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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. I've never seen either band, but I'm thinking that this will be one sweet night of music.

    I've talked to 3 people that have seen Highway Freeker lately, and all 3 of them were very impressed. An awesome female vocalist, from what I've been told, and a great band sound.

    Imagine that ... there will actually be 2 women on stage for a jam show! [Cool] !

    Peace, Mark

  2. Hey there MoMack,

    Hamilton has it right ... it's almost imposible to teach in the public system without a B Ed.

    I have a Business degree but in my first year there was 1 section of law as part of my teaching assignment ... I really enjoyed it and have been teaching law ever since. Now I teach mostly law (4 out of 6 classes).

    In Grade 11 we do Canadian law, with a huge focus on criminal law and some civil law (Family, Torts, Contracts) ... very little constitutional law.

    In Grade 12 we do lots of Constitutional law (focused on the Charter), some criminal law, and some other topics (e.g. international law, labour law, etc. depending on how much time we have).

    In both years I run mock trials with my classes, which are a lot of fun and a great learning experience, imo.

    It's a really good job, except for all of the external factors (e.g. "teacher bashing" by the government) and except for the marking, which I am avoiding by replying with this post [big Grin]

    And it's a great job in July and August, but don't do it for that reason. I know a few people that have bailed on this profession because they hated it. It is not for everyone. Yes the holidays are nice, but there are still many more teaching days than holidays.

    Time to get back to my marking ...

    Peace, Mark

  3. High school law and business studies teacher, with a serious music hobby (some would say addiction - I guess I need to make a jamaholic confession at some point).

    And yes, visions of Christmas holidaze are dancing in my head ......

    And wow, what an interesting range of jobs/careers/occupations/situations. Very refreshing. It can get pretty stagnant hanging around with teachers all the time.

    Peace, Mark

  4. Thursday December 19th @ Jimmy Jazz in Guelph

    Friday December 20th @ The Rivoli in Toronto (NLE presents)

    Saturday December 21st @ The Bacchus Lounge in London

    It's holiday party time! [big Grin] !

    How many of you beautiful people will be at one or more of these shows? I'm thinking that a 3 day run would be a blast! The only thing stopping me from hitting all 3 shows is the Fat Cats show on Sat. Dec. 21 at Pepper Jack's in Hamilton, which will also be sweet. But I'll be at the nero Guelph and Toronto shows for sure, and will see how things unfold on Sat. Dec. 21.

    Hope to see lots of your smiling faces and dancing bodies on Thursday, Friday and Saturday!

    Peace, Mark

  5. Passenger is also in Brantford this weekend, on Fri. Dec. 13 and Sat. Dec. 14 at Purdy's Pub.

    I haven't seen them since Frontier Town but they've been playing a lot lately so I'm confident that they are cooking these days, and I've heard their Tuesday night open mic gig in Guelph has been going really well.

    Peace, Mark

  6. Yo's raffle speech during the May 2002 CTMF is one of the funniest things I have ever heard. Is it still available for download somewhere on the web, for those people that have never heard it? I remember at one point laying on my back and holding my stomach I was laughing so hard as Yo did his thing. And it was extra funny because the sound guy was adding delays to Yo's voice as he spoke ... I laughing out loud to myself as I type this and think about that madness!

    Peace, Mark

  7. wow wow wow wow wow

    What an amazing show and a fabulous time!

    Personal highlights included Robert Hunter's set (man, I wish I didn't miss the start of it) and the whole second set. Every time I thought wow, it doesn't get any better than this, it got better. When they started playing New Speedway Boogie I freaked with excitement, and Susan singing Sugaree ... so so sweet.

    And what a blast, partying all night in the whirlpool and pool at the Holiday Inn with a bunch of great folks.

    Peace, Mark

  8. Definitely hanging in and around the pool at the Holiday Inn before the show, unless the weather ends up being really nice, then I can see heading to the lots for at least a little while before the show.

    I wish that there was a cool afterparty to go to ... other than the one in backbacon's room [Razz] Anyone know of one??? nero playin' nearby? [big Grin] ?

    Interesting, the Holiday Inn called my house yesterday to check if I still wanted the room ... seems as if they've got lots and lots of calls about rooms.

    Hope to see lots of familiar faces on Saturday!!!

    Peace, Mark

  9. at "Someplace Else"

    46 Dalhousie Street


    I've been told by a few people that this is a really cool spot and they are starting to book some sweet shows at this venue. Here is some more info:


    Friday December 6th @ Someplace Else (concert hall)

    $5 @ the door.

    Experience Raw Tribal Rhythmic Jazz with


    and juke to the funk of Hamilton's

    "FAT CATS"



    Thursday December 12th @ Someplace Else (concert hall)

    $5 @ the door.

    Hear the Hypnotic Rhythm of


    And enjoy the acoustics of the




    Looking ahead into the New Year


    Into the New Year we really turn up the heat!

    We are working with NERO management for a show at the end of the month

    Also, another stop with THE ERIN SMITH BAND


    As it looks right now, the wheels are in motion for a DR.DIDG trip up to The Great White North. With any luck we can get those NERO boys back to open for the good Dr.

    Also, we are working on a band from Ithaca called REVISION. These guys are a treat to see live.

    We are looking forward to the return of THE JIMMY SWIFT BAND and GRAND THEFT BUS to Southern Ontario

    Questions or concerns? Email Jamz Maher at moohonk@rogers.com

  10. Hey Estro-Jen,

    Great to see your post in the Sanctuary ... I thoroughly enjoyed your show at Pepper Jack's in Hamilton, as did the people I was there with. Definitely one of the best shows I've been to this year ... so much positive party energy on the stage and in the audience.

    Be sure to give us a head's up the next time you are heading this way.

    Peace, Mark

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