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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. Just noticed Josh is with Dan tomorrow, sweet! I will be there.
  2. Trying to save mother earth, one sample at a time. Good news is that it's only -35 now.
  3. -43 right now in thunder bay, a great day to work outside.
  4. Town Ballroom, Buffalo NY Wednesday Jan 16/12 Set 1: Nipple Trix > Slacker > Baby You're a Rich Man% > Slacker, Rocker Part II, Much Obliged > Get in the Van, Hurt Bird Bath Set 2: Pay the Snucka, Ringo > Kimble, 1348 > Walking On the Moon#, Intentions Clear > Day Nurse > 1348 Encore: Resolution > The Fussy Dutchman % - Beatles # - The Police I LOVE the Ballroom and they recently got a new sound system that rocks the place even harder. Great show last night, fantastic light show. I got a whole bunch of songs from them that I haven't heard live in the 5 or 6 other times I have seen them. I am now ready for Trey.
  5. Buddy at work says twitter is a blaze saying Burke was fired because he got Hazel Mae pregnant.
  6. I saw this in your whack shack out back when I visited you a couple of summers ago, now you know why I haven't been back.
  7. That's where I got all of my pre-teen heart-throb poster shopping done.
  8. Find one of those poster racks with all of the Bieber posters in them at Zellers. Glad I could help!
  9. I was just asking in general and this thread seemed appropriate. I actually image google'd hipster camping and not to my surprise, nothing turned up.
  10. ^^^^^^ But it is where you should go after the show for some fun tunes... The Auld Spot is a good pub with decent pub food but you are in greektown so I recommend exploring as well.
  11. Which also happens to be the same weekend as Summer Camp, Delfest and Dark Star's Jubilee, decisions decisions...
  12. Friday of the Memorial day weekend, they don't call that May 24 down south. Our May 24 is the weekend before.
  13. Pre-sale went as quick as Trey did, get on your shit Friday if you want tickets folks.
  14. Does anyone have any good experiences doing this? I have heard it may be possible if you're willing to supply a copy of the purchasing credit card and your ID, most likely to a close personal friend obviously. Any constructive thoughts?
  15. The best weekend of football I have ever witnessed.
  16. I'm in but I have to make it through Umphrey's on Wednesday first.
  17. I love seeing manning lose.
  18. I still have an extra if anyone is looking...
  19. I am going to try and make this, great white north weather dependent.
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