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Pablo Sanchez

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Posts posted by Pablo Sanchez

  1. Just watched this.

    oh my oh my.

    as if there is not a reality television show based around DLR.

    I feel kind of sorry for him now but the 80's were real good for him.

    scary... just ... bizzare

  2. We used to have mormans come and visit us all the time. We'd invite them in for tea and chat. One time we spiked their drinks with copius amounts of LSD, then we had a back yard party and killed a goat.

    They never came back.

  3. a 23 hour drive is something I hope never to do.




    "Ah.... guys don't worry MEESICK Michigan is gonna kick ass, and you'll be a ok to get to Boston the next night." "We had to route it this way so you can make it to north florida for that festival at Jimmy's grandma's farm. I know, I know, the money isn't good...but think of the EXPOSURE!!"

  4. They always seem to have an awesome lineup at 10k - if only it wasn't so damn far.

    And if only the forest wasn't full of shady wookies. Use the buddy system down there ya'll.

    Did you have some sort of bad situation there?

    It looks like its big enough and dippy enough to attract a seedy element but I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

  5. Perhaps. I won't say anything until I'm there watching Kimock. A powerful streak it has been. I haven't really heard this incarnation of his band. I gotta say that I thought Mitch was the ultimate second guitarist. Her just always seemed to play his role to perfection. I'm sad he won't be playing when I break the curse.

    I think my favourite group was Steve, Mitch, Alfonzo and Rodney. That being said I haven't heard this version yet.

  6. Its really disgusting how so many household products are full of shit that can give your kids and you cancer.

    Companies should at the very least be forced to warnings on their products. But they would never do that because who would buy a box of laundry detergent that had chemicals that cause cancer as an ingredient.

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