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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Taco B'y Baby? That actually sounds like something I want to try.
  2. I was just about to post this. Go get that slob Donald. "Rosie’s a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie." Sign Ro'D up as the person I want to punch.
  3. I'm not hating it but those bongos feel like a jackhammer.
  4. I am pretty sure Snoop has a better lawyer than Kevin Shapiro.
  5. Here you go Roller, Habs prospects at the 2007 WJC.
  6. Is it a USB connection? If so, its entirely possible that you need to reboot the computer again.
  7. Batteries? There also should be some kind of button on the receiver. Click that thing.
  8. That's the moral of this story. They are playing awesome right now and I am crazy.
  9. Actually Roller, none of what you have stated is crazy (besides me). That is how you end up near the top of the standings.
  10. Of all that I have noticed this year, the thing that seems to stand out to me is Ryder's skating. Its vastly improved yet no one seems to be discussing it. Call me crazy.
  11. H IS BACK!!!!!!!! Merry Xmas baby.
  12. Fuck. I knew it was a Floridian team but the Habs beat Tampa's ass last week so I fluffed my pick. Nice one. I blame Luongo. Again.
  13. Booche


    This board needs a TV Forum.
  14. I saw Carnivale the other day at the video store and wondered if we should start on that series. I have yet to see The Wire available. Let me just say that Weeds is a chick show. Andy - the uncle - is one of the worst castings of a character I have ever seen. He should be far more hilarious than he is but it's obvious the method to their non-madness.
  15. Yeah, I am going to guess a recently added franchise........Atlanta? The last game I saw at the Forum had the Habs win 4-2. I won the pool which easily paid for my trip and then some.
  16. On the way to Spac, Hux went on a tirade. "NO ONE pisses during a Bob song tonight!!!" Blah blah blah and a few beers later, we are inside the venue and the show is going on. Upon hitting the bathroom for the traditional El Piso break who was also in there? Hux. So as far as I am concerned nothing is wrong with El Paso.
  17. Where the fack was Ollie? Probably stuck behind a tree on Laurier or something............
  18. Happy bday MonkeyBoy. We missed you around these parts.
  19. I found some other products you boys might like:
  20. Hey everybody, we should all cancel and not tell LJFH..........let her show up alone waiting for her "friends"
  21. Indian Buffet for me as well.
  22. I'm easy and good to go anywhere. What's the name of said palace?
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