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Posts posted by Douglas

  1. I think that there are many people out there driving on our roads that need a refresher course in shoulder-checking.

    Not enough people actually do it.

    And alot that do are checking after their car is already in the side-swipe zone.

    I consider myself I pretty darn good driver. But I often wonder what rules/skills I have forgotten since I got my licence 14 years ago. It's strange to me that we are not tested again until we are 8000 years old.

    What's the rule about getting eye glasses after you've received your licence (stating that you do not wear glasses)?

  2. I woke up to find myself in a good mood this morning.

    And then found out that I had to scrape ice off the windshield...meh, not bad, don't mind so much...except that the ice scraper I bought last week SUCKS! Why do they make the edge so straight when the windshield is curved? little itty bitty lines scraped at a time...augh.

    I try to make a habit of not swearing until at least after 9am, but the birds were scattering all around me at 7:30am

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