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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I hate that Cully never looks in the mirror.
  2. Love Scene is a great little Garcia nugget.
  3. One mans gloating is another mans whining.
  4. George Gillett Jr. appears poised for a takeover of Liverpool. ::waits for Barrett to bitch, since that is all he could offer when MG was looking at ManU::
  5. Add alot more Dave Grohl to this sound with a touch of JT and I will make love to you with a reach+around.
  6. Does anyone know a fantastic Vultures? I used to but I cant recall one to save my life.
  7. You can get the show here OB1. Click on Parent Directory for more.
  8. Hey, is this that three piece metal band that played at a May CTMF a couple of years ago? I'ld fucking love to see them again.
  9. Says the guy that started this thread. Delicious.
  10. I'm all over it like stink on a MOBE.
  11. Alright, I'll help ya's get back on focus but dont blame me if Dinghy brings up the Habs again......... How about that little Gary Roberts in Florida? He could be on the move. Wouldnt he be just what the Sens ordered? Sure, a defenceman would be nice and Brad Stuarts name is getting alot of attention but Roberts would bring so much heart and character into that dressing room.
  12. They did and you forgot ya drunk bastard.
  13. The greatest goalie to ever play the game? Come on man.
  14. What's your problem Hal? Is something wrong? You could have linked THIS instead!
  15. Dinghy, let me give you a word of advice. Dont even try to understand. It's a headache lying in wait.
  16. Cheers. I heard an interview with Bryan Murray on the Team and he knew prior to the game this would be a hard fought affair from the Habs based on the last pairing (8-2 loss)....obviously. He was said he was trying to impart such focus on his team. "This one is going to be a close one, like 2-1 or 3-2" The Gods appease.
  17. Sweet. Higgins is getting interviewed via the A-Channel during the second intermission. I am so glad I am switching between feeds and heard that!
  18. I am sure most have heard this story but I had to lay on the pavement during that Went Hood. Simply put, I was fucking high and could no longer make it. Prior to that I took off from our crew of 8-10 friends for reasons I wont ever really know but I trusted myself enough to realize I had to go. We had lost a soldier during the Tweezer from the first set and I thought I might be able to find him during the setbreak. My intentions came to the forefront. "Dude, we are all pretty fucked up. Are you sure about this?" "I think so." I never found him but it all took a hold of me during the second set, somewhere during the 2001. It was time to stop looking parellel with the ground. Watching the sky rip around like a million shooting stars were going off at the same time, I was sure planets exploded while my molecules disbanded from one another, forming together again, allowing me to see how I was created and destroyed all at the same time. I had never fully appreciated Harry Hood until that show. Hell, I previously went so far as to refer to that song as ‘over-rated’ because I thought I couldn’t dance to it! I was such a stupid Deadhead……….. Getting sick of hearing their side of the story, it took almost a year for me to finally ask my friends "What the fuck are these glowsticks ya'll are talking about during that Went Hood?" "You didnt see those glowsticks?" “Nadda one†We traded war stories and for all I know, I was a glowstick that night. Seeing them in Portland on 07-15-98, while not being the greatest Hood, I got to finally witness what my friends were talking about at the Went. “Oooooooooh! You meant glowsticks in the literal term!â€
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