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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. c-towns


    That's how I stock up on paper but it lasts a bit longer.
  2. Amazing playoffs, by far the best I have ever watched and it's only the first round. That cards comeback was pretty awesome even though I wanted the nats to move on.
  3. Rah Ool!!! Instant Yankee hero.
  4. I'll go, but only to improve my social status. You can't put a price on that.
  5. I can't believe you felt the need to post that.
  6. I have witnessed an abnormal amount of said catches this year.
  7. Great playoffs so far, last nights games in particular.
  8. What is the best way to search the contents of mega and rapid share?
  9. I was in Alfie's for BNB once, we just showed up and some students had to ID us in and that's about all I remember from that night.
  10. I came in here this morning anticipating so much more from you
  11. Get out there folks, these boys (along with any band tied to this scene) can always use the aforementioned love...
  12. c-towns


    I see they just put out a self titled album and are touring around it. Tuesday Sept 18 at Lee's Palace in Toronto and Wednesday Sept 19 at Corona Theatre in Montreal I have never been disappointed seeing these cats.
  13. Good to see these guys are still funking out! Sept 15 at the Horseshoe in Toronto and also have some sort of film project floating around TIFF elastocitizens
  14. They never said they quit, maybe they are semi-retired? I would bet we see some form of the Fat Cats down the road somewhere. I would also bet that edger would know more on this subject.
  15. I'm not on facebook, I just thought that's what the kids do these days.
  16. I would look at their facebook status to find out. They did have a rousing set at Come Together over the weekend.
  17. I heard an interview with Jeff Pearlman who is a sports writer and has wrote some intriguing books about Payton, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, the 90's Dallas Cowboys among others. He told some funny stories about Bonds being a dick (big suprise), Michael Irving slashing a teammates throat with scissors over a haircut and Walter Payton's love for nitrous. Sounds like some interesting reads. Payton excerpt
  18. Thanks, Tomorrow Blues was awesome, love the keys on that tune.
  19. Awesome show last night for sure and one of my favorite albums of the Summer. I love the psychedelic keys of MacDougall and he was dropping some serious sounds throughout the night as Casal ripped his guitar apart. There were two huge jams in the second set that sounded like new tunes they are working out live and they had serious legs. Tulsa Yesterday, Rossalee and the second tune of the first set (can't remember the name)were also highlights for me. The Town Ballroom continues to be one of my favorite venues around and I to am surprised not to recognize anyone else at the show.
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