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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Oh my lord. That's even worse than I could have imagined. Kev, how can you possibly defend that hit? There is no question an elbow was thrown and he is totally launching himself into McCammond! That's an awful hit. Edit to add: Tom just got home (a Leaf fan) and had this to say
  2. FACK! There goes one of my fantasy players. Thanks Upshall. I am getting annihilated in one of my NFL keeper leagues because of injuries, the last thing I need to happen is see another 40-50$ fly out the window. Stupid fucking pre-season bullshit. I'ld be even more pissed if I were a Flyers fan.
  3. Thank the lord that the US is controlling our national jobless rate, keeping on top of foreign investors in this country all the while tanking their own economy or we would never be discussing the possibility of the Amero.
  4. Not long enough AD. I just found out another ineteresting piece to this puzzle but please tell me if this is incorrect. Schubert nailed (cleanly, by the sounds of it) Downie during the SAME shift. Badda-bing, badda-boom. Bring down the hammer. Ok, so I posted this around the time Ollie posted his bit. I do have one question. Why is Bob McKenzie a homer?
  5. Hey NW, got any pre-bar plans? My fail-safe plan finally failed.
  6. Dude, inches away is when you are going to get your most leverage. Ever play the game? 2 fucking games! That's it. The rest is a money-grab and a potential for disaster. Ask the players what they think about pre-season.
  7. I'll tell you after I wang-dang-doodle my way into a conversation with one of them tonight. All I know is the last time they played here was pretty much a year ago and before that it was something like 6-8 months since they had been here. So, I cant see it being any time soon.
  8. It doesnt change the McCammond hit. Again, I havent seen it but there certainly sounds like a lack of respect was involved here. I'm just trying to keep a balance. If this hit is a late hit, that also means Chris Neils hit was a late hit and some Sens fans werent thinking it was. Anyways. I am not Colin Campbell so leave me out of it.
  9. Fuck whatever Ollie and I have to say to one another.
  10. If I hear one fucking cell phone go off with this ringtone................
  11. I am just commenting on what I have heard man and the sources I got them from are 2 that I consider to be extremely accurate in terms of what has been passed down to me in the past. Not too mention they are hard-core Sens fans.
  12. Watch where you are going with that one because everything that I am hearing sounds like it was very compareable to Chris Neils hit on that Buffalo player last year, time-wise that is. And I have a huge problem with pre-season hockey. Read DaveO's comment about fighting. And its all stupid for a number of more reasons.
  13. To your early question Vic, yes I believe you are correct (but I cant see the YouTube from work). The hit was on McCammond and not Schubert. Like I said, I havent seen the hit but of ALL the reaction I have read, only the one I quoted and Kanada Kev's seem to think its not that much of a dirty hit. To this I ask Leaf-fans: What if that hit was on Antropov? Whoops. Sorry. Let me cue up a different player. I think everyone in the world knows the answer to that. What if that hit was on Steen?
  14. And there's the bell to end round 6. Boy, BradM really took one on the chin there. Let's see if his corner can snap him out of this one because he looks dazzled and dazzed.
  15. You cant ignore me on your own? You always need either someone else or some kind of software to do shit for you. Keep on renting and venting!
  16. Dont imply my implications. I am implying that you are stupid. Sheep are stupid.
  17. If one isnt a sheep, they can surely say the pre-season is boring and I say its boring and means nothing aside from needless injuries.
  18. He's just lying down in front of it with nary a Sen in sight.
  19. Let me know if you are getting one and make it 2. I'm good for it bud.
  20. What are 4 books I will never have any interest in reading. Thanks Alex and I will take Pretentious Art Rock for 500 dollars.
  21. Hey doofuseseseses. I've said it before and I will say it again. 3 words. pre-fucking sea sun sucks
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