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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Did you really just ask that question?
  2. Who's to say all this stuff would have happened to him had he stayed in MTL? 99.2 mph is weak-sauce. I used to throw a puck that fast.
  3. This is a pretty sounding band. If you are one of my Facebook friends I believe there is a quick video of them so check it out if you are wondering whether or not you might be interested. You'll also have to add the Video application if you dont already have it.
  4. Since when is Metallica a bad thing?
  5. Lets remember two things: 1 - Brian Burke speaks very highly of JFJ. 2 - His track record in Toronto doesnt look too good but how much of it was his track record? JFJ wasnt given the freedom to do the job required. "There is ample belief inside the hockey industry that the Leafs stole one of hockey's brightest young execs when they hired him away from the St. Louis Blues in August 2003." Oh yeah, and he's a scout now. For those in the know, Kent Hawley is a scout for the Leafs.
  6. Looooook at meeeeee Iiiii'm as heeeelpleeess as a kitten in a treeeeee
  7. Its time to put on my tin foil hat that was purchased from DaveyBoy a few years ago. Weir all fucked.
  8. Jaimoe told me about this today and I am now intrigued. Its on at 9est on CBC. You don't have to be a pro wrestling fan to recognize the name Chris Benoit. Last summer, newscasts and front-page headlines were filled with the story of the wrestling champion who murdered his wife and young son and then killed himself. At the time, the focus turned to steroids and the part those drugs play in the pro wrestling world and in the life and death of Benoit and other wrestlers, many of whom died young. But, researchers studying the damage inflicted on the brains of pro footballers who had died by suicide turned to the case of Chris Benoit. Bob McKeown investigates their research and its startling conclusions.
  9. Truthfully, I am hoping MTL doesnt show any interest.
  10. I didnt know it was this simple AD!! Komi Pulls Neil Off Of Markov Because Neil Is A Gutless Puke For Trying To Attack Markov After The Final Whistle
  11. I have limited math skills but the skills I have paint proper pictures.
  12. Komisaurus doesnt pick on smaller players. In scrums like that you grab the first jersey. All they were doing was dancing and some face-washing. Welcome to the NHL.
  13. Ridiculous trade by Atlanta. No one could be that stupid. There would have to be at least one other decent prospect and a first rounder and even then, I am sure they could get more elsewhere.
  14. I meant to say until the start of the third period. Poor wording on my part but if you kept reading you would probably have understood. Neil's an idiot and I wish Komisaurus dummied him.
  15. Well, be ready to see two different MTL teams play the game. That's been the recent trend and one that I hope is fixed soon enough because they wont keep taking points at this pace.
  16. I'll make this quick. I started watching when the Habs tied it up at 1. From then until the third period it was complete domination by Les Brahs. Ottawa came flying back in the 3rd and played some fine, fast-paced hockey. The game really opened up and it started to look like they might tie it up but then the whistle blew and MTL walked away with the 2pts. Phew.
  17. If the Sens dont deliver a serious message tonight then I am going to finally conclude that something is very wrong with this team. They dont have to win but they best look like they want to. Unfortuanately I wont be around to see it due to a prior engagement but I might be lucky enough to catch the third. Have fun kids!
  19. That's fucking embarrassing.
  20. Yeah, our theory was that the 'Idiot Kicker' must have been hurt and would never have hit it from that spot. What a great fucking game!!!!!!! First downs were hard fought and tough to come by.
  21. Hey hippies. Pay more attention. The past few years have been outstanding.
  22. Shit. I am gona get in trouble because I am eating the popcorn. My iron lung.
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