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Everything posted by Booche

  1. MOVED:Leo Kottke, Chet Atkins and Doc Watson - jamming
  2. I am starting to like this idea better than going to tonights gig.
  3. Hux, post your comment in the appropriate forum please.
  4. And I should have............
  5. Hey, you were the one that assumed Breit and the Creaking Tree boys had to practise for months. Let me let you in on a little secret. They are what are known as "musicians". And good ones taboot. What kind of consciousness comes up with that?
  6. You people are all clearly fucked if you make these sorts of conscious decisions.
  7. If you cant smoke and swear, you're fucked.
  8. StnMtn: Quick Lassie, tell me everything you know about stem cell research. I have a big case in 30 minutes.
  9. I quickly became a BIG fan of the Creaking String Tree Quartet, in fact, I thought their songs were better over-all than the Breit numbers.
  10. I have no problem with MLS signing these 'past their prime' dudes. If they can generate interest in the league and slowly become something that is meaningful enough where I am going to pay interest, all the power to them. At the same time, maybe I do have an issue with it. 1 million per week for Beckham for 5 years? That is an insane amount of cash. Whatever. Good luck. [color:purple] I guess LA really stuck it to Fergie, eh Barrett?
  11. I think LJFH needs a Saturday ticket.
  12. How many chicks were nicknamed Heather Hooters? If there were more than one, I had the unfortuanate misfortune of not meeting them. Anyways, this one went to LaSalle. She was a great Party Girl.
  13. Heather Fucking Hooters. I wonder what she is up to now? Where's Badams. He must know a tale or two.
  14. Someone has a problem with my boy JT???
  15. You know, Jaimoe has been such a great sport throughout all of this, so I will give you my own 'Watch this' story. Back when I was 22, I attended St Lawrence College in Kingston. They used to have awesome pub nights on Thursdays and we would get tooled up and check it out from time to time. Loose fur all over the place. Anyways, one night I am Ollie-wasted. Completely pied to the max. I cant remain standing still, else I would fall over. Seeing double and all. Me and a buddy are standing against a wall and I see this chick approaching that used to work with an ex-girlfriend. I turn to him and say "Watch this" with the stupid confidence of a man finishing off his 14th beer. "Hey, ithint your name Heder?" "Umm, yeah?" "Diiaint you uthed to work at McGuiness Landhing?" "Uh......sure?" "Wanna go out somthtime?" "I DONT FUCKING THINK SO!" Jeff Mckillican never let me live it down, nor should he have.
  16. I am pretty sure he turned to his friends and said "Watch this" as he went into the bedroom with her.
  17. Best of luck and I hope we see you around these parts. You make me laugh, unintentional or not.
  18. The forced segue into Meatstick made me hurl and I could never get back into that show.
  19. Your dad is my hero. Alrighty, getting back to the chick at that Kingston Canadiens game who split her pants..... Her nickname was Heather Hooters (for obvious resons). She really wanted to get boned by Jaimoes buddy Don Norman (oh boy, I think I just heard Dave leave the room). He didnt want to have anything to do with her but he came up with a brilliant plan to help out our good friend Jaimoe, who was a virgin at the time. "Listen Heather, if you sleep with Dave, I will have sex with you." She grabbed Thumper and they took off to another room but alas, no sex. I dont know much of the details but I am pretty sure Dave was scared, however, he did say to me after "I got to second base" Now, I ask you this my good friends. Who amongst you in grade 12 was still using the on-base analogy? Maybe when we were ACTUALLY 12........
  20. Duuuuuuuuude, that was at a Kingston Canadiens game. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen, outside of Jaimoe sports stories. She was a total trasher chick, hair teased to the heavens, makeup thicker than Krusty the clown and jeans so tight you could snort coke through the pant leg. Center ice, 2000 people watching and she winds up to take a slap shot. She misses the puck, does a 360 and falls flat on her ass. The ENTIRE arena was going bananas. As she was coming back to her seats (she was part of the group of people we went with), her friend turned to me and Ralph and said "Guys, please dont make fun of her, she is embarrased enough." I think we waited all of 30 seconds and the both of us TORE into her. Thanks for reminding me of that one. I am going to bring it up when I see him tonight.
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