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Everything posted by MarcO

  1. not "The Information". He's just not by cup of tea.
  2. this may be the one thing that is confusing about it all. bingo, thanks.
  3. I thought the interview was pretty funny but I admit I am already growing a bit weary of Borat repeating the same jokes everywhere he goes. He's just funny to look at! also, I got the impression, Letterman was not too impressed with his guest and simply humoured him. Anyone else get that feeling? I turned it off after Borat because Beck is an overrated curio in music history, all style and little substance ("Sea Changes" the exception). I have opinions!
  4. the post template fails me most times. I've tried to post a few things but got frustrated and gave up.
  5. Pink Floyd - Obscured By Clouds. underrated.
  6. I won't be catching any shows but I can attest to Peter Elkas' talent. He's a quality singer songwriter who looks far too much like Sam Roberts. Did I just write that? Well, nonetheless, his music is solid, as far as I've heard.
  7. Deep fried anything is good. Who are you people kidding??
  8. listen, I realize I may have a rep of dogging on Trey the past couple of years but it's not entirely true. My take on him is that the guy is trying new things, working with different musicians - commendable ambitions. He's a working musician, and it's just that from my perspective not much he has done has worked, but at least he's trying. I'm just not buying what he's currently selling. But I still check him out because I haven't totally lost faith in him yet. But what I saw last night was just bad playing. Not little flubs or mistakes, just bad, bad musicianship. I was blown away at how degraded his skills were last night. Bum notes and hesitant, clipped phrases galore in his playing, and vocally he was a complete shambles. He didn't seem to pay any attention to anyone else's contributions. And he performed as though he'd be sure to be the last to get the memo. It was just depressing. What happened to this guy? Jenny Lewis & the Watson Twins, on the other hand, were delightful. And together, musically.
  9. This has been just terrible so far. I think I'm bailing. I hope things coalesce a little better from here on out. I'm blown away at how limp and shambolic these guys sound. just my opinion. And I was looking forward to this!
  10. Trey/Phil. I wish I was enjoying this more.
  11. That was an interesting night. Kenny looked hilarious and there were a lot of great costumes. Probably the best jamming I've heard from the Fat Cats in a while to be honest. They really nailed it all but kept things pretty loose too. Just seemed like things were fired up a notch all around. rock on.
  12. would you say there were a lot of smiling dreadies and young earth types??
  13. in their heydey, they were a remarkable band, no doubt! this reunion tour will SUCK! CONFIRMED!
  14. ah man....... I wish Phil the best of luck and full remission.
  15. Happy Birthday to ya! Hope you have a great one!
  16. I look forward to buying their new CD on December 8th in Hamilton.
  17. for your amusement and edification: C Sharp? What's C Sharp?
  18. ahhhh.. this is the Question of The Ages!
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