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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I like Rob's attitude. 10-18-74 eh? Time for a listening session and tomorrow the wife is away. This one is going to get ugly.
  2. Rotterdam is 43ish minutes of shlop with moments of blinding brilliance. Hey man, purpal ya fuker.
  3. Oh, and by the way. If anyone is wondering the best Dark Star ever is 10-26-89. Yah, I know. Seems kinda weird doesnt it?
  4. I hate to admit this to you Tricky but I wrote none of that.
  5. That is the greatest compliant I have ever been given. Nonpurple double x-claymation points. My work in this thread is done.
  6. I agree William but hotdamn if Ottawa isnt a different playoff team than they have in the past. Surely there was some gun jumping on my point which is why the Razor also needs to steal a couple of games here and there to give this team more confidence.
  7. Little David was in his 5th grade class when the teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came up - fireman, policeman, salesman,etc. David was being uncharacteristically quiet and so the teacher asked him about his father. "My father's an exotic dancer in a gay bar and takes off all his clothes in front of other men. Sometimes, if the offer's really good, he'll go out to the alley with some guy and gets fucked up the ass by him for money." The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some colouring, and took little David aside to ask him, "Is that really true about your father?" "No," said David. "He plays for the Leafs but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids."
  8. If this is the tone of the series it is going to end quickly.
  9. OFFICIAL GDH 5-8-77 COMPLAINT FORM (please check all that apply) Why are you wasting [ ] your time [ ] our time [ ] precious FM bandwidth by playing 5-8-77? Everybody on the planet already [ ] knows that show is completely overrated. [ ] has a copy. [ ] is waiting to buy this show as a Dick's Pick. [ ] owns the bootleg. [ ] has figured out that the show never even happened. In the future, please refrain from playing: [ ] Any show that we've already heard before. [ ] Any show that is in any way "overrated". [ ] Any show that is not a "classic". [ ] Any show that is not from 1973. [ ] Any show that didn't actually happen. If you were going to play that show anyway, why didn't you play [ ] The complete "Lazy Lightning/Supplication"? [ ] My copy, which is A+++++++++++++ sound quality? [ ] 5-9-77 instead? When I listen to the Grateful Dead Hour, I want to hear [ ] More Pigpen shows. [ ] More Brent shows. [ ] More Vince shows. [ ] y dont U plays ome PHISH!??
  10. Man, I'd hate to be the one to do this, but Cornell never really happened. Haven't you heard yet? There's been a lot of talk lately about the legendary fake show on 5/8/77. I've kept my silence on the subject for 22 years ... now it's finally time to come clean on the whole subject. The whole idea began back in late 1969/early 1970. The Department of Defense and the CIA were very disappointed by the way the Vietnam War was progressing. Not only were we losing but, more importantly, the US public did not approve of the war and, worse yet, weren't believing everything the military said about what was happening. This was an unprecedented event. Every other recent war was viewed positively by the public ... or at least with apathy in the case of Korea. Something had to be done. They decided to take a page from the Soviets and experiment with mind control. Together with Disney and a fledgling computer company called Microsoft, they set out to prove that brainwashing could really work on the very people who opposed them: the hippies. It isn't widely known but Cornell was actually the second test of these mind control procedures. The first occurred in mid-1975 and was a dismal failure. 2 major mistakes were made. First, they picked the one time that the Dead were not touring. This created all sorts of problems with the subject audience. The more serious mistake was in not updating the criteria of the experiment. Due to typical government inefficiency, they used the 1969 version of the Dead that was playing when the program was conceived. The sudden appearance of Pigpen, who had died 2 years earlier, literally blew the minds of those in attendance. 6 months were spent erasing all traces of the "show" and carefully rebuilding as much of their minds as possible. The subjects were eventually released and most of them became evangelists, their only lingering memory of the whole experiment being an unshakeable belief that they'd witnessed a true miracle. Unfortunately, no tapes have been found from this first experiment. That's a real shame because the version of Dark Star->St Stephen->Eleven->Lovelight used was supposedly the best ever. After a few drinks, the original scientists still speak in awe about the music heard that day. By Nov 1977, everyone was ready for the second test. This time, they learned from their mistakes. A small group of college students (including yours truly) were hired to attend shows from 1976 through 1977. Our job was to collect tapes of the Dead's performances, select which tunes to use, and to help identify subjects for the upcoming experiment. The location and date were chosen with equal care. It was a off-day during the tour and the location close enough to the real concerts to be believed. Of more importance was the late snowfall that day. That unusual and easily confirmed event provided the glue that would hold the implanted memories together. Even now 22 years later, people "remembering" that concert use almost identical words to describe leaving the show. Overall, the experiment was a great success. Of course, some people weregiven slightly different memories. Some, like Teddy Goodbear, "remember" taping the show and were even provided "Audience" tapes to further cement the hoax. Still others remember getting "horribly smashed" up front. None of this actually occurred. A week after the "concert" experiment, a 2nd test was done on the town of Cornell itself. In order to perfect this hoax, the town itself must also be convinced that the concert took place. Disney had acquired owner-ship of all the local TV and radio stations through dummy corporations. Using special chips developed by Microsoft, they played subliminal messages to every man, woman and child in a 100 mile radius of Barton Hall. For the most part, this programming still holds today although some people did prove resistant to the message. As far as the source of the music, for the most part the list posted by "brew ziggins" is correct. The only mystery remaining is the Scarlet->Fire. That was actually performed by the Dead specifically for this experiment. Since Jerry worked for the CIA, it was easy to convince him and the rest of the band to go along. Plus he liked the idea of "pranking"a large group of people like this. The fabled 2/6/77 "take a step back" rehearsal tape is also from material taped for these experiments.The soundboard tapes in circulation were leaked by Betty O'Connell who edited the original tapes. I don't know if it was just a coincidence or not, but they were leaked at about the same time as the tapes recorded by Betty Cantor were found. In any event, they became part of the so-called "Betty Boards". Leaking these tapes also provided the first cracks in the hoax to appear since the tapes were distributed to people who were not in the experiment and who knew that no show was performed that day. It was necessary to obtain their silence through blackmail, bribery and in extreme cases, mind control itself. That's also how this "show" came to be listed in all the popular Dead show guides like DeadBase. So what's happened to these mind control techniques used in this experiment? I got out of the program in 1978 but it's obvious that they are still being used today. Microsoft has used this power to become one of the biggest, most influential companies in history. They sure didn't become that big by providing quality products. It was used to shape public relation to the Gulf War. It's also clear that George Bush never understood the full power of these methods. After the Gulf War, the technology was leaked to a young governor who used them to be successfully elected to 2 terms as president and remain in power despite facing numerous charges that should have seen him removed from office or even thrown in prison. There are also indications that this technology might explain the otherwise unbelievable popularity of rap music. That's the whole story. I'll probably end up in jail (or worse) for revealing this but it feels good to finally get the whole thing off my chest.
  11. This thread has gotten worse than meatspin.
  12. I was thinking its more along the lines of a combination between Sean Taylor and Hayley Wickenheiser.
  13. Someone has really got to delete the last 2 posts.
  14. Over the years, there has been much hype and attention given to a particular show - touted as "the best ever played" in some circles. The show referenced supposedly took place on 5/8/77, at the famed Barton Hall at Cornell University. However, as what some might consider to be a professional Grateful Dead historian, I feel constrained to reveal an interesting, and possibly disturbing (to some), explanation for the recording which has been circulating all these many years. Many people are aware that the Grateful Dead devoted much time and energy to recording and preserving their concerts in as pristine a condition as possible. In the early 1970's, they pioneered advancements in recording technology. Quickly, it became evident that there needed to be some fixed standard by which to evaluate and rate the quality of new recordings. Additionally, the Grateful Dead were heavily exploring their fascination with artificially generated musical sound. Thus was born "Project Ventriloquist". Essentially, the Grateful Dead set out to produce, by wholly artificial means, the "perfect show". In this way, they would always have a perfect baseline recording, both sonically and vocally, by which to internally evaluate and rate recorded shows. Over a vast period of time, samples from a variety of sources were blended and mixed to produce the recording. However, the Grateful Dead also insisted that the quality of this recording must be good enough to pass muster with the fanbase. Ever the Pranksters, it was decided that the recording would be "leaked". They even went as far as to have posters printed up, and booked the venue as though a "real" show was going to take place. Alas, all these years later, this Pandora's Box has led to vast confusion among fans and audiophiles alike. The grand experiment led to an incredible recording, which has been appreciated by legions of fans. However, it has also reached legendary status as the "Greatest Show Ever Played", and scores of fans have proudly proclaimed false attendance at "The Show". Unfortunately, the reality is that 5/8/77 is still, and always will be, merely a valuable tool generated and used by the Grateful Dead for their own purposes. So, the next time you listen to 5/8/77, please appreciate the devotion and dedication which led to it's creation.
  15. Can I take back my Rangers pick? I was temporarily blinded by their complete demolition of Atlanta. Based on last night, it doesnt look like they will be able to match lines with Buffalo.
  16. What is that dark-haired girl doing with my gimp mask???? Fack. I have been looking everywhere for that.
  17. Not to be a suss, I had better make my other pick. Rangers in 7.
  18. I could use themonkeydeal.ca on a room in Montreal. July 25th. Thanks in advance.
  19. The only series I am having a tough time predicting is the Sabres-Rangers one. Sens, Sharks and Ducks go through.
  20. I posted this a couple of months ago after a friend of mine saw them at Barrymores and sent the following email. I would love to go but work preceeds anything. You say rock. We say roll. You say cow. We say bell. DUDE!!! you missed probably the most outrageous thing I have ever seen in Ottawa last night. White Cowbell Oklahoma can never, ever be missed again. Here are some highlights ... - 11 people on stage ... 4 guitars, bass dude who looked exactly like Chris Farley, lead singer, drums, keys, two tatooed 'ambiance' grils i.e. pseudo (strippers), and a dude in an Evil Kinevil jumpsuit playing nothing but cowbell all night. - every song was high, high, high energy with every member exhibiting some soft of rock 'n roll cliche... leg kicks, rock star poses, macking for the cameras, jumping off speakers, and so on. And yes, every song had every member doing these things at all times. You did not know where to look. - dude pretending to douse the audience in gasoline and light them on fire - dude brings out a chainsaw and proceeds to shred toilet paper all over the audience - ambiance girls doing mock dyke scenes and who also had trouble keeping their tops on (they did the last three songs topless) - punk rock dude in the audience taking things a bit too seriously and everyone around mocking him to the point where he threw a temper tantrum and the bouncers came in and beat the sh!t out of his 98 pound ass. - call for encore was the loudest I have ever heard in Ottawa... The bartenders were even on top of the bar clanging beer jugs to make more noise. As Dan said as we left ... I cannot believe I just saw that in Ottawa.
  21. Sarcasm aside, they also know he is not big enough. It's all about his feet.
  22. That Bosh block was AWESOME! Holy fuck. I am watching basketball.
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