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Everything posted by Booche

  1. 1. That I am still alive.
  2. You also told Les Paul you were "learning jazz"
  3. I have never agreed with Ollie more than I do right now. The fagitude of these addicts is killing the board. How about that game, eh boys? Not like you care or even can recognize a good one from a bad one........
  4. I didnt get a chance to watch the game but the kid put up some wicked numbers and it looks like the Raiders made the right choice at the draft.
  5. What is so hard to figure out here? Liverpool scored 2 garbage goals. That's all I have said, what more do I need to back up? What's with this insecurity you guys carry after watching years and years of frustratingly end up from the top of the table is really starting to get to you poufters. Oh, wait................ Keep the faith boys and get a room.
  6. Things I have learned this morning. Fact. At no point have I said ManU didnt get bossed or did. Fact. You are obviously retarded. Fact. 2 garbage goals.
  7. Fact. 2 garbage goals. Stay blind son. I aint whinning.
  8. I was referring to the fact that the opening 20 was fantastic to watch, videogameesque. But I stand by the fact that both Liverpool goals were complete garbage and that your favorite team will be on the outside looking in at the end of the season because they will have lost games to far inferior opponents. Thanks for coming out.
  9. Whoa, hoa hoa......something is going to have to give on the powerplay. I get that.
  10. I have a blog? I still aint big on this move and time will tell BUUUUUUUT at least the Habs go into the season and allow guys to know their role rather than waiting and bringing in someone a third (or more) into the season. This will allow some chemistry to build. At least there is still cash available for another move, if needed. Keep in mind I strongly believe Sundin was exactly the center the Habs needed. I cant blame him for not coming because I am guessing he learned to hate that team having been in Toronto for so many years.
  11. Fuck you Barrett you thieving cunt. Great 20 minutes or so to open and 2 garbage goals gets your result. I look forward to the inevitable faltering against far lesser opponents which will seal Liverpools fate in the final standings. Enjoy it for now.
  12. Liverpool is the best team in the history of sport!
  13. Well, based on the fact that Sundin met with Gainey for a couple of hours last Sunday or something, it's easy to assume that he was never planning on signing with them. The Habs have just traded their 2010 second round pick for Robert Lang. Analysis to follow shortly on my blog.
  14. My mate (19 at the time) goes to a family wedding which is being held at a cricket club, real posh event with a marquee, brass band and the full works. Throughout the day he keeps getting unwanted attention from this horrific piece of work, p*ssed up 30 year old black woman with dreadlocks who he now refers to as "the hobo". On top of this, the lady in question is the ex-wife of my mate's cousin (who isn't in attendance). The more my mate drinks throughout the day though, the more appealing this bint is to him and by about 10 o'clock he thinks f**k it and asks her if she wants to "take a walk around the boundary". At this proposition she comes out with the immortal line: "No love, let's take a trip to the cripple-crapper". Classy. They get down to business with her bent over the toilet and him taking her from behind bareback, although as he's nearing the finish line the shame hits him and he thinks to himself "what am I doing here". On top of this he can hear his dad and uncle outside chatting in the que for the urinals. He hatches a cunning plan to make his escape without having to face the beast again or the embarassment of walking out of the disabled loo, past his dad and uncle and alongside the bint. Being battered, he decides the logical solution is to finish up, quickly pull his jeans up, turn off the toilet lights and leg it to the other side of the marquee before anyone knows what is going on. Of course, in his rush instead of the lightswitch he pulls on the disability alarm before making his escape. As he legs it out of the loo whilst buckling up his belt, amid the pandemonium his dad and uncle are first on hand to help out who they presume to be someone in distress, only to find the hobo with this look on her face :confused: , bent over the toilet with her skirt around her ankles and c*m dribbling down her leg. This happened about 2 years ago but needless to say things are still a little awkward at their family get togethers, and just to rub salt into his wounds he ended up getting chlamydia (which he then passed on to his girlfriend).
  15. I heard that Liverpool are also planning to dress Shawne Merriman.
  16. I think they should totally stick with him. Stock = low so the return would be utter crap but the reward for a healthy and a BJ Ryan of old would be huge.
  17. Roy won every one over when he spoke with the media yesterday. Fuck, isnt it nice seeing him in a Habs jersey again? Sometimes you just have to love nostalgia. Anyways, the 4 of us who are travelling to MTL to see games this season were deciding which games to go for when they go onsale this Saturday. We had marked November 22 as one of them before the announcement was made. The odds of us getting tickets has just dramatically reduced and they were going to be tough to begin with!
  18. The real question is: Why does Bouche insist on continually posting that picture above? I think he wants in.
  19. Booche


    You also wear eyeliner?
  20. Keep it away from the water. You have many experiences ahead of you Brad and I dont want to ruin them for you.
  21. DaveyBoy, you taught me about the beautifulness of a shower beer when we were 17. I dont think you learned me anything more important or life changing.
  22. You're the dude bringing them here!
  23. Booche


    Deeeeeeeeeeestroooooooyed it. FACT: People who watch Idol have extremely low IQ's. Look it up.
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