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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. For those of you driving to the University of Waterloo show, there is parking really close to the Bombshelter. Look for St. Jerome's

    collage, which is off of Westmount.

    For anyone at Tungsten's before the show, we'll probably be cabbing it to the show, unless anyone wants to be the DD.

    See you tomorrow night!

    Peace, Mark

  2. Good luck Shane ... It sounds sweet but I can't make it tomorrow ... hopefully I can for one or more of the October shows ... I hope it is the start of something great for you and Pepper Jack's ... I've heard really good things about the venue so I hope it works out.

    Peace, Mark

  3. When I read MarcO's interview with Darren of the New Deal, Darren and the band seemed very supportive of the "jam" scene. Here is a question and answer from the interview:


    Does it sometimes seem perplexing that you are often associated with the “jamband” scene and do you find that tag at all frustrating?

    Not at all. I find a lot of bands dwell way too much on explaining why

    they’re not a "jamband". Although, in our case, I have found that a lot of people explain that although we are not a jamband, people in that scene take a liking to our music. The jamband scene has been an integral part of our growth and I think will continue to be a great scene for us to play to.


    That sounds fairly supportive to me. In the interview, Darren also talks about playing in Canada and the U.S. - again, I don't find him saying anything negative about the Canadian scene.

    To read the complete interview you can click here:

    link to the New Deal interview

    Peace, Mark

  4. Fuzzydude is right ... it is not a seamless sets show after all. That was the plan a while ago, but the plan has changed.

    Sorry for any confusion ... it is still going to be a wickedly wonderful show!!!

    Party at Tungsten's starting at 6 p.m., doors at 8 p.m., show starts at 10 p.m. with nero opening, after-party back at Tungsten's.

    See you on Friday!

    Peace, Mark

  5. Saturday November 2 … one night only.

    Music starts at 9 p.m. in the saloon.

    It's a Halloween party so wear your costume!!!

    3 great bands:

    Guest House

    Friends of Hefner

    Mark Wilson & The Way It Is

    $20 per ticket (advance price) includes camping.

    $25 at the door.

    Tickets are limited - get them early.

    If you are planning to stay overnight and want a warm spot to sleep, cabins are available to rent but space is limited - reserve in advance.

    For more info or to reserve a cabin and/or tickets:

    call Rick at (519)369-6954 or

    Mark W. at (519)751-0762 or (519)759-1335

    or email Mark W. at wilcometogether@hotmail.com

    Frontier Town web site

    Peace, Mark

  6. Thanks for the great offer, Eric ... that is going to be one great night of music and partying.

    Here are the show details:

    Friday Sept. 27

    Jomomma & nero

    seamless sets

    at the University of Waterloo (at a cool on-campus venue called The Bombshelter)

    starting at 10 p.m.

    You don't need to be a U of W student to get in - just bring your photo id and sign yourself in

    $4 for U of W students / $6 for the rest of us

    with a pre and post show party in Kitchener courtesy of Tungsten Gruvsten ......

    I don't want to speak for Eric in response to the question "What's in Guelph?" ... but I know that a beautiful woman lives there [big Grin]

    Hope to see a bunch of you on Friday Sept. 27!

    FYI, for those of you considering coming from out of town, nero is playing in Guelph the next night (Saturday), and Jomomma is playing in London.

    Peace, Mark

  7. Justin,

    If you are comfortable with shn discs, email me your mailing address and I'll send you the Umphrey's McGee 00-07-03 show in shn format. You don't need to send me anything other than your mailing address.

    Peace, Mark


  8. A funkin' great show, non-stop danceable funky grooves. I was most impressed with the fact that Deep Banana Blackout truly is a band ... no one person dominates or is the "star" of the show. Yes Hope is the front woman, who sings, plays the sax and flute, and has a great rapport with the audience, but everyone in the band is solid. Four of them sang, everyone had a chance to show their stuff and solo, and wow, can Fuzz play the guitar!

    Thumbs up to the Comfort Zone to making this happen.

    Peace, Mark

  9. About 8 months ago, Mike Knoll (MK) and I got together over a beer and decided to pursue a print publication which focused on the Canadian jam/groove music scene. As a result, Scene & Heard was born. Three issues later, we decided to put the venture on hold ... a hiatus, if you will. We both have our reasons ... personally, there are only so many hours in the day, and I feel myself getting spread too thin, so I've decided to refocus my energy, which means giving up a few things.

    A number of people have approached me about Scene & Heard, and most have had positive things to say about it. A few people, including Northern Wish (Sean) and piranha132 (Nina) expressed a serious and sincere interest in helping with the magazine. My "problem" is that at this time I can't commit to working on the magazine, other than providing some contact info and forwarding any emails or inquiries that I get. My understanding is that MK feels the same. I am all in favour of passing on S&H to anyone who wants to run with it, but I can't really offer much help at this time. I'm not sure when my situation will change, which is why I am supportive of anyone who wants to take on S&H at this time.

    If someone wants to step forward and run with Scene & Heard, I say "go for it" and I look forward to reading issue 4 of the magazine. If nobody currently has the time and energy to run with it, then it can sit and simmer on the backburner for now ...

    After communicating with MK, I am confident that he is also supportive of anyone who wants to take over the whole S&H project.

    I hope that this post helps to clarify the current state of Scene & Heard magazine.

    Peace, Mark

  10. Here is a Labour Day Frontier Town story that includes both my "ugliest" moment and my funniest moment from the weekend:

    I arrived at Frontier Town on Saturday, still high from the Evolve experience and from a wonderful camping trip with my family. Saturday was an absolute blast, as I connected with numerous friends. Nothing but smiling faces, laughter, hugs, stories … and awesome music. I arrived at about 1 p.m. and from that moment on I felt so comfortable, so relaxed, so peaceful … except for one very strange and ugly moment that happened on Sunday morning after the sun rose (at about 8 a.m., I guess).

    I had stayed up all night and at about 8 a.m. I decided to head back to the saloon with backbacon, a.k.a. Keri Kennedy. We were going to listen to some tunes and continue the party. As we entered the saloon, I said something like "Here we are, the saloon party." There was nobody else in the saloon, other than 2 guys. One of them looked at us and said something like "What saloon party, where are all the f*!ckin' sluts. And you two guys are faggots." This guy was 20 something, fairly clean cut … reminded me of a university/college student who had too much to drink and too much testosterone in his system. After a small exchange between him and backbacon, he left. Strange, ugly, and certainly the exact opposite of the amazing vibe that I had enjoyed until then. Just for the record, I'm not gay, but even if I was … so what!!! It continues to amaze me that people can be so homophobic/sexist/racist/etc.

    Well, I shook off the event fairly quickly, forgot about it, and after a whole day of partying, dancing, socializing, etc. I found myself dancing to the sweet sounds of nero. And they really started to cook, so I really started to dance. I was dancing so hard that I was flying … so much so that sarahbelle and jenn decided to give me a pair of fairy wings to wear. I laughed as I put them on and continued to boogie like there was no tomorrow, and after a while I found myself next to backbacon. He turned to me and said something like "Imagine what our buddy from the saloon would say if he saw us now." Wow … talk about funny … I was bursting with laughter and couldn't contain myself. I had to share the whole story with someone. I found MK near the soundboard and relayed the whole story to him … absolutely hilarious … I am chuckling uncontrollably as I write this, so you can imagine how funny it was to me at the time. An ugly moment turned into a great moment.

    I had to share that …

    And backbacon, you are one hot dude!

    Peace, Mark

  11. Wow,

    It's been a while since I've visited the Sanctuary ... I've got lots of catching up to do at some point ...

    Just a quick note to say that the CTMF at Frontier Town was fantastic ... great weather, a very relaxed vibe, and awesome music. Every act that I saw/heard was sweeeeet, but the best musical surprise of the weekend was Caution Jam playing a tasty version of BNB's Down With The Sound ... what a treat. Plus they busted out a rockin' Alabama Getaway right after.

    More to follow ...

    Peace, Mark

  12. Got back last night after driving straight back ... wow! ... one of the best weekends of my entire life ... there will be lots of stories, pics and music from the weekend I am sure ... I've got to run for now as I'm heading out camping for a few days and then to Frontier Town ... put this event on your calendar for next year ... bravo to the organizers for running an awesome festival.

    And Northern Wish, sorry for punching you in the face on Friday night [Wink] ... that full moon made me crazy [Wink]

    Peace, Mark

  13. The schedule is not finalized yet, but it is getting close. Here is how it currently stands:

    FRIDAY (still being finalized)

    Slow Nerve Action


    SATURDAY (in order of appearance)

    Erin Smith Band

    Special Ed & The Musically Challenged

    Blue Quarter


    Fat Cats (on the main stage starting at midnight ... it's their 10 year anniversary show!!!)

    Diesel Dog (late night in the saloon)

    SUNDAY (in order of appearance)

    Greg Upshaw

    Friends of Hefner


    Caution Jam

    nero (closing on the main stage)

    Mark Wilson & The Way It Is (late night in the saloon)

    This is going to be a great weekend at Frontier Town!!!

    Be sure to visit the Frontier Town website for more info ...

    CTMF at Frontier Town web site

    Peace, Mark

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