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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Specifically speaking of head shots, I have nooooooo idea how they could eliminate them. If there is a penalty for it, you would see players slouch way over trying to draw one.
  2. Ok, so you hate what the media has to say and what fans have to say. What about current NHL'ers? What about Bobby Orr?
  3. When there is a match penalty and a hearing is called, every player is suspended indefinitely. Its usually just a few days and as is the case involved the hearing goes today. And no, I dont think Colby was doing the same thing simply because of all the other factors I presented.
  4. Come on. Comparing the Colby Armstrong hit to that one is not the same. The speed, leaving his feet and the elbow not too mention the fact that he totally wanted to take him out as hard as he could. When it comes to these sorts of 'lack of respect head shots' the league is doing next to nothing with the lame-ass suspensions they hand down. This is why the general hockey viewing public is starting to get fired up. They want something done to at least show they are trying to rid the game of these dangerous hits.
  5. TissueMan, the issue is that the league is doing next to nothing. If you think that is a normal hit I would have loooooooved to have heard you go off if Koivu was on the receiving end.
  6. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think attendance-wise the league was very happy with football in Ottawa and believes it can thrive. The main problem was management/ownership driving their teams into the ground.
  7. I dont know what you are talking about Bouchard
  8. I feel sick to my stomach. Poor Sprinkles!!!!
  9. Because of my post, karma bit me in the ass a couple of hours later. I went into Rogers to get my high-def box and blah blah blah, I am getting fucking shitty Leafs TV as part of my package.
  10. None of them seem to know when pressed but aside from a couple of crack smokers at a pay phone, they really like our city and the vibe they get from the crowds here.
  11. I wish they were doing 2 or 3 shows here because I would love to see them again tonight. Akron Family 32 seconds in Ottawa
  12. Thanks BWM. I've got a baaaaad feeling the city is going to fuck this all up along with the opportunity provided at Lansdowne Park thanks to the south side falling to pieces.
  13. Good for you guys Giggles! For the record, I certainly didnt but Taylor was rocking the ketchup chips pretty hard so his viewpoint was a touch out of wack.
  14. Canon A640 As Guigs said last night, that band moves around a shitload which makes them tough to shoot. Not too mention the booze involved.
  15. Well, if you dig those check out my Facebook account. I threw up (no pun intended Sean) a 30 second video as well.
  16. I still cant get over how many people showed up. Vegas would have taken alot of money from me if I bet on that one.
  17. Nor did I eat ketchup chips but my question to you is, did you mow down on them after you told us you were feeling like you might chuck?
  18. There are no excuses Bouchard when there are 6 part harmonies.
  19. Not surprisingly, my pics are blurry as all hell and I am hungover to the tits but good lord do I ever love that band. I wrote a whole pile of incomprehensible shit while I was there last night and Sean wrote a bunch of bands that he heard from Akron, which include: Paul Simon, Pavement, Mahavishnu, Beach Boys, Slip, Sonic Youth, MMJ, Dead, Sigur Ros and the Flaming Lips. Stay in school kids but if you decide to drop out and do a bunch of drugs while on tour, these guys are the ones to hit. They'll fuck you up real good.
  20. Remind me never to come into this thread again.
  21. How fucking good was that shit????? Wowowowow. 3 of 4 bands was the Akron. Later fucks, that was a wicked night of music and Barrymores was as packed as the last time moe played there. Turn On Your Lovelight was a Pigpen version! Who does that??? Awesome.
  22. We saw the billing for this in MTL at the same theater were Ryan Adams was playing and it was the first time I have been intrigued by Ben Harper in a few years. Looks like this is an acoustic tour. That should be a return to the glory!
  23. Bob McKenzie is leading on Off The Record.
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