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Everything posted by Booche

  1. CAR didnt win the real one though! Sweet-ass. Good start boys. 81 more to go.
  2. ::pats self on back for taking Antropov in the 12th round of my keeper league draft::
  3. Good luck getting laid Jakis 'cause I dont think you are going to. I just played MTL vs CAR on the xbox360. CAR won 4-3
  4. Booche

    Ollies avatar

    HOLYFUCKINGSHEEPSHIT! He and I usually fight after 17 minutes together. Well, when we are sober that is.
  5. Booche

    Ollies avatar

    This thread isnt about me!
  6. WTF MAN? Seriously. Your tongue, or whatever that is, is facked.
  7. You got it Freak. There were a ton of factors and while I dont want people to assume I am making parking out to be the be-all/end-all problem, I also dont think it should be ignored. I agree with Hux about the 'fairweather fans'. Hell, I was one of them. He and I went to an opening day a few years ago and I swore I wouldnt do that again. It gets facking cold outside! But this is sadly interesting. "On Saturday, April 16, 2005 the Lynx opened their home schedule playing a doubleheader on an early summer like spring day. Lynx management turned away hundreds of cars that fateful day – thousands of people interested in connecting once again with the Lynx discovered there was no place for them to park."
  8. Raycroft is starting tonight. Stay tuned, this could get awesome.
  9. Mr. Darwin said he believes Mr. Pecor and Mr. Bostwick did everything they could to keep baseball here in the nation's capital. He blamed the city for the team's departure, saying that parking for the stadium has always been a problem.
  10. You certainly summed up my beliefs with those numbers Hux. Parking was definitely a factor when you see those initial attendance numbers. You really think it wasnt? Come'on guy. That's not what I was trying to say but I am sure people easily forgot about the game here.
  11. Yeah, I have been in many a parking jam trying to get into a venue but I aint never been in something so ugly (Phish fests dont count here). It was truly something I couldnt have imagined and so poorly designed that I finally understood why the Lynx cried "foul" for so many years.
  12. Not when they were setting attendance records. I dont doubt this 'fairweather fans' portion but I strongly suspect, if not believe, that parking played a huge role in the beginning of the demise. Once people stopped going, they forgot about it. As you admitted Geoff we never experienced those issues which is why we kept going back but if it were anything like that last game there is no way I would have taken the chance and would have missed many many games. It was brutal.
  13. Its not at all and I am willing to bet that is a huge reason why crowds first started to stay away. Hux, you only started going around the time we did. That stadium was almost always empty. You could leave your place 15 minutes before game time, park your car, get a ticket, grab a beer and a dog and be seated in time for the bottom half of the first. We went to the last game and it was the only time I saw the place with over 4 thousand people. It was a nightmare getting into the place (and we left pretty early knowing it was going to be bad). We parked at the train station because I knew we were going to miss a ton of the game if we hadnt. During the 5th inning, there was still a long line of people buying tickets to get into the stadium.
  14. I bet Swiss Cheese knows what happens when you mix cheap beer and ketchup chips.
  15. Oooooooh, I love these kinds of threads! The Grateful Dead - Distorto - 02-27-75 I got this while dead.net were allowing the weekly downloads. Check it out because it is very unique.
  16. It's because of the black girl, isnt it?
  17. How can I convince you it's me I don't like When I've always been distant and I've always told lies for love I'm bound by these choices so hard to make I'm bound by the feeling so easy to fake None of this is real enough to take me from you Oh I've got reservations about so many things but not about you I know this isn't what you were wanting me to say How can I get closer and be further away From the truth that proves it's beautiful to lie I've got reservations about so many things but not about you I've reservations about so many things but not about you not about you not about you not about you it's not about you
  18. Well, there we have it folks. Someone who hasnt been paying attention to hockey for very long. Thanks for playing and we'll give you the answer the next time on Saba Hockey Nuts In Canada.
  19. So they can gouge their fans later to make up for all that lost revenue?
  20. Aaaaaah, but do you know why they are in this position?
  21. We watched up until the 7th inning but got too tired to make it the rest of the way. That game certainly got us stoked for the playoffs.
  22. What's the problem here Roller? They signed him to a contract, he didnt make the team and is now off to their farm squad.
  23. Mr Hess, I swear, if I taste metallic shit in my mouth the next time I get a bagel at Kettlemans..........
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