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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I'll kill someone if that happens.
  2. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
  3. (this one is for you Roller because you didnt appear to be online tonight) A Goaltending Controversy In Montreal? You Heard It Here First The continued story of our favorite hockey team enjoying a great period but not finishing their chances continued in the first tonight, possibly topped by Koivu missing the most open net of the season. The second period began with a minute penalty kill and then witnessed Big Tits scoring a great second chance goal but one that Niittymaki probably wanted back. Shortly after I missed a fair chunk until the end of the period when once again MTL had a great chance. A 2 on 1 with under 10 seconds to go but Higgins held onto the puck too long before trying either a pass or shot yet weakly sent it into a stretched out Flyer laying along the hice. A well killed off 5 on 3, minus Hamrlik’s stick ended with a gorgeous rendition of Ole by the energetic ‘only in MTL’ fans. The penalties were coming fast and furious while MTL couldn’t muster crap. Halfway through the last period I didnt recall a shot on goal for the homies but Philly must have had at least 10. Price was playing a very inspired game and mustered the mustard. Demi-Godlike. Shortly thereafter the CH’ers found themselves on a 3 on 1 with about 7 minutes to go with a glorious set up by Latendresse to Dandenault but the shot went wide, I believe. I was glad it didnt haunt them. Another powerplay opportunity came about and not much in the way of any chances helped the team. The rest of the game exhibited Philly pounding away, trying to get a tying goal but it didn’t come. A very entertaining game aside from the stress on my heart during that VERY weak third period finds Les Brahs 2 points back. Ole.
  4. Booche

    Ryan Adams

    MarcO, do you even like stuff?
  5. Me and Matt 'Guitar' Murphy offer our best b-day wishes.
  6. Mark Knopfler live in 1996. I dont have the exact date because it is in my dvd player but this thing facking SMOKES!
  7. Booche

    I love sports

    In other news, athletes love sport as well.
  8. So does Bashers analytical ability Dinghy. So what is your point? That it is his fault or Donnie Nelsons?
  9. Thats awesome guys. I am very proud of both of you but lets not allow this to get in the way of our 401 hookups.
  10. And here it is folks. Just read above. The definitive proof that fans of the NBA are not smart.
  11. Is he also the GM? That's whose shoulders this should ultimately fall upon.
  12. Thats totally awesome. Matty we now know what us boys are wearing in MTL on April 3rd. Hell, lets wear them in Ottawa on the 1st as well.
  13. This is precisely why the NBA is a total fucking joke. How does a trade get announced yet upon further review it gets denounced because someone exercised their no-trade clause?
  14. CRAP! I forgot all about that even though that was recent. Big Tits was also on my mind as a potential guess.
  15. The easy ones are Kovalev, Markov, Higgins, Komisaurus and Turtlepleks. I am going to guess Streit or Saku for my last pick.
  16. Good 2 points there considering I didnt think Vokoun was going to be beat tonight. You just get that sense sometimes. His play was outstanding and he had all the angles covered.
  17. Booche

    I love sports

    This thread should help me forget the Habs recent troubles.
  18. I wish I could say that Les Brahs were robbed.
  19. Booche


    I loved 3:10 as well New Rider. I think some people felt there was a little too much Hollywood to it and while that is a valid complaint, I still think they pulled that shit off well. We rented Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee on the weekend. Its an HBO movie that I am sure you would dig buddy. And I am looking forward to seeing The Assassination Of Jesse James. As for theater movies, you certainly dont need to see Cloverfield on the big screen but if you do make sure you sit near the back. There are many tales of motion sickness and chicks dont seem to dig it as much as dudes.
  20. Yes but not in the sense that you might be assuming Oliver. I am just fed-up with the sheer stupidity I am hearing all around me at work and on the radio. I provided my feelings about the trade but if I hear another co-worker tell me that these 2 players with their Cup winning experience are bringing Lord Stanley to Ottawa, I am going to puke on their shoes, let alone the amount of people that are saying Murray blindsided Carolina. Most people cant seem to see things for what they are.
  21. Also note that Justin Williams doesnt play for the Ottawa Senators.
  22. Has anyone else noticed that a HUGE bulk of Stillmans scoring came in the first two months of the season? Seriously. Go check it out and blow your mind. He's got something like 15 pts in his last 32 games.
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