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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I've only seen them once and there was no comedic angle whatsoever but I certainly appreciate that they are a welcoming band.
  2. Hahhahaha. Leafs fan all the way. For real, yo. You cement that fact everytime you turn around Jaimoe.
  3. You know what Jaydawg? I aint about to slag on Slowcoaster because they have a wicked percussive section. So does moe. After a while, that shit gets dull as fuck unless you are blasted on booze or dope and especially both. I dont care who you are. Hooks are needed. (That video is hilarious)
  4. Oh. Fuck. I should have skipped that keg party. Thanks for the late warning gizz face.
  5. Hahhahahahahahha. That's the funniest thing I have read on this board in weeks!
  6. Dude, that is the best NFL link you will probably ever post. High five!
  7. Boys, being in a room of 30 keg party drunks and seeing Leaf fans take that one on the chin was better than man landing on the moon.
  8. How about that Lewis kid in the Ohio State game? Wow.
  9. My best guess last night saw the difference between goals as the reason. We saw the hats coming down and it didnt look like no highlight.
  10. A maintenant Plekancs avai le temps de fumur une cigarette et boire un ver Pepsi. Mais ce fini asti. 6 a trois Penguins. Les Leafs on perdu ouci. Bon.
  11. No no no mon frere. C'est tres bon maintenant. Les Habs il patine tres viete et on beaucoup des chances de conter. Mais les Penguins ils vien de conter. Tabernac asti collist.
  12. Dudes, this game is awesome. Pittsburgh and Montreal should be forced to play every night.
  13. Aside from working, that is the main reason I dont have any real interest this year and it sucks. I normally loooooove March Madness.
  14. WTF????? A CHICK??????? ::head explodes::
  15. Tenacious D must be for stoners because I watched it sober last night and thought it was horrificly bad.
  16. I dont know how much you idiots pay attention to the off-season but its a big year for me since the Raiders have the number one pick. I might not even be alive come Draft Day. The rumours regarding Oakland are a torrential landslide of biblical proportions. Here is the last Randy Moss rumour (and by the way Del, I blame you 100% for the degredation witnessed since he got traded to the Silver and Black. Did this guy give up or what?): BREAKING____ Randy Moss of the Oakland Raiders was traded today to the Schenectady Meat Packers and Shoe Distribution Workers Union for the Rights to Al Bundy, who once scored 4 touchdowns for Polk High.
  17. Or mushrooms. I dont know how those boys survived that movie when we saw it in the theater.
  18. Booche

    Elliott Brood

    Is there anything that guy cant do? He's awesome.
  19. That's like 'the best' bedtime story ever.
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