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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. 'a money loser everytime' fantastic! what do the maritimes and alberta do right/have to offer? why do they work so well? is it because people actually crave entertainment there or because people there drink more? or is it both?
  2. makes me want to visit chicago every time i listen.
  3. i didn't poo poo the content but generally expect music related features on the front page. way to go kung for changing that... i personally look forward to seeing some of kung's dance moves one of these days. wait!! would that be zero?? all these multiple personalities makes board life confusing.
  4. i remember seeing drums and tuba at the embassy. turned into a punk/live hip hop club when i was in town...it's easier to rip off bands that don't like to 'sell out' good luck in london. you won't get to play the office during the school year without a buzz/indie snob following though...few people will actually admit to liking tony lima for the same reasons people resent eugene haslam in ottawa. he runs a music venue in a difficult town. the other places run bars that are trying to stay afloat. yikes.
  5. congrats. Kelly's is a nice little pub. I'll have to remember this when I'm back home visiting.
  6. jesus! damn basher making me look unoriginal.
  7. good luck getting a date when the word cockburn is involved.
  8. i still miss the saxy logo
  9. hey matt. best of luck. wish i could listen to audio here at work. get to those kiddies.
  10. what about making guns into guitars? somebody ring up giggles.
  11. i thought monday was a great day for posting...apparently not on the upstream board. all you westies speak out!
  12. i'll have to make christmas land in january.
  13. they closed out JazzFest in Gastown this year as the 'mystery groove band' - which is pretty apt because most people still haven't heard of these guys. i find that suprising. I always figured they'd be a great party band. They've got chops but don't show them off. They have loads of presence and a huge sound. Definitely funky and gonna be a great time.
  14. how'd the show go?? come on. it was a full blown party - especially for a tuesday!! hi-ball night meets a farewell party?? it was such a great time. Well worth the achey wednesday.
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