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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I love Rich Stadium. I may never visit the Cavern again (ok, maybe just this once).
  2. You still got those 'certain' pics DaveyBoy? I cant believe no one approached you as you were taking them.
  3. Fall 2006 "Buffalo lost 4 superbowls in a row and NE has won how many? That's a classy organiztion the Pats have there. Hmm............"
  4. I call it like I see it Bandwagon Boy. 3 and no.
  5. What are you talking about? That game against Baltimore was hardly “average†That was good ole fashioned football (controlling the clock, pounding the ball against arguably the leagues strongest D, their final drive, the most important in the game was over 7 minutes long!) but you wouldn’t know that because you probably started paying attention to the NFL when it became glamorous and ‘the in thing to do’ In the game before that, they had over 400 yards of offence! Hardly average Sonny-boy. They COMPLETELY dominated KC. They had the ball double the amount of time the Chiefs did. An awesome showing. Manning certainly didn’t dissect that Pats D as we have seen him do against other teams in years past but did all he had to do to win, which seems to be what he has learned for this season.
  6. He's asking if the Bears offence can match the 4 scores Manning is going to put up, unless of course you were being facetious.
  7. Thanks for the reminder Barrett! I know what I am watching when I get home.
  8. I dunno. I suppose moving to Toronto and becoming a Leafs fan? And Hal? That was awesome. Watching Hextall stick his tongue out like a madman and throwing his gloves was beautiful. The hit that started the whole thing (the game before perhaps?) was totally clean.
  9. Yeah, time zones dont affect anyone.
  10. Well that settles it then Ollie. Lets put teams in Australia and Russia.
  11. Phish turns you into a beastialitist?
  12. Kev, you dont think the owners listen to the players at all? You also think you need to hear about informal polls for them to be a reality?
  13. Booche


    Get out of here Poindexter. You dont see me in the Tapers Forum.
  14. So, what about the players in all of this? Dont you think they had opinions much like Joe Thortons? I know if I were playing in the NHL, I wouldnt want to travel anymore than necessary and would eliminate as much as possible. As far as marketing the league with budding stars, you obviously want them to play in every city. As a fan, this sucks but you all need to open your eyes a little more. This aint just the owners.
  15. Everyone frakin dies Jaimoe. We don't need to hear about every single B or C list sports figure and how "shocking" it is to you. In fact the more often you say it's shocking the less believable it becomes. In fact, how is this shocking? It aint! The irony is that had someone else posted this, you would have responded with "I already heard about this" Guess what. Most of us were emailing one another 2 days ago about it. Who cares? (My condolences to any friend or family member that may be reading this.)
  16. So, what about the odd pinky in the cornhole?
  17. Considering the first time I saw you, you were double-fisting pitchers......I have no reason not to believe you. But I am also sure you poured a bunch of beers for people, yet I am sure you got through 10 of them. This was back when you could really drink though, right?
  18. I predict Jaimoe is going to look bloody as all hell but will win the fight. Ollie is going to take a dive when he realizes he cant drink beer and puff nugs between rounds. Jaimoe will then proceed to talk about the fight the rest of the day, missing whatever music is playing.
  19. It's not like you would move any of the threads to it.
  20. WOW! Are you serious? ::phones Vegas to place as many bets as possible::
  21. Well, it was the 1995-1996 season. Pierre Turgeon had 96 pts in 80 games. Vincent Damphousse had 94 pts in 80 games. And Mark Recchi had 78 pts in 82 games.
  22. What's Polish for: "Who the fuck puts up a picture of themself in a queerish-pose in their own bday thread?"
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