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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. From the AMF web site:


    AMF2004 is pleased to announce the addition of The Derek Trucks Band and Furley to our lineup!

    I remember The Derek Trucks Band from last year's festival ... took the jams to what I thought was a peak and then cranked it up yet another level ... happened about 4 times during his set ... oh ya!

    Peace, Mark

  2. I'm 99.99999999% sure that The Jimmy Swift Band will be closing on the Sunday night ... wowzie wowzie wow wow ... I'll never forget the May 2002 festival when they played that monster set of music to close the main stage on Sunday night. Tonin's sure-to-win bet ... it will be warmer this year when they play than it was in 2002! :):D

    Peace, Mark

  3. Yes, a hot sweaty room and long beer lineups don't mix well. When I finally got to the front of the line after trying various unsuccessful approaches I decided I'd better seize the moment and buy a case of it. It was fun handing a bunch of them out to people ... ho ho ho to Montana Haze :D I will definitely talk to the bar about more bartender help and cooling the room before the next show that I run up there. Still one of my favourite rooms though, along with a great parking lot and the Grand River a short stroll away.

    Greg - I remember watching you as you were watching the band from the side of the stage - you had a look on your face that was a mix of happy grin and blown mind - it must have been during Early Morning Rain - I wish I had a camera to capture the look on your face.

    Floyd - glad you got off of work early - it was a treat as always to have you there.

    number 2 - nice to meet you, thanks to Esau for the introduction - although to be truthful, I'm not sure if I'll know who you are the next time I see you, so if you recognize me, be sure to reintroduce yourself to me. A few new faces and names are blurred together from Friday night ...

    Bokonon ... now I know who you are ... energy matters ... thanks for sharing lots of it, and thanks for your help!

    MamaRed ... what can I say ... any place where you are dancing and smiling the way that you do is going to be a fun place to be!

    Super Freak ... happy birthday! I know it was a busy night because I didn't see a number of people until well into the night, including you. I'm really glad you decided to spend your birthday with all of us, as it's always a treat to have you around at a party!

    Babsy Mudcock, what can I say that I haven't already said ... when you are around, I have a great time, people have a great time ... again, it's that energy thing. Thanks for coming to the show ... it was a treat to have you there, when you got there, period. No apology needed on your part. Sorry I didn't make it to Diesel Doug's place ... I got a ride to Max Webster's, and by the time my brain sorted out that you guys were probably at Diesel Doug's, I needed to be at home with my head on a pillow. So there's my apology back to you :D

    And Schwa, you are a blast to party with - great energy that makes people laugh and smile. Sorry I pooped out on getting back to Scot's on Saturday night, but when Scot called, Liana took one look at me, half-asleep and somewhat dazed and confused laying on my bed, and said "you aren't going anywhere." She's a smart woman and I was a tired man so I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

    Wow, I sat down to read this thread, and wrote a book instead. Time to get some work done!

    Peace, Mark

  4. I had a blast on Friday night upstairs at the Lanc ... a huge thank you to everyone that came out for this show!

    Cheers to those of you that made it out early enough to catch some or all of Harvard Mouse's set. We had fun playing and appreciate the support from our friends.

    Diesel Dog ... I've said it before and I'll say it again ... this band is good ... really good ... really really good!!! One of my favourite bands, that's for sure. I love the balance and fullness in sound that is achieved with Doug's guitar/vocals and Ryan's keys/vocals, Ian holds down the bottom end nicely and gives everything a funky dance groove with his bass playing, Ricky's drumming is super-groovy and solid, and Summer adds nicely to the overall sound with her conga playing and vocals. I can't wait to hear this band outside at the May Come Together Music Fest - hopefully they'll be scheduled later on Saturday or Sunday night to give lots of people a chance to fully appreciate them.

    The Fat Cats ... wow ... they've come a long way since I saw them at Halloween for their first show with Adam and Josh. The new lineup is really starting to gell, and the band was rockin' on Friday night. Lots of smiling faces and dancing bodies for their set, and it was nice to see some long time Fat Cats fans out for this show. I'm sure the band has some new fans as well after this show. The Fat Cats played almost all original material ... they have a collection of fantastic songs that get people humming and singing and reflecting on life. The whole band played really well, but for this show I was especially impressed with Todd's guitar playing. Holy sh*t can Todd Gillies play the guitar!

    Cheers to all of the drummers that joined the drum circles that happened between bands ... the drumming definitely added a festival vibe and audience participation element to the show.

    Special thanks as well to Eric Warren for going above-and-beyond the call of duty with his sound help, to Miranda, Lex, Jenn, George, and everyone else that helped out at the door, to Mark Wilson for the sound gear (even though we didn't realize we had some of it until it was too late! ;)), to Greg and Jen and Scot and Jeff and everyone else that helped out with promotion, to everyone that came out, and to everyone else in case I missed somebody (which I'm sure I must have).

    I look forward to the next time!

    Peace, Mark

  5. Mark Wilson as a musician ... the man has an incredible voice, one that makes me shiver at times when I hear it. He sings from the soul.

    Mark Wilson as a promoter ... one of the key reasons why we have a "jam music scene" in Southern Ontario. He ran the first Come Together Music Festival 5 years ago, and has poured countless hours into each festival since then. And in case people don't realize it, promoting any live music event, especially a festival, requires a substantial amount of risk. Mark has taken the risks and put in the work to build something that we all get to enjoy. Not to mention all of the other shows that he has put on.

    Mark Wilson as a friend ... personally, if it wasn't for Mark, I don't know if I would be involved in the jam music scene to the extent that I am. It was after meeting Mark early in 2001 that I decided to get involved (again) in grassroots live music experiences. I cannot begin to express how enriched my life has become through this whole community. That's a topic for another thread. Mark is a good friend of mine - he's stayed at my house, met my wife Liana and my children, and we've talked and dreamed together about many things. Mark is somebody that I trust to come through when it really counts.

    Peace, love and hugs to Mark Wilson from Mark Tonin

  6. I know that the "camping with kids and families" issue is a concern for some people. I spoke with Mark Wilson about this and many other things last night, and he told me that there will be a separate campground set up this year specifically for people who are attending the festival. Festival goers will have a choice where they camp this year - with the seasonal campers (which includes some families), or in the special "festival campground". More specific info about this will be posted on the festival web site soon.

    As for being "overly-policed", other than the one incident which involved the police and the guy who had lots and lots and lots to drink and was definitely pissing some people off, I personally didn't think it was overly-policed. Yes maybe the campground security people could have told people to slow their driving down in a more friendly way, but really, I thought the security in the camping area and in the music/stage area was pretty reasonable. I didn't see anybody get kicked out for any reason, and I didn't see any security roaming through the campground looking to give people a hard time. Pretty relaxed security compared to most music events that I've attended.

    That's my 2 cents for now ... more small change to follow at some point I'm sure! :D

    Peace, Mark

  7. Mike Bouchard, thanks for creating and maintaining the communication tool that keeps me up-to-date about things that I care about, and that has enabled me to meet and stay in touch with all kinds of awesome people!

    I look forward to seeing you again soon ... it's been too long!!!

    Peace, Mark

  8. Glad to read that the London nero show also kicked! I wish I could have made it, but could only be in one place and decided that after 2 nights of nero I'd make the trip to Hamilton for the Fatties and to hook up with some friends there.

    The Fatties show rocked - Pepper Jack's was busy and the band was in fine form. The Fatties are really tearing it up these days - much tighter and more inspired than earlier in the year, imho. And Shane played the nero Rivoli show during the set break [smile]

    Have a great holiday, everyone - wish I could have hooked up at least once during this holiday run with scottieking, sunshine, sean and nina ... hopefully it won't be too long before I do see you all in person again.

    Peace, Mark

  9. Last night in Guelph ... wozie wow wow!!!

    Thanks to Tungsten & Denise for the pre-party, nero for the party, and Pete & Tasha for the post-party ... although the 2 hours of sleep I got last night just wasn't enough. Lots of fun last night, and the band was cookin'!!!

    I'll have to snooze for a bit after work and/or in the car on the way to Toronto ... I'll see you all tonight at the Rivoli!!!

    Peace, Mark

  10. FYI - I think there are still GREAT tickets available for the Toronto show at Massey Hall through the Flecktones web site. I scored 3rd row Victor's side. They end up costing a bit more than through Ticketmaster because of the exchange rate, but I'm a huge Victor fan so didn't mind paying a bit of a premium.

    The last time I checked there were still 3rd row tickets available ...

    Peace, Mark

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