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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Fuck, eh? Brings me to my knees........ I hate admitting I missed you dicksmack but I would have loved seeing Plants And Animals more. Hope you kids either bought Parc Avenue or buy it in the near future. And yes. Plants And Animals better become the new Slip. I'm really happy a number of folks were able to make it out to this. Good on ya'll. zero, I hit your facebook pics, a few great perspectives on your shots.
  2. I will be shocked if Lang makes the Habs, let alone tries out for them, not that I would complain loudly but that dude had a serious injury for a 38 year old who wasnt the best skater. Ask Dinghy. He suffered the same one. Anyways, I really hope he can make a comeback but NOT at the expense of younger players who desperately need icetime in order to progress. Let's be honest, it's not like the Habs are going to win the Cup next year as much as I am hoping they do.
  3. By the way, the Billsfuckingsuck. 4 straight Super Bowl losses. Epic.
  4. Thirstday will soon be upon us. FINALLY!! Fuck, this has been a long off-season. Reighd'uhs and the Bolts on the late Monday night game. No problems boys, newly acquired Richard Seymour will finally be the one to contain Ladainian Tomlinson. I cant think of a player who has dominated more against my favorite teams aside from Ray Bourque, although with him it wasnt so much about his numbers but a (nother) new dawn is upon Raider Nation. Just win, baby! JaM with a td pass, McF with a td run of 45+ and finally Asomugha with a pick for an 87 yard score. The Black Hole will rise again! Youassholes heard it here first........in all honesty, I predict 6 or 7 wins for the D'uhs this season simply because the Reverse Indian Givers and the Donkeys are in the same division.
  5. When you get on your bicycle and get on the road, you are then officially classified as driving a vehicle.
  6. Would you suggest that cars turning right be on the lookout for motorcycles/scooters who are going straight that they might run into?
  7. No, unless otherwise dictated. 2 different lanes. A pedestrian one and a vehicular one.
  8. Sure, unless you want to get hit. Exactly, just because they can squeeze ahead doesnt mean they get to go first.
  9. Well, that's just fucking stupid in my world. Either the bike should be forced to wait until the car turns or the bike should go to the left of the car. The bike shouldnt automatically get the right of way. Obviously drivers should be forced to look to see if a bike is about to plow into them or if they are going to plow into a bike but common sense should be applied in this scenario.
  10. Booche


    The same could be said about Bouche.
  11. Booche


    The scarey thing is how strong a grip Ollie has holding onto Bouche.
  12. I would love to get bumbly strunk with 77 for this one. TPB partystlze!
  13. RubberDinghy is only 9 beers away from 2 girls and 1 cup.
  14. Jesus, I almost fell out of my chair when I saw this. I swore it was Badams.
  15. I have to be honest, I didnt expect much when we saw him here in Ottawa during Bluesfest a few years back but he won me over. Free tickets? I'ld go with Jayboner in a second even though I completely despise his last hit.
  16. Correct answer. One of only ways you wouldnt enjoy it is if you are some stupid stoned-out poseur hippie with your nose in the air thinking Phish are the only band capable of putting on a good show.
  17. GirliePleks still hasnt recovered from that series.
  18. That's great news for the Sens. I wish Gionta would retire.
  19. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah! That'ld be a great gig!
  20. May you grow up to be righteous May you grow up to be true May you always know the truth and happyfucking bday to you
  21. Looks like the 'Nucks and Bobby Lou have come to an agreement on a new contract.
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