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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. Great thread!

    The first 2 concerts that I attended with my friends were in 1980. I don't remember which one was first. One was BB Gabor at the Welland Arena (does anyone else know who this is?!?) and the other was Rush & Max Webster at the Aud in Buffalo. Neither one stands out as being that great, but I do have clear memories of both of those concerts.

    At the risk of dating myself, I was 16ish at the time of both of those concerts. It looks like I started going to concerts pretty late in life compared with many of you ...

    Peace, Mark

  2. Whenever I see a show of this caliber I am both awestruck and inspired. An amazing band!

    Thanks to Briguy for making it happen!

    Great to see so many Skanks and familiar faces out to the show, mixed in with a bunch of other people. It was lots of fun for me watching the faces of people who have never seen this band before ... I saw that "oh my goodness, I can't believe what I'm seeing and hearing" look a number of times as I scanned the crowd. Personally, it wasn't the best Béla Fleck and the Flecktones show I've been to, but it was still awesome and it was a huge treat to see the band in such a small venue, surrounded by many friends and familiar faces. And there is no denying that the musicians in this band are simply amazing! And Victor Wooten still makes me shake my head and think about what it means to play the bass guitar.

    Thanks to Wi!!y and Leanne for the amazing hospitality, to Mike and Sharon for making the drive from Ottawa (love you both and it's been too long), to the Sloth for suprising me by being at Wi!!y's before the show, to MK for sharing the exciting news about your new job (congrats!), to Pablo Sanchez and Lara for being at the show (a nice surprise for me!), to Kung for the fanning action (and yes, that was a hilarious moment at the side bar), to Fretman and Lisa for being a part of the festivities at Wi!!y and Leanne's (Fretman can sure play the bass and guitar), to Paisley for the stories and laughs, to Meggo for the visit at Wi!!y and Leanne's (really nice to talk with you ... happy summer festival vibes to you and good luck with the teaching travel adventure plans), to Sheikyerbouti for the positive vibes and conversation (it's been too long!), to Mich (spelling???) for the short but sweet visit, and on and on and on it goes ...

    Once again I shake my head at how fortunate I am to be a part of all of this ...

    Peace, Mark

  3. I've got an extra ticket for the show if anyone needs one. If you live in the Kitchener area and can pick it up from me tonight (or I could drop it off to you) we could work out a sweet deal for the ticket. I paid face value ($40) for the ticket, but if you come out to "Tonin shows" at the Lanc and make it easy for me to get you the ticket, let's talk!

    Email me at markliana@kw.igs.net or private message me if you are interested.

    Can't wait for this show - this band, especially Victor Wooten, blows my mind!

    Peace, Mark

  4. Eric Warren ... so glad that I met you 4 or 5 years ago, via somebody on the Internet (perhaps Sean Taylor or Alan Dodson) through the original Canadian Phish Traders board. I was looking for some Zappa for a friend, you had some, and better yet, it turned out that you lived in the same city as I did! It's been a treat getting to know, working with you, and partying with you over the years.

    And if I'm not mistaken, this birthday is number THIRTY!

    Happy birthday old man! :):D :: ;)

  5. This show is less than a week away, and I'm getting pretty excited by it. I've seen this band 5 times, and am always blown away by the fantastic musicianship. On top of the stellar music, it's always a fun show ... I thoroughly enjoy the witty stage antics of the 4 musicians. And what can I say about Victor Wooten except "wowzie wowzie wow wow"!

    So who else is going?

    Bravo to Brian Carson for bringing a show of this caliber to Hamilton!

    Peace, Mark

  6. I'll see Phish again at some point, but unfortunately not on this tour. Haven't seen them yet since their return from the hiatus. I may have considered some of the June shows if there wasn't so much going on already that is close to home or that I'm already happily committed to ... Kimock, Scofield, Little Feat, Primus and the Adirondack Music Festival are 5 options that I can think of without thinking too hard.

    Peace, Mark

  7. There is a different company promoting the festival this year, but it's still at the same great location, and the lineup is really taking shape nicely, with George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic, Derek Trucks Band, Ekoostik Hookah, nero, Max Creek, Burning Spear, Addison Groove Project, and lots lots more. Here is the official web site for this year's festival:

    Adirondack Music Festival web site

    Peace, Mark

  8. Thanks for the details ... nice to read that it was such a stellar night ... well, most of me is glad to read it, and part of me is sad I missed it. But what stands out the most when I read threads like this one is just how fortunate we all are to be a part of this awesome community of music-loving friends.

    Peace, Mark

  9. That's some sweet news Brian!

    It'll be a treat to have Little Feat back again. Really nice to see that Diesel Dog will get a chance to open up for them this time on a big stage!

    I've already bought my Flecktones tickets, and I'm really excited about this show. Victor Wooten blows my mind every time I see him!

    Thanks for bringing shows of this caliber to Hamilton.

    Peace, Mark

  10. Hey Jaimoe,

    It sounds like we're talking about the same Dave Scully. Dave does play a strat, although it's not black, but the back of it may be. Or maybe he's now got a different guitar than from when you last saw him play. Actually, some pictures of Dave can be found here:


    Dave is the guy in picture number 0012, 0018 and 0020. His hair was probably a lot longer when you last saw him. He's a sweet guitar player with a very fluid style and a tone that reminds me of Garcia or Kimock. Not to say that he's in that league, but he is really good, and he has listened to lots and lots of Dead over the years. It's always a treat to play with Dave. I'm hoping to play some original Tonin songs with Dave at the CTMF, with perhaps some Scully pieces thrown in. Dave knows most of my songs, as we've jammed on and off together for the past 10+ years. I just wished we lived closer together so we could play more!

    Thanks for asking ... it's a small world.

    Peace, Mark

  11. Hmmm, not sure where he did his undergrad, but he just recently got his PhD at U of T. That's why we like to call him Dr. Evil. He is in his mid-to-late 30's, and he does play guitar, so it could be him. A very soft-spoken yet articulate man. Having said that, I am pretty sure there is another guitar-playing Dave Scully out there in the Toronto area as I remember seeing a show advertised a while ago for a Dave Scully that wasn't this Dave Scully.

    Peace, Mark

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