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Posts posted by SaggyBalls


    Giggles, it's Beats here and that's too funny...is this the same Amanda we've both spent time playing with dotted cubes and inhaling inhalants with?


    i'll have to wait for the crazed rant next time i talk to her.


    you should really hear this track i did dude...give me a ring sometime. we have to work out plans for our beautiful birthday weekend my friend. travel plans...

  2. i know this is yesterday's ?


    if i had unlimited funds i'd destroy the idea of money after i'd get every material thing i could ever want or need, and helped countless charities, people, and friends

    i'd build awesome concert halls in towns all over for great bands to play

    i'd build better mass transit connecting peopleacross the country, and roadways to do the same.

    but before that i'd get hood laid.

  3. if you want to do your kids some real good, play some classical...i suggest soundtrack from 2001, some chopin, and haden/gismonti live in montreal.

    anything on ECM for your kids.

    it's good for their brains...but let em have some rock n roll...grayfolded.

    st germain


    the meters

  4. Hey all you sad sad people - yeah, you HAD good times with that band but the reason they broke up is the fact that it too them breaking up to play that good again and realize they were actually having fun.

    when a band isn't enjoying themselves enough to break up don't be sad - be happy!! those dudes need this breakup to enrich the canadian music scene even further.

    quit your crying and learn how to support new bands. You're getting over the phish hiatus pretty well and I think it's plain to see that phish is a more emotionally binding group. you could argue but why would you do that? I think they were great as a band and we know the talent that's there. I think it's better to congratulate on some great years and wish them luck on their futures.

    The show was good and the vibe was incredible. Everyone was having a good time.

    and now is where i get cynical...I thought the couple of times I'd seen them in ottawa at zaphod's(even having to close down early) they were better...and in London last fall...and at come together labour day(acid) and a bit better than guelph...only because of the frankenstein...sorry guys but i'm only being honest. those ottawa shows were the reason I got into burt nielson and labour day was the reason I saw them for sure in the fall...loads of memories if you can remember them, super times. I'll miss them but i think we'll see something far greater come over the horizon in the next year and a half.

    reunion had better be smokin!

  5. it's cool to be able to support a scene, but toronto's not like Ottawa where there are few cool places to play...what about renting out awesome venues and putting on great shows? hmm?? isn't that what a concert promoter's supposed to do? risk a little to get a lot.

    If nobody makes the CanJam scene into what it deserves to be, we won't get the proper support. I think there are a lot of awesome bands in canada but it's only when we can get people to turn it into an event that we make it magic.

    get your own shit together without worrying about helping the bar owners. hell, start your own bar/club in your town. it could work. a private club that advertises...cheap membership rates...smoking...

  6. A few months ago, some gracious soul(possibly gentlemonkey) posted about the greatest moulin rouge entertainer ever...a dude that could spoout water out of his rear end. I really need that website or post to be brought back and I don't know where to find it...i'll keep looking but if anyone knows abotu where i can find information on him it would help out a whole lot.


  7. sure...then there has to be a couple of things affirmed: i will do this to anyone and I have to make sure my travel expenses are paid...i'm in london.

    anyone in the southwestern ontario region can visit easily but for you i will either need a drive or train ticket.

    you could always wait for may 24...i'm sure things could be worked out then.

    (massage puns are the best)

  8. I propose somehting: I learn how to type better and we try to get long sleeve tie dyed t-shirts with out avatars and names on em for may 24. i'd wear it with pride and i'm sure we'd be able to get super designs...anyone know people that silkscreen and don't try to make money off EVERYBODY??(namely phans)

    nametags can esaily be damaged but a shirt is way cool and unique...the first to the avatar only...

    good idea?? if someone thinks this would work(that means someone that reads the boards and is an active Spanktuarian) it would mean a lot more if a new thread was started...a thread about threads...heh...can't wait till tonight!!!!!!!!!!! last burt show till a reunion

  9. As it is brought over to the bar, the stars' mouths water and their gazes go from plastic to longing: the magic White Eight Ball on a silver mirror. Pure Lust surges through every sinus cavity and the waiter feels like the most admired person on the face of the planet.

  10. next wednesday tND will be playing in hamilton at McMaster...the downstairs john is the venue...last live band there ever...they're getting a new bar.

    i think this show will rule but i have no way to get there and will pay some gas costs or ticket and a beer...which ever's a better deal for one of us...

    i hope this pans out because i love seeing these dudes.

  11. that's true...but that's not the only way to get cured of cancer. I hope it works for the guy...

    if you don't think that's possible then you believe things people tell you regardless of the truth and if that's the case, it would be in your best interests to give me all of your money.

  12. i'll rub feet for 20 bucks an hour and i'll use foot cream.

    i'll even prepare baths for them to help draw out the toxins in your aching corns and bunyons.

    the only thing is that i've gotta work for at least a few hours a day...i'd prefer if my clientele were women, but i can give a foot massage to a guy...but i am not a rub and tug...for guys... tongue.gif" border="0

  13. no but i have a giant american flag, stitched...it's so beautiful, even upside down.

    i think a canadian contingent would be almost mandatory...what about some canadian bands going down to party and jam and show those yanks that we've got a good enough music scene for THEM to travel to see.

  14. Which microphones do you use for different situations and why?

    what do you look for in your microphones?

    What sort of mic techniques do you use to reproduce a good stereo image?

    Do you use and preamps or compressors??

    if so, what works the best?

    What kind of recorders work the best for you??

    Just wondering...I'm used to the studio.

  15. hahaha!!!

    Arduous Goatskin!!!

    That jesus dude sure cracks me up sometimes.

    I loves ya bay bay but all i can think about is...arduous goatskin, My buttcheeks is warm.

    it looks like Alex and I might move in to a house next year. creepy 613 connections comin back to haunt...it's the same house as dean and corwin...you'll have to bring the ottawa contingent for a housewarming party in may...possibly before frontier town...if it happens...party house full of musicians, welcoming musicians and enthusiasts for a celebration filled with mirth, merriment, and good folks.

    that is, as long as we get the place.

  16. if you can make it to guelph next thursday, it won't be your last show dude!

    it surely sucks about BNB's passing. I've heard people complain about newer poppier songs...which kinda offset me...why complain i said, to a reply of BNB's breaking up...and i thought it sucked when jefferey left the band...good luck to all of you...don't stop jammin!

    and, yes, bellbottoms would rule at the guelph show.

  17. Who's checking out the Burties next thursday(3.28.02)??

    i'll be there with boogieknight and hopefully a load of you sanctuarians and some other partiers.

    anyone in the area help this party destroy all before!

    anyone looking to make a party happen from Ottawa, feel free to make the trip down...the next day is good friday...no school, possibly no work??

    Just think...if you knew you'd only have a few more dates left with a band, wouldn't you wqant to just tear the roof off everywhere the crowd wanted to party?>

    Just think...the possibilities of this show...nearly endless. Anyone think we could coax BNB to play reeeeeeealy late?mayhaps another dollar on the ticket to the management of the bar? i'd spend a good 10 bucks to see those dudes...or more if it were a killer long show.

    Anyhoo...just a thought. I've got to meet more dudes from this messageboard before CT fest...why not make this a sanctuary party...as long as there's a strong ottawa contingent and someone with a banner, we may be able to get some advertising at the show(if we're allowed) by posting the banner somewhere...get someone with a digital camera and some tapers to put this one up for people to download...even though this isn't an event(a big one) we could turn it into one.

    any takers on a good party>?

  18. You know, gentlemonkey's right...that's a damn cool name...moe.ron

    too bad moe.ron's name isn't really ron.

    mine is the dorkiest...canned beats...i thought pickled beats but that's a show on CKCU(or was) but you can buy beets in a can, and I went to school for radio after highschool and some people call the radio the can...mostly because it's packaged (and in cannng you lose some nutrients at high temperatures, a process in canning to vacuum seal and sanitize the food)

    but why would you want to can rhythm?? I don't agree with confining music so it's a pretty contradictory name for me...too late to change it now...but on long trips if 2 cars had citizen band radios i could say 'breaker breaker ten four, this is CB on the CB streamin out on channel 19, anyone read back? Bobcat, you got me?'

    anyways, my vote goes to moe.ron - still have that storybook about jesus from the trip, moe.ron?

  19. I just got back from one of the sickest shows i've ever been to. Although it wasn't Jamband fare, there was a load of emotion and energy. I'm talking about And You Will Know Them by the Trail of the Dead, with Blurtonia and Explosions in the Sky. *Drool* trail of the dead has some definite post rock feel but it reminded me of an iggy pop meets sonic youth with some Fugazi. I was blown away by how tight the band was and the dynamic flowed allthe time. Loud AND quiet! Anyhow, one band I really should've tied into that was Explosions in the sky...because trail of the dead weren't really really quiet...but Explosions was. Superb! these guys were compared to Godspeed to me awhile earlier and i understood the similarity but they're very unique. It was the kind of music you'd like to listen to on a beautiful day and just look up at the rippled clouds or the hues of the atmosphere...just trippy envelloping droning harmonies filled with intricate melody...with great changes and awesome sounds. A Bass optional unit...3 guitar players can be very cool . Awesome awesome time. Blurtonia opened, Ian Blurton's band(ex change of heart) - rock out supreme! i loved it. If these bands would've made their songs mroe epic I think the world would be a better place but it's getting there.

    Explosions in the Sky 3.19.02

    Yasmin the Light

    Greet Death


    Six Days at the bottom of the Ocean

    Magic Hours

    ...trail fo the dead 3.19.02






    fake Eyes

    It Was there


    How Near


    Aged Dolls


    Totally Natural

    From rock out to swirling creative inspiration to emotional unleash, tonight was super.

    Sometimes you need aggression and raw feeling to offset the cloudy haze a funk groove can float you on.

    the drummer/guitar/vox of trail of the dead was climbing on the bass bins, got into the stage, hwe even smashed a beer bottle and got a reluctant fan to slit his wrist..but the fan was hesitant enough to make it only cosmetic...which was enough for me...really awesome time...Someone videotaped it...it'd be cool to find a copy.

  20. We're all talking about cool edgy kids' cartoons...what about Doctor Snuggles?? that's an animated acid trip right there. A lot of the scripts were done by douglas adams and you can't go wrong with a talking house and umbrella...

    one of the best non-organic things to ever come from the netherlands.

  21. that dude falls under the title of conventional jazz fan. I hate it when people pick apart music to try to understand it. It's groove oriented music, not avant garde jazz.

    I understand that uberjam is a great album but i know how to understand this music. That dude doens't because he can't adapt - which is what jazz is all about...adapting to ideas and expressing thought and feeling. Scofiend wants to express confidence, happiness, and life and this dude has his head up his ass so far he forgot that scofield's ideas aren't supposed to be in there. A player like that doens't pull anyhting out of his (or anyone else's) ass but I do understand where he's coming from...when you learn about music you forget about learnign about expression and creativity. That's why a lot of new jazz has been so boring(up until very recently) - people forget about the essence of sound and the mind because they can't learn it in music school.

    too bad that guy is musical and doesn't get it yet.

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