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Everything posted by MarcO

  1. I put some water to cover the gunk and bring that back up to a boil. Helps loosen the gunkage.
  2. Please come to Ottawa and the show on Saturday. If you do' date=' Booche will dote on and be fixated by you, leaving the rest of us in peace. If you don't, he'll either not show up at all, or show up and need an object for his "cavity explorations," said explorations made more intense by his frustration and unrequited longing, which could just be messy, metaphorically and literally. Yes, it might be difficult for you, but such a sacrifice made for "the team" will be handsomely rewarded karmically. Aloha, Brad[/quote'] ::: seriously reconsidering my membership on this board :::
  3. Deeps is cool. I don't know what your problem is.
  4. ::: seriously reconsidering my weekend plans :::
  5. Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Note the name and note it well Father of the modern age His inventions are all the rage Of course there was the telephone He’d be famous for that alone But there’s 50 other things as well From Alexander Graham Bell Edison had cylinders But Bell made records flat Which we remember gratefully When we play our floppy or CD Of course there was the telephone He’d be famous for that alone But there’s 50 other things as well From Alexander Graham Bell Born in Scotland, moved away To Canada and the USA Studied speech, took a wife Helped the deaf all his life Came up with a threshing machine Before he made it to a teen After years of sweat and toil He invented the hydrofoil The respirator was his chance To save his baby’s life And just like the Brothers Wright He got heavily into flight Of course there was the telephone He’d be famous for that alone But there’s 50 other things as well From Alexander Graham Bell Graham Bell, Alexander, It is tantamount to slander To call him just a scientist Why his inventions top the list Edison, he was a thief And Tesla nuts beyond belief But Alexander was a gent So philanthropic, so well meant Founded Science Magazine Wrote a book for kids Because he was a caring fellow Gave a hand to Helen Keller Of course there was the telephone He’d be famous for that alone But there’s 50 other things as well From Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Bell, Graham Modern life would sure be mayhem Without tetrahedral cells X-rays, faxes, decibels I think I’d say, and it’s no fiction Without fear of contradiction He improved our lot a smidgeon From the age of carrier pigeon Television was a thing That he had all prepared But he left that to his pupil John Logie Baird Of course there was the telephone He’d be famous for that alone But there’s 50 other things as well From Alexander Graham Bell -Richard Thompson
  6. I'm going to go moon the moon.
  7. Bands should play whatever they want when they want, with little to no regard for their fans' wishes. Since when is making art a popularity contest?
  8. "These are my last words........ I dig music. I'M ON DRUGS!!!!"
  9. then you'd smell my boner all the way from Las Vegas.
  10. thank God for those other hundreds of threads then.
  11. absolutely, and #3 logically follows from #1.
  12. Kuroda passed out at the lighting desk at a Vida Blue show sometime in early 2004. Sands had to go up and physically rouse him, mid-show, while Page just glared at the booth from the stage. A week before the Vegas '04 shows it was announced that Kuroda would not be attending the shows due to "personal reasons". During that run of shows, *someone* in or around Phish OD'd and had to be taken to the hospital. A month later, Trey's letter announcing the break-up, followed by Page's a week or two later. It is not hard to figure that drugs played a huge role in the end of Phish. Not the whole story, but a big part of it. And yeah, what I just shared cannot be verified. Take it or leave it. I reject plenty of hearsay, but not all of it. You just gotta keep tabs on who is dishing the dirt.
  13. nothing to dish other than years of observation, trying to sort out fact from fiction on freewheeling message boards. I think I've got enough common sense and experience to be able to do that, although I admit there's no hard fast truths to be found in doing so. Trey and Brad Sands thick as theives, Kuroda going to rehab and missing the Vegas '04 shows, and let's not assume that McConnell - despite his level personality - was clean as pie either. Apparently he was a fiend as well. Trey has admitted that things spun out of control backstage around 1998. Harder drugs create dark, insular scenes and I think it is safe to assume Trey was not the only one around Phish to get lost in them.
  14. Oh, I think it played the main role, except it wasn't only Trey that was facing some serious issues.
  15. I guess I'm not partying with Hux in a couple of weeks then! Pass it on brah!
  16. ...that you have to share. sharing's the whole point.
  17. I really think the spread of pharmies had a lot to do with the degradation of the whole "hippie" scene, particularly in regards to what I witnessed around Phish shows. Of course, they've always been around but it seems it's just in the past seven years or so they've been the buzz-of-choice for thousands of wasted twits. Combine those with cheap cocaine and you have a lot of tweaked out losers wandering around out there. Really, what is the damn problem with smoking a spliffy with your pals and drinking some beers?
  18. MarcO

    WTTS disc

    hey Deeps, Tarkus is an Emerson, Lake and Palmer album. please continue.
  19. Yeah, Phish tour will help keep him clean.
  20. Trey loves drugs and drugs love Trey.
  21. it's "Different Names For The Same Thing" that just kills me. "Crooked Teeth" makes me crank out air guitar. and yes, "Soul Meets Body" is a PERFECT pop song. Love it.
  22. I'll come out and say it...... I LOVE this album from start to finish. I love beer too.
  23. I've seen it. It's ok, you're not missing much.
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