and said he didnt want to be captain.
  3. Way to go guys! Rich Stadium rocks. The rest of the internet? Not so much.
  4. It wont be. Plans are in place.
  5. Thatfuckingsucked. Oh well. Welcome to Raider Nation.
  6. Huge props to Sloth, Ollie and especially DaveyBoy for not telling me the final score of the Raiders game last night. God bless PVR. That 3rd quarter and half the 4th wouldnt have made any friends out of potential fans. Poor execution and dumb penalties slowed it to a halt in the 3rd. But let me tell you, did I ever scream my stupid face off when JaM threw that bomb on 4th and 15 (couldnt figure out why they werent punting but whatever, it worked) to give the Raiders the lead with around 2 and a half minutes to go. The house was facking rocking! My football emotions havent run that high on a positive note in years. But the crushing couple of minutes that followed brought me back to earth................. None the less, things are definitely on the up and up with the Raiders as they look at bottom below. JaM has his work cut out for him though. His mechanics arent the best and his accuracy is certainly questionable right now but as far as I am concerned he is just a 2nd year QB (yes I know its his 3rd year but he skipped training camp his first season and came in way late to learn anything of substance) who is going to take his lumps. At least he has a coaching staff who seemingly understand how to bring him along compared to the last regime. Oh, did I mention I hate the Bills?
  7. WHAT A BAD FUCKING CALL! That was a touchdown for Christ's sake!! Good lord, this could change the game. I got a bad feeling. I wasnt even worried about the booth looking at it. Unbelievable. Oh well, at least I feel like there has been a turning point with the product on the field. O-line is looking waaaaay better than the past 3-4 years. Actually, I can say the same thing about the D-line.
  8. I HATE THE BILLS! Although, I do enjoy the heartbreak every one of their asshole friends are experiencing at the moment but for fuckssakes couldnt you have held that lead and knocked out fifty percent of my Survivor pool oponents?
  9. I didnt see you post it here. Besides, I made some minor changes.
  10. The 'new' Sens song: Dany is travelling tonight on a plane I can see the red tail lights heading for San Jose Oh and I can see Dany waving goodbye God it looks like Dany, must be the clouds in my eyes
  11. Sorry, Sloth's right. Upon further review it was via an email. My head is still coggled from Saturday night. That's was a killer finish. I have no idea how I ended up watching that game but was sure glad I did.
  12. Sure, we all want to win and I hope these posts help people win but dont spout off about tickets you won on that we dont see beforehand because I wont believe any of you. Prove your worth without simply saying we should follow your picks. You've done some mighty bragging about winning money, show us.
  13. Sorry, I take back the future games. You did send two. clem gtch tie and fla in bball
  14. After the fact'd Sean. You told me you took Pittsburgh the morning following the game and now you are mentioning the college games. Not once did you give me a correct pick BEFORE it happened. Dont bother posting winnings in this thread people unless you post your picks prior to kickoff. Gamblers are notorious liars. Fact. NW set the rules that we are expected to follow. I would love to see if there is someone in here who can regularily win money because I know I wont.
  15. If the season goes like Drew Brees has for the first half, I am easily winning my keeper league. Holyfuck!
  16. Hey boys, I wastedly bet at an Esso station tonight and didnt get the ticket I wanted. I ended up with Tampa beating Dallas even though my original set didnt include that game. I wish I could blame Esso but wesmokedadoubletrouble before going over. It appears as though I got my other games: PHI-CAR - tie ATLwin - MIA CHI-GB - tie ARZwin - SF 10 bucks for 896 bucks, GO TAMPA!
  17. DaveO called it bang-on back when news broke of Heatley's trade request. Bryan Murray got the perfect card:
  18. Am I the only one worried about Dinghy right now?
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