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Everything posted by Booche

  1. So he's finally coming out of the closet. Big deal.
  2. There will be much cockbiting in Sens land, you can count on that.
  3. Booche


    I also come here simply to PM schwa. Check it, yo: Star sprinter Usain Bolt has broken another world record. The Jamaican won gold in the men's 200 metres at the world track and field championships today in a world-record time of 19.19 seconds. Exactly one year after taking gold at the Beijing Games with a record of 19.30, Bolt had an even greater run in Berlin. Like the record in the 100 on Sunday, he shaved .11 seconds off his previous mark.
  4. Booche


    Shaq stole the idea from Steve Nash! Seriously, if it werent for Rich Stadium I would no longer come to this site. So many of my go-to websites have been drying up for me in the past couple of years. Way to goassholes!
  5. Booche


    Remember when Trey was melting faces on a nightly basis?
  6. Booche


    Savannah Sanitoa, of American Samoa, competes in the women’s 100 metres heats, finishing in 14.23 seconds.
  7. Booche


    The boss is on vacation and the Sloth has tissues and some Jergens lotion in his top drawer.......here you go buddy:
  8. Booche


    If true, is this evil?
  9. Following BDTNL > 20 Years Later....... Page: Hey Trey, remember saying this in an interview a couple of years ago "“I'm really excited to get back on the road and start playing the new songs live, ... The road is where the songs grow legs and begin evolving on their own in new and interesting ways. Shine is opening a new door for my music and I can't wait to find out what's on the other side.â€"
  10. Booche


    I just read about Usain Bolt's world record time in the hundred this past Sunday. Holyshit!!!
  11. Shiiiiiiiiit, I wasnt that crazy afterall. I knew I heard my name. Thanks! Having been at SPAC a few times now I have learned to get a head start on the crowd, else be trapped and move sloooooooooowly ahead. I always begin making my way out during the encore break. That's one more thing I love about the balcony at SPAC. You can still enjoy the encore and get a massive head start.
  12. Oh my God, I cant believe I didnt mention how incredible Kuroda's light show was last night. I wish I could describe what he was doing in that last picture above. If I ever lose my hearing, knock on wood, (or get sick of listening to the band) I will still go to Phish concerts. The strobe light effects on the monitors,drums,keyboards were incredible. Best I have ever seen. In fact, I think that was the best I have ever seen from him minus 2001 from the Gorge in 1997. MattyC described it best when he said at times it looked like a cartoon stage even though we were sober. Edit to add: I just spoke with Ollie and got the sense my recap of the show might have come off more negative than I intended.
  13. http://www.pjsbarbq.com/ Anyways, regarding the show. We were in row H on the balcony, between Page and Trey. I thought it was a fairly solid show with hits and misses but I couldn’t hear Page very well all night and Mike was quite muddy throughout most of the first set (they fixed him by the 2nd set). The energy to start the show was fantastic inside for Llama and Moma Dance. Actually, regarding the latter, I knew it was Moma even before hearing a note simply from the dance Trey was doing before they started. That kinda freaked me out. Look at me. Good energy from the room during the first set, even though I had to deal with a few songs I don’t care for. My personal highlights for the night were the jam and transition from Number Line to 20 Years Later and the Halley’s >Rock N Roll. I don’t think I would call that a segue since there seemed to be a millisecond stop/star between the two but it sounded like it was nailed on both ends. Yes, yes Dinghy, I know what I did there. Obviously Harpua sent the place bonkers. I havent witnessed a reaction like that since the 2nd Unbroken Chain in 1995. Crowd sing-a-long for the most part and it worked from my vantage point. I Kissed A Girl will sound terrible on disc but that's not neither here nor there. It was about the moment, which made us laugh. But yeah, it sucked. Last night finally proved to me in a live setting that I’m not a fan of Trey’s new tone. For further analysis simply listen to any Chalkdust Torture from this summer. Its far too piercing and not gritty enough. That being said, I thought Mike was thundering once they figured him out for the venue. Oh yeah, I walked out towards the end of Antelope so I could hit the can before the mad rush and was disturbingly surprised how low the volume level was on the top portion of the lawn. I figured I would still be well into the song but I had to stop to listen to the end, which was basically the crowd softly singing the final line. Very strange. Here are some of my pics.
  14. Hamilton, I would like to tell you something: It was even more beautiful than I remembered.
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