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Everything posted by Booche

  1. You obviously have not watched enough episodes of the Office.
  2. Oh lordy. I just went to pick up my Police tickets but ran into a snag. A few months ago I ordered them and since , we switched from our old MasterCard to a new one (better interest rate). So, what did I do when we switched? I cut up my card of course. Trying to procure these tickets just now, I was informed that I need that orginal card in order to get them or TicketBastard could transfer the amount (which I have already paid for in full) to my new card. ITs something to do with their "system". The lady at the desk told me "Just call up MasterCard and have them void the transaction." PARDON ME? Sure, it is my fault in the end for not having that original card on me and I fully accept that responsibility but dont you think they could have a better system in place (I did pay a huuuuuuuuuge amount in convenience charges afterall) for events like this? Anyone else ever run into something similar? In the meantime, I am going to contact MasterCard and see if they will wipe off the second charge but if they cant, I have no idea where to turn. They mentioned bringing in one of our bills so I am trying to get a hold of Douglas in hopes we have one lying around.
  3. and by annoyed he means looking for some pit-stop truckers. Friends of the road Boiler Rat. Friends of the road.
  4. You're all drug addicts. Leave Christina alone.
  5. Hey, when you get to this stage in your life, every penny counts so saving costs come at a premium. One less pill can mean the difference between a bottle of merlot or a bottle of chateauneuf du pape.
  6. I've got a hankering for some elk.
  7. Cheers AD. I am going to roofie my wife this weekend.
  8. Mexico and Argentina this Sunday boys. Now THAT should be a cracker.
  9. If I made it, I would wear this (and no smart-ass "half-mask?" comments please)
  10. Dude, the Nigerians were the best fans of the Tourney thus far. Aint no way anyone could tell me any different. They danced and banged drums from 20 minutes before the game, until it was over. EVERYONE was standing in that section. Total awesomeness all around and I offer my most heartfelt applause to that crew. When the players came over and greeted them before the match started it felt like water might come from my eyes. And when buddy scored that first goal, ran the opposite way of that section and then turned around to run at them and get them going ballistic? Best moment of the games so far. Incredible smarts from that kid. Yet I cant help but wonder what Lawn Chair People would have done behind their section. Wrong forum? But the game itself was still pure ass and far less entertaining than it should have been. TERRIBLE giveaways from both teams. Almost no flow. Kick and run all the way. The second half was some of the worst soccer imagineable. Wasting clocks, feining injuries....blah blah blah.....but lets all cheers the ref tonight. He did a great job trying to keep it going. Partying with players? Priceless
  11. Yeah, that's about the best place for Souray to land considering his emergence as a leader but the first 3 years contain a no-movement clause?
  12. That game was ass tonight. I want a refund.
  13. One can of beer from what I remember at the cottage last year.
  14. Fucking right he is, especially when you look down the middle of the Habs lineup! Its terrible.
  15. I'm waiting for BradM to say: "I call Blades Of Grass as a band name."
  16. Yes. They are comparable because they are from Russia. pffffft You're biased because you were in Ottawa for the 'contract' issues he had with the team.
  17. You didnt catch my point Low Roller. The season hasnt started yet and you are already saying that signing Yashin is going to be the equivalent of signing Samsonov. There are gambles in this game and with the addition of a salary-cap, you really need to make them. Yashin is a small-priced risk with big-time potential. If he is only going to cost just over two million, I think any team should do it. A nice quick little one year contract and boom. You get that center you facking damn well need. Should I guess that you want the Habs to promote Corey Locke instead?
  18. Why didnt Roller mention he is going to go to the first 2 games of the season? Is this guy even a fan of the game?
  19. How in the fuck does signing Yashin = signing Samsonov? Because they are both Russian? Do you want me to go there? Fact # 1 Training camp hasnt even started yet. Fact # 2 Why do you bother talking hockey? It's like Jaimoe talking about the psychedelic experience.
  20. Booche

    moe. tonight

    Girl. You know its true.
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