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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. Tough nuggies on everybody. Intent to me is entirely important, but as far as I know, I don't marginalize people in the contexts that would be applicable to this thread. After all, is it up to me to scold someone for being an idiot when I can just move on? If it escalates and remains a constant, then there is more of a basis on which I may be justified to act or not. I think that if we accept one kind of disprespect, we must accept them all. It's ultimitely fair. Not ultimitely kind, but fair. It might be more important to have compassion for the racist, as there could be far more suffering in his/her life than the 'oppressed' person that had just left the room. Immediate action is not always the wisest plan of action.
  2. I thought the Baha'i's were set on having [color:purple]world peace. What are you getting at, TB?
  3. ethics and morality. Something often missing from politics.
  4. 5-htp is a nutritional supplement available at nearly any drugstore or health food and vitamin store. It is a seratonin prodrug - it promotes the creation of Seratonin in your Pituitary gland. And if you're looking at supplents, check out emergen-c Mineral ascorbates (vitamin c) and b vitamins that make a fizzy drink. I prefer it to gatorade. www.emergenc.com
  5. Depends on how much a racist 'comment' is a racist 'act' Freedom of speech skews the validity of this study and pulls the Political Correctness card. What is a 'Racist Act'? Is it a display of anger and hatred? Is it anything that exhibits 'racism'? "“People often make inaccurate forecasts about how they would respond emotionally to negative events. They vastly overestimate how upset they would feel in bad situations such as hearing a racial slur,â€" What deems a situation where a racial slur is involved as being 'bad' Perhaps the overall situation is more of a gauge than the slur itself. How is someone to know the intended meaning of a racial slur? How different then could 'Fatso' be than 'Nigger' in some situations? Disrespect is disrespect. Creating the idea of exclusion based upon outward physical appearance is unfair and overwhelmingly accepted. This is a point worth considering.
  6. This is an interesting read. Could it be yet another piece in the mideast peace puzzle? Khazaria
  7. Why couldn't you go to work? If you take extacy and go to work you're still at work. As far as the 5-htp and melatonin, I would suggest against eating that many 5-htp, as the 5-htp promotes the creation of seratonin in your pituitary gland. eat too many and your stomach won't like you. But it's a decent semi-regular regimen, as it is a very important neurochemical. Seratonin is the chemical your pineal gland produces when you sleep. might not be the best thing to eat at work... You'd feel awesome but not necessarily high like Extacy is touted to.
  8. I guess it depends on how you look at the term 'allies' the Other parties' best interest at heart? no. Is that really the reason parties ally themselves with others? In Politics? BWM - you must be way nicer than me. Am I being too cynical here?
  9. "$33/hour isn't too bad for a student." you're right. But arguably, still below the poverty line which is easily the more important vantage point.
  10. It's good, Booche, that you care about your friends enough to try to get them to not eat at Arby's...
  11. Hold on... "Adam Wookey, a director of the Canadian-based Purepillz, agrees." Wookey? come on.
  12. Just eat a bottle of 5-htp, a handful of melatonin, and wash it down with a red bull. Good to Go.
  13. "I don't understand how they can be considered allies of Israel." Are you for real? Because when the Jews die, then the Christians win. Funny how it's all the same God but so many people think it's 'us versus them' It's going to be amazing to see how this all plays out. "There are no winners in this game. " That's why I don't play the game. I hope that people realize the exact reason that this topic shouldn't be looked at as a 'debate' or one to take sides is that there are no winners. Hopefully people will eventually be comfortable sharing ideas and knowledge about all sides of this, as it's an entirely important piece of the puzzle in world history, religion, spirituality, and anthroplogy.
  14. From HistoryCommons.org Swung American public opinion in their favour? Just swung them away from the Terrorists...coercing any 'proud' citizen out of looking at any of this from any other perspective. Insane fearmongering hate always stems from something and is kept rolling by some means, even if it gets drawn out for entirely different reasons than what instagates that hate. Wish I could take a side, but both sides are killing innocent people and it really does seem curious how it can be allowed to happen if this all isn't not the intentional outcome. Also curious is how, as a stretch, some of this could also be in the 'Yay God' thread.
  15. SaggyBalls

    Sushi Kan

    awesome. I hope to check it out sometime soon. I miss sushi. glad it was good. I think appetizer #4 is closest to what I always look for on a menu at a Japanese restaurant which is Salmon Kama. I'm glad no octopus isn't a dealbreaker for me too. Aside from that this place looks like a seriously hidden gem.
  16. Reason is complex and only intimidating because of how complex it can be... ...but it's like real gear and is really the least intimidating from my perspective... Software's the best first step unless you need hardware...which I think is very cool.
  17. I am so glad you didn't take that too harshly. I also believe that we live in a great place here in Canada. Unfortunately, 'Society' is not the Government, and as a whole, our Government isn't always doing what is best for 'society' in my opinion. Quietly managing it enough to not really do much to move us forward isn't really that inspirational. if spending is really the issue, and getting you money is an issue, then how did your vote accomplish this? Maybe this would be best to revisit after the budget? I find it entirely unfortunate that Canadians, as smart as we are, have to be sold a platform and its ideas. Why should we need a pitch? Every election I feel marginalized by the 'not too soft but not too hard' sales approach of the major parties. I bet we'll see a big change in parliament yet again in the next couple of months. I suppose that it IS just money and we can always print more. It's actually worth anything anyway.
  18. When I saw them open up for Joshua Redman at the Vancouver jazz Festival I was impressed but by no means floored, but since I'd gone to check them out and felt I got all of my ticket's worth out of that set, I can only imagine what a show you got in New York City.
  19. $350 for a microkorg is awesome. It's definitely a great portable tool. Novation's x-station is (from what I understand) a great mide/audio interface with loads of user assignable controls. It might be exactly what you're looking for, but about $300 more than Dave's MicroKorg. There are a number of really cost effective midi controllers on the market...especially used gear that's well taken care of. People always want to upgrade their cheap stuff. You need to start with cheap stuff. Someone else will want your cheap stuff when you can afford nicer stuff.
  20. Well I'm glad you folks are adding to this thread. In trying to understand the history of the 'issue', I came across a map of 'Palestine' that the was proposed...that looked quite a bit like 'Israel' and has 'arab' and 'jewish' territories. So in my reading I understood that the basis of the 'issue' is that the Arab world doesn't RECOGNIZE Israel to be a genuine nation, and was imposed illegally. The 'destruction of Israel' that keeps being used and never explained in the media seems to be the dissolution of the Israeli state and a return to terming the entire area 'Palestine' and having Jewish and Muslim Palestinean territories and citizens. Why should any country exist based solely on its ethnic makeup? 'Palestine' (the Muslim Territories) have been under Israeli occupation for 40 years. How could these marginalized people be expected to retaliate in any way aside from how they have been? Hold them down, keep them stupid confused and agitated, and not expect them to act like caged animals...seems that Israel and the West must have some bigger plan for all of this or be entirely ignorant of the entire situation.
  21. So not really using your vote to influence any sort of foresight and change? Way to keep the status quo rolling along, buddy.
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