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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. On the optimistic side, an advantage to setting this up in Welland is the idea that it could become *the thing* to do in the city. There are very alternatives for live music in Welland and the surrounding area, so this place could be *it* as far as live music venues.

    Good luck with this Brian!

    Peace, Mark

  2. As somebody who was born and raised in Welland, I'd love to see this venue take off. My trips back home for family visits and holidays would be much more enjoyable! Heck, I may even head back to Welland more often than I do now.

    As somebody who was born and raised in Welland, I must admit that I am less-than-optimistic about the chances of this venture being a successful one. After all, it's Welland we're talking about! I hope that I am wrong about the chances of success!

    Peace, Mark

  3. I had and have zero interest in seeing the various beheading videos out there but I felt ok watching this and I'm glad I did. For whatever reason I wouldn't put this in the sensationalized death video category. I think it's important that citizens of this country see what happened if they so chose.

    I feel the same way Ollie.

    Peace, Mark

  4. I've been following this on the news tonight ... sad and tragic. From the video, it's impossible to see the justification for the force used by the police.

    The bit that disturbs me is the shot of the young red-headed cop giving the prone man 3 decisive shots with his billy club.

    I don't see this Ollie. I think what you might be seeing is the police officer banging his retractable baton onto the ground to get it to retract so that he can put it back into its case on his belt. At least that's what it looks like to me.

    Peace, Mark

  5. I walked into the room shortly after the band started, and my energy level and spirits immediately soared to a wonderful level. A great band and a super crowd of people. I didn't stay for the whole show as I had a full day on Sat. starting at 6 a.m., but what I heard sounded sweet.

    Keep on truckin' Diesel Dog ... you guys keep getting better and better!

    Peace, Mark

  6. Here is a copy of the article about the Boathouse situation that appeared in the local paper on Saturday:

    The future looks uncertain for one of Waterloo Region's most popular live music venues.

    The Boathouse in Victoria Park may not host any more concerts after this weekend.

    A number of shows have been cancelled, including a scheduled performance by Ian North two nights ago and Alfie Smith's Nov. 3 concert.

    Smith and other regular performers at the Boathouse say they had heard rumours about the club's impending closure during the summer, and that those rumours that resurfaced this week.

    Smith said he called Boathouse manager Kevin Doyle on Thursday and learned that his gig would be cancelled and would not be rescheduled for another date.

    "(Doyle) said it was closed and all the shows are cancelled," Smith said yesterday in an interview.

    "It's a shame because . . . it was one of the good blues rooms around. It has the right atmosphere for the blues."

    Contacted by phone yesterday, Doyle said it was too early to declare that the Boathouse is closing and that he "really can't confirm anything either way yet."

    What he would confirm is that he will no longer be working at the city-owned venue after this month.

    "I'm leaving," Doyle said. "I'm done at the end of the month. I've had enough."

    Doyle's departure and the concert cancellations came as a surprise to staff at the City of Kitchener.

    "It's news to us," Doug Hergott, manager of facilities management, said Wednesday.

    "No one at city hall knows anything about the closing."

    Over the past couple of years, the intimate venue on the waterfront in Victoria Park has hosted regular blues, roots, folk and alt-country concerts.

    The Boathouse has provided a stage for the annual Kitchener Blues Festival and local blues legend Mel Brown was recently feted there on his 68th birthday.

    Many of the top players on the local music scene, such as Lucas Stagg and Shannon Lyon, have hosted popular series at the club.


    Peace, Mark

  7. just finished work so i'll dig in and figure out what is going on. if the boathouse is off.. we need to find something else in k town quick. i still want a k town show to happen. i'll be back.

    Hey Ricky,

    Hopefully something works out if The Boathouse is not a go for Friday. Keep us posted. And let me know if you need any info re: the Lanc.

    The only other last-minute possibility I can think of is downstairs at the Walper, where Scot and Becky had their wedding party.

    Peace, Mark

  8. I think that photogeek (Mike Christie) may have taken the one shown above. He did take some excellent black and white pics back in 2001 of Mark Wilson. I suggest sending him a private message.

    I've got a copy of his pics somewhere ... I'll see if I can hunt them down but that could be a big challenge at the moment.

    Peace, Mark

  9. Mark, it's been a long time. Would love to see you out for this. Miss you bro. Can't wait to chill with BLR. This will definitely be one of the highlights of the year.

    Yes, it's been a while for sure. I haven't been out much lately ... lots of work and family stuff is keeping me busy. I hope that things are well with you, and it's nice to read that this show is happening.

    This show certainly makes me want to get out. Having said that, the weekends before and after it are packed for me, so we'll have to see. But I'm thinking that I'll likely make the journey to Hamilton for this show, because BLR and his band turn my crank.

    Bobby Lee Rodgers knows how to play guitar, that's for sure. I'm sure that Jimmy Herring and Col. Bruce Hampton would agree. He's a guy with lots of jazz training who knows how to rock and groove and write catchy songs. And from what I can tell after the last show at Pepper Jacks, he seems like a really cool guy ... easy to talk with, intelligent, etc.

    Hopefully people will make it out for this!

    I notice that they don't yet have a show scheduled for the Wed. before or the Fri. after ... hmmm ...

    Peace, Mark

  10. Although the risk of a "shooting" or crisis incident happening at a school in Canada is likely higher than it was 20 years ago, I personally don't think that the risk is that great.

    I believe that we've gone overboard with lockdown drills and emergency response procedures, just as I believe that we've gone overboard with the war on terror.

    I definitely expressed my concern after our lockdown last year. The lockdown caused a lot of stress, and could have led to a disaster if one of those police guns had been fired. In my opinion, there was no need for guns to be drawn; the response was extreme given the incident.

    Our lockdown procedure was looked at and revised after the incident, hopefully for the better.

    I wish I had time to write more, but I've got to head back to school for parent-teacher night.

    Peace, Mark

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