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Everything posted by Booche

  1. BS call on that Ottawa goal.
  2. I would love to see that putz walk around the Fleet Center with that sign. Wow.
  3. The great thing about making a solid living in music and entertainment is the ability it gives you to live near people doing the same thing. Though their styles may be different, Grateful Dead‘s Bob Weir can look down the street and occasionally catch sight of the “Red Rocker†himself, Sammy Hagar. Weir says he’s enjoyed getting to know Sammy over the years, and told Rolling Stone about one incident where the singer dropped by after arguing with his wife. Weir explained, “He’s more fun than a frog in a glass of milk, and he’s got his studio right around the corner here. He’s nuts. We hang together a bit. When he gets thrown out of the house, typically I’ll get a phone call — ‘Bob, I’m coming down there. I’ve got to show you my new car.’ He comes down there, he’s a little edgy, and he’s got a new car and he takes me out and scares the living crap out of me. And he gets it out of his system and everything’s fine.†That is fucking hilarious.
  4. I couldnt argue with you there even if I wanted to Esau. I completely agree. The Sens got him off his game last night and it all unraveled for him. Having said that, I am sure you recall all the things being said on tv and in the papers about Subban during his hold-out. I wont lie, a good chunk of that stuff ended up working on me but at the end of the day did PK make some kind of "miraculous" turnaround or were we all media-trolled? I think the answer is pretty obvious when given the chance to look back. Some folks want to watch him burn.
  5. If you deliver a nasty slash after the whistle on a delayed penalty you best be damn ready for some brotherly payback. But no. I dont suppose a Sens fan would mention that of course because they played like angelic darlings. Just continue to follow the mediatrolling lead and tell us how PK is also a bad team-mate and no one likes him. RIP Roger. I would have done the same thing if I were in your shoes.
  6. Hagar has been a part of that inner circle for years and years and years.
  7. Thank you Paul MacLean. Signed, Every Hab Fan In The World
  8. I didn't think it warranted a suspension but they certainly must have considered this would help cool things down. Lots of teeth to this series.
  9. Prust never sleeps!!!!
  10. Bug-eyed fat walrus hunting season is officially on.
  11. Sorry Ollie. Didnt realize that. I take it back. I thought you were providing some kind of post-game commentary but yeah. Fuck the Ottawa Sun.
  12. You've got about as much class at The Ottawa Sun.
  13. Never thought this would happen to me while watching Boston demolish another team but...........
  14. This isnt so much a re-release as it is an actual release.
  15. What a load of crap. That's a totally sexist article. They are essentially calling Ollie a genderific woman.
  16. Certain sections of Ottawa fans and scribes vehemently believe Matt Cooke purposely tried to injure Karlsson. I am interested to see if that same group would actually question the possibility of something helping Karlsson with his beyond speedy recovery.
  17. Bring lots of towels boys because PK is about to jizz all over your faces.
  18. Weirdness, that just made me fall over. Wow
  19. http://aol.sportingnews.com/nhl/story/2013-04-26/brian-burke-sues-internet-commenters-maple-leafs-dave-nonis
  20. Between identical posts on numerous web offerings you are completely insufferable.
  21. Haha. I have to stop coming into this thread. My curiosity about that video is flooring me, pun intended, and you arent helping Marcust.
  22. How in the fuck is that Phil's call or anyone else's for that matter? Mind you I havent seen anything but if Bob or any teammate says they are good to go you and you have known them for years you give them the benefit of the doubt. Had I been to a Dead show and they didnt allow Jerry onstage because he had enough opiates in him to kill a horse I would have been pissed and probably rioted. Phish allowed Trey onstage at Coventry. Not that I am suggesting this was the case last night because I have zero clue. Yes yes yes. Mindless enabling at its best.
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